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icehog3 03-18-2011 10:40 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1210247)
I'm on MY way.

We'll share...just come to Chicago.


Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210249)
Hell yeah! thank you! im bringing one of everything..hope you like brick oven pizza. :)

Oh yeah....hope you like Partagas. :)

Superbad 03-18-2011 10:41 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I worked in a pizza restaurant. It sucks being there next to that blast furnace of an oven. I worked for a local type place, and really don't like the pizza from the big chains. I try very hard to support the local guys, my kids will ask for Papa John's and I will get from Joey's, because it tastes way better. The kids get mad because I didn't order what they saw on the commercial.

icehog3 03-18-2011 10:43 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I go strictly local too, luckily I have a couple great places within a couple blocks.

Last Michigan pizza I had was from Red Devil Pizza on Grand River when I lived in Detroit. Looks like I have another Motown pizza coming! :wo

KidRock 03-18-2011 10:45 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1210257)
I go strictly local too, luckily I have a couple great places within a couple blocks.

Last Michigan pizza I had was from Red Devil Pizza on Grand River when I lived in Detroit. Looks like I have another Motown pizza coming! :wo

Superbad 03-18-2011 10:47 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I have eaten Red Devil! I was born in Detroit. They have some pretty good pizza there.

icehog3 03-18-2011 10:48 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
Oh, Margherita!! :dr

icehog3 03-18-2011 10:49 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Superbad (Post 1210262)
I have eaten Red Devil! I was born in Detroit. They have some pretty good pizza there.

I think they are actually on, that brings back memories....

Volusianator 03-18-2011 11:13 PM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210227)
okay....I read this...I have several years in the pizza industry. Both corprate and private ownership. This workers are paid minimum wage and get dogged constantly. Most people who complain about slow service in my humbled thoughts have never worked a day in pizza. Do one 70-80 hour week and your view on food compeltly changes. I like working in pizza because the customers are awesome..just remeber no one is perfect...and if you think you are please join a pizza shop and do an 80 hour week.

I also cant stand general assumptions...not everyone who works in pizza is working on my masters...its a big shocker to folks who ask me...sorry if this seems like a rant..but behind every rant is truth. :)

I promise I wasn't generalizing, just complaining about this one shop.

Lucky_Hippo 03-19-2011 02:51 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
Worked as an Assit. Mgr in a pie shop when I was young and in college. Belive me it's no fun delivering pizzas all night long and getting the "keep the tip" line after they hand you a 10 dollar bill for a 9.99 pizza. Not to mention the wear and tear on your own car while also paying for your gas. I think that job came pretty close to costing me money just to work there.

On the other hand, I HATE the onion thing as well!!!!

Volusianator 03-19-2011 03:46 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Lucky_Hippo (Post 1210330)

On the other hand, I HATE the onion thing as well!!!!


taltos 03-19-2011 05:31 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
Our best local shop is a 3 minute walk from my house so we call ahead and then either my wife or I walk there to pick it up. BTW my favorite topping is onion.

pektel 03-19-2011 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1210143)
The only gripe I have with pizza delivery is expectation of a tip when the pizza place charges a delivery charge.

sorry but hate to tell you the driver does not see any tip money from that. they charge that to make up for the labor (time) wise it takes to go from location A to location B. I have a lot of pizza managment experience. From big stores to privately owned.

So I am paying for his time? How would he not see any of that money if it covers labor?

Another thing. Why do you tip the pizza guy, but the guy who shows up to unload a pallet of ceramic tile/hardwood floor gets nothing? Why don't we tip fedex drivers? Why is it only the pizza guy? He only has to carry a maybe 2 pound box about 30 paces.

That being said, I do tip my pizza guy. Just have no idea as to why.
Posted via Mobile Device

KidRock 03-19-2011 07:12 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210233)

So I am paying for his time? How would he not see any of that money if it covers labor? No, the guy driving the pizzas doesn't see that money. It goes to the owner to help off set the time (labor) that they are gone.

Another thing. Why do you tip the pizza guy, but the guy who shows up to unload a pallet of ceramic tile/hardwood floor gets nothing? Why don't we tip fedex drivers? Why is it only the pizza guy? He only has to carry a maybe 2 pound box about 30 paces. Fed Ex drivers make more than minimum wage, they also don't pay for gas to drive there route or any mantiance. The guy who drops tile or hardwood floor does charge you a delivery fee, it is in the labor cost.

