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wayner123 03-14-2011 01:40 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by OHRD (Post 1205164)
You're right - they are the slowest to grow, onions and carrots are barely showing. The Zucchini and Lima beans are the allstars - one of the two (can't remember which) already has leaves coming up...

IME, onions from seed will take twice as long as the packet says. So if it's 110 days on the packets, you can bet they won't be ready till at least 200 days. It's best to start onions from plants. Also, did you make sure to get the correct day length onions for your zone?

Carrots take a long time as well. Not as long as onions, but they seem to grow quite slow when temps are below 65-70F.

Most likely the limas are showing true (second set) of leaves. Beans (legumes) are fast growers for me and really grow fast until they reach flowering stage. After that it's anybody's guess.

OHRD 03-14-2011 02:54 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
This has been a blast to watch - our boys have loved it too. No idea if we got the right packet of onions - just whatever Lowe's had. We are in Middle GA...they are still inside but will go outside soon I guess - we've been having weather in the 70s here lately...

wayner123 03-14-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by OHRD (Post 1205239)
This has been a blast to watch - our boys have loved it too. No idea if we got the right packet of onions - just whatever Lowe's had. We are in Middle GA...they are still inside but will go outside soon I guess - we've been having weather in the 70s here lately...

Check out the packet and see if it said what the onions were and I can try and tell ya if they are he correct variety for your area.

I started doing mine last year with my daughter and it's been fun. I have read and read and read a lot too. Asked some veteran gardeners around here their ideas too.

Lettuce with kids is always fun too. It grows very fast and does well in shade.

BC-Axeman 03-14-2011 11:04 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Knocked down the first layer of weeds. Spread a thin layer of ashes in all the boxes and worked it in. Got the manure in the back there ready to deal with.

thebayratt 03-15-2011 11:25 AM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I got a dozen or so of Lima beans comming up. About 50+ bush green been plants up. A few hundred carrot and oinion seedlings popping up. Got 5 cucumber vines and 4 bush cucumbers comming up. Just planted some asparagus in a new raised bed Tried soy beans this year for the first time; a few of them are sprouting up. I'm growing them to try and make some edamame.
Pics to come soon.

wayner123 03-15-2011 11:30 AM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1206144)
I got a dozen or so of Lima beans comming up. About 50+ bush green been plants up. A few hundred carrot and oinion seedlings popping up. Got 5 cucumber vines and 4 bush cucumbers comming up. Just planted some asparagus in a new raised bed Tried soy beans this year for the first time; a few of them are sprouting up. I'm growing them to try and make some edamame.
Pics to come soon.

What variety are you growing?

Skywalker 03-15-2011 12:51 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Looking good, Lance!

In my garden: The soil is ready, but only the strawberry plants are growing (they survived the winter).

I will be planting soon!

Mr B 03-15-2011 01:11 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Nice pics Lance. Jealous of the size of your garden space!
My back is not looking forward to working in the amendments.

wayner123 03-15-2011 01:28 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1206246)
Nice pics Lance. Jealous of the size of your garden space!
My back is not looking forward to working in the amendments.

You should look into compost/worm tea. I don't have experience with it yet, but from what I have read, it should do wonders for less than stellar soils. It's much easier as well, until you can get your soil where you want it.

Here is a video on the comparison of tomatoes grown in "trash" soil:

Smokin Gator 03-15-2011 02:17 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Got my yellow squash, okra, and cukes in the ground. I put up an 18 inch chicken wire fence around the garden this year. We are letting our chickens free range a lot more know and they would love to eat these seedlings!! We went a little over board on the tomatoes this year. I may be canning lots of salsa and spaghetti sauce.

thebayratt 03-15-2011 05:05 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 1206149)
What variety are you growing?

Soybean Early Hakucho
Glycine max Early Hakucho

thebayratt 03-15-2011 05:12 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Left row is carrots. Back row is Lima beans. Rows 2-4 are green bush beans. The rest is soy beans.

Fist half is vibe cucumbers. Trying out a new trellis idea also. The back half is bush style cucumbers. The 1st half is for the family, the last half is for me (to pickle).

Asparagus plot. New this year, was unaware it grows for about 10+ years, and you not supposed to harvest the first year.

shilala 03-15-2011 05:17 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I got my seeds, but my light stand is in a pile in the basement. I don't have a garden yet, and I can't get it laid out until I move the shed down to the bottom of the back yard.
Quite honestly, if I get a garden in this year, it'll be a miracle.
If I don't, it'll be the first time in 24 years. I'm sure we'll figure something out. I need to get a move-on.

Mr B 03-16-2011 09:54 AM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 1206267)
You should look into compost/worm tea. I don't have experience with it yet, but from what I have read, it should do wonders for less than stellar soils. It's much easier as well, until you can get your soil where you want it.

Here is a video on the comparison of tomatoes grown in "trash" soil:

Thanks for the link. I was following the Compost Tea posts form Richard (Tzaddi) last season. Will have to look into that.

Mr B 03-16-2011 09:58 AM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1206500)
I got my seeds, but my light stand is in a pile in the basement. I don't have a garden yet, and I can't get it laid out until I move the shed down to the bottom of the back yard.
Quite honestly, if I get a garden in this year, it'll be a miracle.
If I don't, it'll be the first time in 24 years. I'm sure we'll figure something out. I need to get a move-on.

Scott, as a little encouragement, I missed a year of veggie garden 1 time in the 19 years I have been growing. It was the loneliest season my back yard has ever had lol.
I missed it so much. Try to get it going brother. You wont be sorry.

wayner123 04-01-2011 06:38 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Here is my effort so far this year. I just built the trellis today.

L to R:

First row: Orangeglo watermelon, Boule D'Nor, Collective Farm Woman
Second row: Charentais, Petit Gris de Rennes
Third row: Kentucky Wonder pole beans
Fourth row: early and crookneck squash, sweet corn
Fifth row: Sweet peppers, California wonder bell peppers

Here are my containers:

The grey and both pink/purple totes hold Evangeline sweet potato's.

The grey SWC (self watering container) in front holds my carrots. Which are taking FOREVER to grow. And the blue/tan SWC in the back are the Sayamusume soy beans.

Here is something I am very proud I even got to this stage:

Natasha Poppies

thebayratt 04-03-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Plants are comming up quite nicely!



Carrots, Beans, SoyBeans, Limas on back row


The whole deal:

emopunker2004 04-04-2011 04:36 AM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!

BC-Axeman 04-04-2011 05:17 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
We still might freeze this week.

The compost pile:

I'm hauling it two 5gal buckets at a time to top dress the boxes. I've already put ashes and 7-3-5 organic fertilizer in the boxes and raked it in.

Look! An artichoke!
It's about 1 1/2" around.

HK3- 04-04-2011 06:43 PM

Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Looking great fellas! :banger

Unfortunately I've decided to skip a garden this year but I will be watching ya'lls closely on here! :tu

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