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tx_tuff 05-16-2011 08:28 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
The 40th Natural and the 40th Maduro LOL

Trent0341 05-16-2011 08:36 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I thought the 40th was ok... I have another sitting in my humi that I'll have to revisit. I think the previous 40th I smoked rott. So far my favorite has to be the 1964 Exclusivo (M). Great cigar.

That being said, along with the 80th I also haven't tried the 45 or 46. I have one or two of all three sitting in my humi so maybe one of those will change my mind. Hard to beat a Padron thats for sure.

RevSmoke 05-16-2011 09:28 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
'64 Principe
'26 #35
(and all in the maduro)

N2 GOLD 05-16-2011 10:57 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I like them all but the 2 & 3 K's I can some all day... :dr

Starscream 05-16-2011 12:14 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
1964 Principe maddie:tu

gnukfu 05-16-2011 05:25 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
The thousand series, 40th, 26 #35

FelonyRuckus 05-17-2011 03:49 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
45th maduro
46th maduro

lilwing88 05-17-2011 03:55 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
Londres Maduro
80th Maduro

sofaman 05-17-2011 05:43 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I have honestly never had a bad one, But my favorites are the PAM 26 80th,9 and 35 :tu:dr

GodOfFire 05-18-2011 12:07 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
Heck I just love Padrons period. Favs are the 64, the 45 FR and the 40th. I have only smoked on of th 80ths and it was ok. However I still have three more from the original release and this reminds me to dig one out soon.

Adriftpanda 05-18-2011 05:09 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I love 26th #9 but after tonight, I would have to give it to the 46th. What an awesome cigar.

GodOfFire 05-18-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1266508)
I love 26th #9 but after tonight, I would have to give it to the 46th. What an awesome cigar.

I'm gonna have to try that one soon!

Mutombo 05-20-2011 10:07 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
1926 #2 maddy, and 1964 principe maddy.

ASU Maduro 05-24-2011 12:04 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I would have to say the 1964 Anniversary Principe Maduro. Around 2001 – 2002, I was out of work for 5 months. When I finally landed a job, my dad and I hit the local B&M and he bought this for me. It was like smoking silk.

Ranger_B 05-24-2011 01:18 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I have yet to have a padron I have not loved. If I had to choose I would be the 45th maddie and the 1964-piramide.

TBone 05-24-2011 01:50 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
1964 Diplimaticos hands down

NoahBDH 05-25-2011 12:08 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
Cant go wrong with any of them.
1964 torpedo Maduro
1926 No 2 Natural
6000 Maduro

BlindedByScience 05-25-2011 01:35 PM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
The folks from Padron know very well how to make a great cigar, across price ranges. That takes skill. I have more Padron in my cabinet than any other single brand....they are that good, IMHO.

Having said that, I would have to say that the Padron 45th maduro is one of the very best smokes I've ever had. I can only think of a couple of other smokes that made the kind of impression on me that the 45th did. A very special cigar, to be sure....:tu

baddevildog82 05-26-2011 08:12 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
I 64 Principe with a nice cup of coffee, or a 1926 #1.

issues 05-26-2011 08:30 AM

Re: Your Favorite Padron Cigars
For me it is the :

44th FR Maduro
1926 Natural No. 2
80th Anni Maduro
1964 El Principe Maduro

In that order. :tu

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