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Emjaysmash 03-29-2011 09:56 AM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 1220311)
I have a tin of Davidoff something..why I bought it I don't recall but can't for the life of me open the dang tin. I keep thinking I may spill it all over the place and waste the whole tin.

stick a knife under the lip ans slowly bend it out. Most tins are vacuum sealed and you need to get a litte air in there to open her up. You should hear a pop or the sound of the air rushing in. Also, the tobacco is proabaly wrapped in some sort of paper in the tin so it won't all fall out everywhere.

MurphysLaw 03-29-2011 10:36 AM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1220231)
Downside: Captain Black is pretty moist (and stays that way). Don't be surprised if things get a little soggy at the bottom of the bowl (and needs to be pitched before you hit bedrock) or a pipe goes out a few times when smoking CB - nature of the beast, relighting pipes. Some pipe/tobacco combinations easily burn to the bottom on one light but, outside of experienced hands, most will not.

Upside: you can forget about a half-smoked open pouch for months and it probably won't crumble to dust when you pick it back up. :D

Sounds like you're off to a better start than I was. I had to call the local fire department to hose down my tongue.

I was very careful to smoke slowly, even slower than I'll smoke a small RG cigar, as I wanted my first experience to be positive. I might pass by my B&M and snag a small tin of something else, they have a sampler set of 1/2oz tins on the website, but it shows them as out of stock maybe I can get the same deal in the store.

Mister Moo 03-29-2011 11:11 AM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
never a problem with a pouch of carter hall. :D

I rest my case.

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1220362)
stick a knife under the lip ans slowly bend it out. Most tins are vacuum sealed and you need to get a litte air in there to open her up. You should hear a pop or the sound of the air rushing in. Also, the tobacco is proabaly wrapped in some sort of paper in the tin so it won't all fall out everywhere.

Emjaysmash 03-29-2011 12:16 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1220441)
never a problem with a pouch of carter hall. :D

I rest my case.

LOL! Good point! :tu

RevSmoke 03-29-2011 08:50 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
There is nothing like opening a tin and getting that first whiff. And then, the wax paper all browned from the tobacco. Mmmmm.

Zeuceone 03-29-2011 09:11 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
Can you light a pipe with a torch lighter or is it not a smart way to do it? Do you smoke it like a cigar and not inhale? How long does a tin last if you smoke daily? I went into a local B&M and noticed all the pipe tobacco they had which was pretty cheap but had some questions.

sam a 03-29-2011 09:32 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1221163)
Can you light a pipe with a torch lighter or is it not a smart way to do it? no torch it can burn the pipe Do you smoke it like a cigar and not inhale? i dont inhale, and i wouldn't recommend it How long does a tin last if you smoke daily? it depends on how big the tin is, how big your bowl is, and how many times you smoke from that tin per day I went into a local B&M and noticed all the pipe tobacco they had which was pretty cheap but had some questions.


mariogolbee 03-29-2011 09:46 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
Thanks for this post, Dan. I may pack up some of my baccy for now and move back to square one.

benedic08 03-29-2011 11:04 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1221196)
Thanks for this post, Dan. I may pack up some of my baccy for now and move back to square one.

I got a tub of carter hall.... Pass by the house you can have half or more! :D

benedic08 03-29-2011 11:08 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
Oh yeah question. How do you smoke to the bottom of the bowl? Usually toward the end my pipe just keeps going out. I found some advice to use the pointy part of the pipe tool and stir it, tamp then relight but what happened was i got a mouth full of ash!:r Any advice? Thanks :D

pektel 03-29-2011 11:27 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
Use a filter? I have NEVER smoked a pipe, but that's my guess as how to eliminate it..
Posted via Mobile Device

Mister Moo 03-30-2011 05:36 AM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by benedic08 (Post 1221255)
Oh yeah question. How do you smoke to the bottom of the bowl? Usually toward the end my pipe just keeps going out. I found some advice to use the pointy part of the pipe tool and stir it, tamp then relight but what happened was i got a mouth full of ash!:r Any advice? Thanks :D

By the numbers:

1. Questions here are limited to newguys with cobs and OTC burley. Anything else demands the thoughtful touch of the experts in the "Ask an Old Fart" thread.