That being said, I do tip my pizza guy. Just have no idea as to why.
Posted via Mobile Device

Thanks that is appericated!

ahc4353 03-19-2011 07:24 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I hate it when the mouse table falls over and the inside top of the box gets glued to the pie and takes the cheese off when you open it.

Don't do delivery much. Local pup has great pizza and wings but you have to pick it up. Well worth the effort. :D

pektel 03-19-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
So in addition to his tip, I have to pay his wages too. Got it.

As far as the delivery of tile/hardwood, a lot of them are paid minimum wage as well. I am owner of a cabinet/window/flooring/plumbing retail store. These delivery drivers work much harder physically, and are responsible for careful handling of a lot of money's worth of material.
Posted via Mobile Device

KidRock 03-19-2011 07:43 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1210408)
So in addition to his tip, I have to pay his wages too. Got it.

As far as the delivery of tile/hardwood, a lot of them are paid minimum wage as well. I am owner of a cabinet/window/flooring/plumbing retail store. These delivery drivers work much harder physically, and are responsible for careful handling of a lot of money's worth of material.
Posted via Mobile Device

I didn't realize the man or woman who delivers wood or tile makes the same 7.40 an hour the same as a pizza delivery man or woman.

Blueface 03-19-2011 07:51 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
Former pizza delivery guy for years here.

Only one tip I will give you.....................TIP.

We don't forget tippers.
In fact, we make it a point to remember very well those that are good tippers.

Your pizza will always arrive hot.
You will be first in line even if out of the way.

Those that don't tip?
Those that don't tip and on top of that are a..holes?

You don't want to know the stories of what their pizza endures while on route.

Blueface 03-19-2011 07:56 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210233)

So I am paying for his time? How would he not see any of that money if it covers labor?

Another thing. Why do you tip the pizza guy, but the guy who shows up to unload a pallet of ceramic tile/hardwood floor gets nothing? Why don't we tip fedex drivers? Why is it only the pizza guy? He only has to carry a maybe 2 pound box about 30 paces.

That being said, I do tip my pizza guy. Just have no idea as to why.
Posted via Mobile Device


See my prior post.

You don't eat what the guy unloading wood or tile at your house brings.
You don't eat what Fed Ex brings (generally and when you do, it is totally sealed).

You tip him if he came promptly and brought you a hot pizza, looking the way you expected it.
You tip him to make sure the next time you order and he remembers you, you are not the last guy on his route and get a cold pizza.
You tip him because generally, base pay is a minimum that sucks.
I use to get $30 for the night, working from 5 p.m. until past midnight to 1 a.m. at times.
I had to supply my own gas.
I had to risk my car and insurance.
I had to incur additional maintenance on my car.

My true livelihood depended on tips, which made the night worthwhile for me.
As such, I killed myself to reward those customers I knew would reward me.

Food for thought. Pun intended.:r

forgop 03-19-2011 08:42 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210233)

So I am paying for his time? How would he not see any of that money if it covers labor?

Another thing. Why do you tip the pizza guy, but the guy who shows up to unload a pallet of ceramic tile/hardwood floor gets nothing? Why don't we tip fedex drivers? Why is it only the pizza guy? He only has to carry a maybe 2 pound box about 30 paces.

That being said, I do tip my pizza guy. Just have no idea as to why.
Posted via Mobile Device

You tip the restaurant personnel, whether it's in their own B&M or on the road because they're paid significantly lower wages. I don't know what drivers delivering building materials makes, but FedEx/UPS/USPS all do quite well from hourly pay/benefits and use a company truck.

The guy delivering you a 16" pizza is paying almost $4/gallon for gas and additional wear and tear in his own car and working for ~$5/hour.

forgop 03-19-2011 08:43 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1210420)
Former pizza delivery guy for years here.

Only one tip I will give you.....................TIP.

We don't forget tippers.
In fact, we make it a point to remember very well those that are good tippers.

Your pizza will always arrive hot.
You will be first in line even if out of the way.

Those that don't tip?
Those that don't tip and on top of that are a..holes?

You don't want to know the stories of what their pizza endures while on route.

So true-I remember one house completely out of the way that ordered pizza at least once a week. Never tipped. Their pizza would get tossed in the back of the car out of the bag and get delivered an hour later.

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