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Remo 04-18-2011 07:37 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by HollywoodQue (Post 1238686)
I was issued the Glock almost 12 years ago and then, I thought this was one of the better semi-auto's out there.....BUT, we Detroit Police Dept, changed over to the S&W MP40 and I love it. I have shot expert with the Glock since I was issued it back in 1997, usually scoring no less than 237 out of 250.

Since changing to the M&P, my highest score was 249 out of 250. I love the interchangable hand grips and my groups are more consistence.

I vote for the S&W MP all day. Just my :2

See Justin, we are smarter than you :noon J/K Bro.

hscmit 04-18-2011 08:45 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
the most important thing is how the gun feels in YOUR hand. the best way to make this decision is to actually fire each weapon. holding each will give a good idea but nothing beats a live fire to determine which weapon is the best fit for you

neoflex 04-18-2011 08:50 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
I voted for the M&P. This line is very reliable and it's what I have experience using so I may be partial to them. I have an M&P40 and the gun has operated absolutely flawlessly. Probably over 1,000 rounds through it and not a single jam or FTF. To me if your using it as a carry weapon reliability is what you want as top priority. I couldn't imagine anything worse than finally needing that weapon as your first line of defense and having it fail to go boom. Glocks are reliable too but I have no first hand experience with them.

MurphysLaw 04-18-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 1238572)
Depends on your shooting stance. Test fire each (or at least hold and aim) before coming to a conclusion. It won't be much benefit to you to hear it from a bunch of people with different opinions. You've already settled on 3 great platforms.

:tpd: try to get some range time with each, sometimes putting holes in paper tells way more about how a gun fits how you shoot than anything else

Bageland2000 04-18-2011 09:08 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
I'm getting a handgun soon and have been between the S&W and the Spring XD for a while. Almost positive I'm going with the S&W

Remo 04-18-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
1 Attachment(s)
Here are the two I carry, just to push you over the edge!!!

MiamiE 04-18-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
Are you planning on carrying any of these big guns? I can't imagine it on me.

neoflex 04-18-2011 09:25 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1238779)
Here are the two I carry, just to push you over the edge!!!

Very nice. Full Size and Compact!:tu

N2 GOLD 04-18-2011 10:50 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
GLOCK all the way...

I have the Glock 30 & 36 both 45 cal.

Glock 30: Sub-compact, making it ideal for concealed carry
Glock 36: A slim-down version of the 30 & single-stack magazine

Both are kick A$$ handguns.... :tu

Remo 04-18-2011 10:52 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 1238781)
Are you planning on carrying any of these big guns? I can't imagine it on me.

All are made in a compact model which are very concealable, not as good as my S&W Airweight .38 which I can carry in a pocket but still are easy to carry and conceal, my M&P compact is a little over 4.5" long, just a hair longer than the Glock 26.

MiamiE 04-18-2011 11:32 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
Well he mentioned full size models.

Remo 04-18-2011 11:35 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 1238855)
Well he mentioned full size models.

Gotcha, yeah full size are a bit hard to carry.

MiamiE 04-18-2011 11:52 AM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
My first gun was a G17 and it was a bit ridiculous to try and carry it. :r

BlindedByScience 04-18-2011 12:28 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
I have three Glocks in all three frame sizes; the little 26 in 9mm, the mid sized 23 in .40, and the full sized 21 in .45 ACP. I have all three of my pistols set up with Meprolight sights, and the factory 5 lb. connector. I can grab any one of them, and the sight picture / trigger pull is almost identical (save for sight radius). I have shot the crap out of these pistols, and really like them. Having said that.....

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1238751)
the most important thing is how the gun feels in YOUR hand. the best way to make this decision is to actually fire each weapon. holding each will give a good idea but nothing beats a live fire to determine which weapon is the best fit for you

This hits the nail on the head. There is a sort of "zen" that you and a handgun have to have, if you are to function as a reliable team. While Glocks and my hands get along very well, there is no substitute for renting each of them at the local range and putting some lead downrange. After doing that, I think the choice for you will be obvious.

Quality wise, I would venture that they are all probably on par with each other. Shoot them all, then you tell us.

Or, just buy a Glock and be done with it........:cool:

Cheers - N.F.H.

Edited to add - I have to say out of all of them, for carry, the mid sized 23 in .40 would be my choice. .40 is a pretty darn hot round, and the 23 brings 13+1 of them to the table. YMMV, etc......

357 04-18-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1238607)
I personally hate the glock frame more than life itself. They were not meant to be held by the human hand.

The best thing to do though is either shoot each of them or at least go to a gun shop and decided which fits your hands best.

I don't hate them, I just won't buy one. I agree, the Glock is about as ergonomic as a cinderblock, but that's my personal opinion. I'm a 1911 man myself, Kimber to be more specific. As the others have said, you have to find what you like.

If you plan on carrying, that too is a big thing to consider. A lot of people go out and get compact Glocks and other short-barrel double-stack handguns. I prefer the single-stack 1911 because it is thin and easy to carry with an inside the waistband (IWB) holster. Many of the double-stack weapons are not so easy to carry that way. I prefer an IWB for concealed carry, so the 1911 works well for me. If you prefer middle of the back, cross-draw, shoulder, or many other holsters, your options will vary accordingly.

HollywoodQue 04-18-2011 03:44 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
Here is my street enforcement arsenal.

icehog3 04-18-2011 04:01 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 1238655)
Depends on which one fits your hand and operates in a way that feels comfortable to you. Even though I am not an M&P fan they are all good quality but the one that fits me may not fit you so my preference does not matter.


Go to a gun shop/range where you can shoot a bunch and see what works for you best.

I have carried a Glock 17 on duty for almost 20 years because it is our mandatory issue gun. I don't even think about carrying it off duty, so that tells you what I think of that gun (for me, of course).

floydpink 04-18-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns
Before I carried, I had a 357 Magnum for home defense.

Once I started carrying, it wasn't practical to carry such a large gun and being a revolver fan, the Smith and Wesson 642 Airweight 38 was a perfect fit for my small frame body.

I know it's only 5 shots, but if I need more, I am in a prolonged gunfight and nothing will probably help.

There is no comparing the reliability

Ratters 04-18-2011 05:39 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1239083)

Go to a gun shop/range where you can shoot a bunch and see what works for you best.

I have carried a Glock 17 on duty for almost 20 years because it is our mandatory issue gun. I don't even think about carrying it off duty, so that tells you what I think of that gun (for me, of course).

+2 Go find out what works best for you. Most indoor ranges rent or find buddies to let you try theirs.

Then go buy a 1911. :noon

Remo 04-18-2011 05:44 PM

Re: Opinion on these Handguns

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 1239181)
+2 Go find out what works best for you. Most indoor ranges rent or find buddies to let you try theirs.

Then go buy a 1911. :noon

I agree to shoot some and find out what one you like, but I can't advocate the use of a 1911 as a self defense weapon, yes they are sexy and lots of fun to shoot, but I have seen far to many of them goes toes up on the range under optimal conditions, I still don't know why some of my co-workers choose to carry those things. My .02

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