2. Assuming you have a cob that won't burn to the bottom AND you can get ashes in your mouth that means:
a) the tobacco has burned down to the level of the (very large) airhole; and
b) the unburned tobacco remaining in the pipe is probably below the airhole where it ain't a-gonna burn. Fergettabowdit. Smoke's over. Dump it. You're a shave-tail slick-sleeved rookie smoking the cheapest tobacco money can buy for crying out loud - dump it! What do you think this is - an International Longest Smoke Competition? Refill and enjoy a new pipeful. :D
c) cob-smoke duration will improve along with your pipe-filling skills; the unburned soggy stuff (dottle) at the bottom of the pipe can be eliminated with pipe mud. Ask an old fart about that after a while.

3. That pointy thing on the pipe tool is good for poking holes in celery.

benedic08 03-30-2011 12:49 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1221319)
By the numbers:

1. Questions here are limited to newguys with cobs and OTC burley. Anything else demands the thoughtful touch of the experts in the "Ask an Old Fart" thread.

2. Assuming you have a cob that won't burn to the bottom AND you can get ashes in your mouth that means:
a) the tobacco has burned down to the level of the (very large) airhole; and
b) the unburned tobacco remaining in the pipe is probably below the airhole where it ain't a-gonna burn. Fergettabowdit. Smoke's over. Dump it. You're a shave-tail slick-sleeved rookie smoking the cheapest tobacco money can buy for crying out loud - dump it! What do you think this is - an International Longest Smoke Competition? Refill and enjoy a new pipeful. :D
c) cob-smoke duration will improve along with your pipe-filling skills; the unburned soggy stuff (dottle) at the bottom of the pipe can be eliminated with pipe mud. Ask an old fart about that after a while.

3. That pointy thing on the pipe tool is good for poking holes in celery.

Okie Thanks! :D

Mister Moo 03-30-2011 03:01 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by benedic08 (Post 1221721)
Okie Thanks! :D

Hope it helped.

pektel 03-31-2011 02:37 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1220304)
Where do you guys store your pipes? I mean, are the pretty stout to just throw in a backpack? Do I need a bag of some kind to put it in?

bump... I was referring to traveling with the pipe. I'm going to be bringing it to a music festival where we camp for 4 days.

mariogolbee 03-31-2011 02:48 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by benedic08 (Post 1221251)
I got a tub of carter hall.... Pass by the house you can have half or more! :D

Thanks! I may have to do that this weekend at some point.

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1221319)
3. That pointy thing on the pipe tool is good for poking holes in celery.


Emjaysmash 03-31-2011 03:17 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1221319)
By the numbers:

1. Questions here are limited to newguys with cobs and OTC burley. Anything else demands the thoughtful touch of the experts in the "Ask an Old Fart" thread.


Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1223084)
bump... I was referring to traveling with the pipe. I'm going to be bringing it to a music festival where we camp for 4 days.

See above

pektel 03-31-2011 03:35 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
Doh! Thanks, MJ. Will pose my question there.

tsolomon 03-31-2011 05:10 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes
I have assembled the suggested materials and read the instructions on "loading" a pipe, I'll let you know how it works out shortly.
Had to go to a Rite Aid for the CH as CVS and Safeway only had Captain Black and Borkum Riff.

Emjaysmash 03-31-2011 05:24 PM

Re: How to get started smoking pipes

Originally Posted by tsolomon (Post 1223204)
I have assembled the suggested materials and read the instructions on "loading" a pipe, I'll let you know how it works out shortly.
Had to go to a Rite Aid for the CH as CVS and Safeway only had Captain Black and Borkum Riff.


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