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pnoon 04-12-2011 08:59 AM

Re: Lowes rant
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GoatLocker 04-12-2011 09:34 AM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1233960)
Posted via Mobile Device


shilala 04-12-2011 09:35 AM

Re: Lowes rant
Between the choices of "sharp stick in the eye" and "shop at Home Depot", I'd take the stick.
Thing is, they're both whores. Lowe's is my whore, and I know how to get around her. With Lowe's, I have talked to all the folks who work there, and know what's in their power and what's not. I know what the manager can and can't do. I've got a good idea how the top end of their stupid-meter ticks, and they have very little power to help a brother out, too.
So I know a few things...
1.) If it ain't on the shelf, it's very highly likely it will never, ever be seen again.
2.) If it ain't in the store, don't buy it.
3.) In the name of all that is good and holy, NEVER accept "it'll be here in two weeks." They have nothing to lose by saying that, there's no consequence on their end. It seldom if ever shows up within a month, and oftimes, never.
4.) When you take something off the shelf, call for two guys to take it out of the box and inspect it. If they are dicks about it, tell them to leave and go get two new people explaining that the other's attitudes are unacceptible.
5.) Expect everything to be wrong, broken, missing parts, or completely unusable. Make sure there are 3 backups on the shelf so you can get what you need.
6.) Don't expect them to ever get any better, it'll save your blood pressure.

On the upside, there are tons of things they can and will do for you.
They'll load your car, push your cart through the store, personal shop for you, lift stuff, move stuff, cut stuff, look for stuff, and go to the other end of the store to fetch you something.

Fleshed out, I absolutely love their human services, and I use them. I'm not shy. It makes for an awesome experience, and that's what I'm paying for anyways. Where else can you get one or two personal employees to go shopping with you for an hour or two? Then imagine how happy you just made those two guys by getting them out of work.
Just like Home Depot, you can't use their corporate usefulness to so much as wipe your ass. They suck. But if I stay within my bounds, I can get lots of help at Lowes.
At Home Depot, I got nothin except three fat old guys leaning on the lawnmowers.

shilala 04-12-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1233954)
blah, blah...
In the meantime, I did just get a response from the store from my submission to the store about my experience and he's offering me a $25 gift card for their mistake. :tu

Duane, expect the same thing next time. The word guarantee was just contrived to get you in the door. Call ahead next time, then call again to make sure the order has really been picked, and make someone go physically touch it.

You done good on the card. Real good. Take it and run!!!

HK3- 04-12-2011 11:35 AM

Re: Lowes rant

Went to Home Depot Friday evening to find two 3 inch metric bolts for my mailbox. The store was empty with maybe >10 customers inside. Looked for the bolts myself but their nuts and bolts section was not easy to read as far as what was standard and what was metric. I asked for help from a nearby employee. She called Eric who was the specialist in hardware and said he would be there in a minute. I waited 15 minutes and finally started getting impatient. Finally had two guys come over that worked there, neither of them was Eric, and they couldn't understand how the nuts and bolts were setup. After a good 30-45 minutes I walked off to go and find my wife who was looking at something else. Walking back we passed a guy and I asked if he was Eric and he said yes. I told him I waited in the hardware section for a half hour and he was a no show. He just gave me a dumb look like I wasn't going to be his friend on FB anymore. Damn near an hour later I got my two bolts in standard and not metric. I made them work by cross threading the he!! out of the threaded post.

Silound 04-12-2011 11:48 AM

Re: Lowes rant
Funny thing, I've never had an issue with either store down here, but in this part of Louisiana the local business gives big corporate stores a serious run for the money. Albertsons (big grocer chain similar to Winn Dixie, Kroger, Super1, Meijer, and the like for those of you who aren't familiar) can barely keep a store open here because the local family owned grocers have most of the business.

I find that when I go to Lowes/HD, I already know the SKU of what I want, and if the website says it is in stock or not. I just have an employee look up the SKU and tell me if it's in the store inventory, and if so what bin (generic term for row/shelf/aisle location) is the item located in.

But then, I tend to do all my shopping by going in ahead of time with SKU's and prices already figured out. Prevents me from picking up "extras" as someone put it :)

MajorCaptSilly 04-12-2011 01:08 PM

Re: Lowes rant
I like the way Lowe's mixes their paint. They mix their paint real good.


T.G 04-12-2011 01:24 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly (Post 1234206)
I like the way Lowe's mixes their paint. They mix their paint real good.


Cuban paint is better.

Subvet642 04-12-2011 01:35 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1234215)
Cuban paint is better.

That's because they don't skimp on the lead. :=:

thebayratt 04-12-2011 01:37 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 1234120)


Thats pretty rough... Im college educated and probably know more about home improvement than most the contractors/homeowners that walk in the door!

But I do work with some A-Class morons at Lowe's who couldn't poor piss out of a boot with instructions on the bottom of the boot.

It seems like the people who have been at Lowe's for 5 or more years are knowledgable people. I have been there 9+ years. Alot of the newhires are idiots, some aren't. :sh

Blueface 04-12-2011 01:38 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1234215)
Cuban paint is better.

Hey, you can now go to Dunkin Donuts for Cubans.

massphatness 04-12-2011 02:12 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1234236)
Hey, you can now go to Dunkin Donuts for Cubans.

And one day, you will be able to go to Cuba for Dunkin Donuts

forgop 04-12-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1233997)
Duane, expect the same thing next time. The word guarantee was just contrived to get you in the door. Call ahead next time, then call again to make sure the order has really been picked, and make someone go physically touch it.

You done good on the card. Real good. Take it and run!!!

I will call ahead next time for sure. At least they owned up to it and responded.

HK3- 04-13-2011 04:59 AM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1234232)

Thats pretty rough... Im college educated and probably know more about home improvement than most the contractors/homeowners that walk in the door!

But I do work with some A-Class morons at Lowe's who couldn't poor piss out of a boot with instructions on the bottom of the boot.

It seems like the people who have been at Lowe's for 5 or more years are knowledgable people. I have been there 9+ years. Alot of the newhires are idiots, some aren't. :sh

I hear you. I've noticed more old people working there lately like they are hiring cheap labor. I still prefer Lowers over HD anyday.

Subvet642 04-13-2011 06:10 AM

Re: Lowes rant
I have a Lowes about 5 minutes from my house and I gotta say that I love it. I especially like their Cobalt line of hand tools.

Blueface 04-13-2011 06:29 AM

Re: Lowes rant
Well, at the end of the day, can OP agree Lowe's doesn't suck after all?

He got the items at an incredible price, that would likely not be matched, all for a relatively short wait.
On top of that, a gift card for his wait.

Life's good!

icehog3 04-13-2011 10:46 AM

Re: Lowes rant

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1234868)
Well, at the end of the day, can OP agree Lowe's doesn't suck after all?

He got the items at an incredible price, that would likely not be matched, all for a relatively short wait.
On top of that, a gift card for his wait.

Life's good!

Lowes Rules! :wnr

Kreth 04-13-2011 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1234232)
Im college educated...
...who couldn't poor piss out of a boot...

So... I'm guessing you weren't an English major... ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

pnoon 04-13-2011 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 1235083)
So... I'm guessing you weren't an English major... ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

Are snide comments like this really necessary? (Yes. I see the winking smiley. Smilies don't absolve people from common courtesy. :2)
Posted via Mobile Device

shilala 04-13-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Lowes rant
I didn't go to Lowe's yet today, and I'm gettin' the shakes. They're running out of stuff for me to buy, though. I need a Lowe's Plus.

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