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Starscream 11-12-2008 10:39 AM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 65070)
However, I am lucky enough to have a job that I believe is secure. When you do something nobody else wants to do, that makes it pretty secure!


Eating out

Gargoyle 11-12-2008 10:40 AM

Re: Discretionary Income
1. New "must have" electronic gadgets
2. Concerts and other costly entertainment
3. Dining out
4. Heat (set the thermostat lower)
137. Cigars

MithShrike 11-12-2008 10:51 AM

Re: Discretionary Income
1. Whiskey
2. Beer
3. Cigars in quantity
4. Books

I still spend on high grade. I also eat Vietnamese at least once a week no matter.

Rockestone 11-12-2008 10:53 AM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by MithShrike (Post 65182)
1. Whiskey
2. Beer
3. Cigars in quantity
4. Books

I still spend on high grade. I also eat Vietnamese at least once a week no matter.

Oh my God!! How do the Vietnamese feel about this?:r

rizzle 11-12-2008 10:57 AM

Re: Discretionary Income
When it gets tight I use $20's to light my cigars instead of $100's. I gots to keep my street cred you know.

poker 11-12-2008 11:00 AM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 65183)
Oh my God!! How do the Vietnamese feel about this?:r


KidRock 11-12-2008 11:02 AM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 65188)
when it gets tight i use $20's to light my cigars instead of $100's. I gots to keep my street cred you know.


DBall 11-12-2008 11:03 AM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by MithShrike (Post 65182)
I also eat Vietnamese at least once a week no matter.


Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 65183)
Oh my God!! How do the Vietnamese feel about this?:r


This wins response of the month... :)

Send me your addy. That was some funny stuff.

shilala 11-12-2008 11:30 AM

Re: Discretionary Income
I'm the "go to guy" for handouts and I don't have a hard and fast "this gets cut out" rule. If I have money in my pocket the answer is yes. No money in my pocket and the answer is no.
One exception is that I make sure my daughter has a few bucks via her allowance. We have a standing deal that if she takes care of her education I'll take care of everything else.
She pulled a 96% average this 9 weeks and she's in all advanced classes.
It's the best investment I've ever made, so I pay that bill first.
If there's anything left after bills we do whatever sounds fun, whether it be eating out or just going for ice cream.

This dropping of gas prices makes a big difference, that's for sure.
There's an extra 100 bucks a week available for fun stuff now.

awsmith4 11-12-2008 12:13 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
I never buy clothes or shoes because they eat into my cigar budget. So when things get tight I give up these things:

4. Eating/Drinking out
3. Scotch and High-end Bourbons (I can just drink Evan Williams)
2. Going out (movies,golf,etc.)
1. Non-cuban cigars (they are expensive)

webjunkie 11-12-2008 12:14 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
First the cigars get cut from the budget, then booze goes, then eating out. Generally the first things I cut from the budget are luxuries for myself. Now that I've got my grad school stipend back I've finally been able to refill the stash.

ahc4353 11-12-2008 12:26 PM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 65352)
I never buy clothes or shoes because they eat into my cigar budget. So when things get tight I give up these things:

4. Eating/Drinking out
3. Scotch and High-end Bourbons (I can just drink Evan Williams)
2. Going out (movies,golf,etc.)
1. Non-cuban cigars (they are expensive)

You are a wise man. :D

nozero 11-12-2008 12:47 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
Not necessarily in this order.

1) Ammo and trips to the indoor range.

2) Eating out. That goes for lunch at work and dinner out with just my wife or her and the kids and their girlfriends.

3) Cigars get cut back to on-line purchases only and then lower priced smokes.

4) Booze, I go to the cheaper stuff in higher quantities.

5) Spontaneous purchases of any kind for anybody.

DrDubzz 11-16-2008 02:27 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
general shopping (clothes, homestuff, etc.)

eating out

tobacco products and accessories

that's about all my wife and I spend money on, so that's all that really gets cut out

but it sucks, we both like to shop

Cigary 11-16-2008 02:48 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
Good subject. My first item to leave behind is:

1. Dry cleaning ( couldnt believe I was paying out $50 a month for this )
2. Starbucks ( $5 3x a week $60 a month,,,f'n ridiculous )
3. Eating out ( 3 times a week avg. $20 per meal ,,,$240 a month,,,am I shitten myself? )
4. Cocktails ( 5 times a month,,,,$5 per and if I add the wife $10,,,,$50 a month plus ,,,cmon,,I can buy a bottles of my favorite stuff for that kind of money )

Holy Crap,,,,thats in the neighborhood of $400 a month that is just going out the window whereas I could be spending half that on cigars and still be saving money.

AriesOpusX 11-16-2008 03:06 PM

Re: Discretionary Income
1. Ammo for the saturday range trips
2. Latte in the morning (I switch to regular coffee or just get it from the work coffee pot)
3. Grey goose vodka
4. Cigars

As you can see all the sacrifices are mine. The wife is entirely too spoiled.

Da Klugs 11-16-2008 03:16 PM

Re: Discretionary Income

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 65061)
When money gets tight what is the top four things "to go" as far as what you "normally" buy?

The #'d meals at fast food. I like to get stuff from the dollar menu and bring my own can of soda. $ 2-3 for lunch vs $6-7 adds up fast.

Clothes - Old and have plenty so anything new is pure extravagance.

My blindly paying the girls cc bills without comment. Have had a few unfriendly discussions of late.

Vitis 11-16-2008 03:23 PM

Re: Discretionary Income

used to be a goto favorite for me, now a very occasional treat.


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