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massphatness 11-01-2010 10:16 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
OK - that wasn't something I should not have done right before eating tuna.

pektel 11-01-2010 10:21 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
thanks for that, Jeremy. I could've lived a happy and full life without ever seeing botfly maggots... that's some scary sh*t!

E.J. 11-01-2010 10:21 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Being part of the food chain.... I am failry uncomfortable swimming in the ocean and hiking in bear country. I do them both, but I don't feel great about it...

tx_tuff 11-01-2010 10:28 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1044705)
Who were they fighting? Steven Segal? The young Steven Segal... the one from Under Siege... Because if it was Steven Segal: Lawman getting stabbed and trying to draw the gun... then I could see that... if it was Under Siege Segal doing the stabbing on someone else... I could see that too... Either way I think if Steven Segal was in the video/training it's probably skewed.

It wasn't Steven Segal LOL. Another thing and you can try this at home (make sure gun are unloaded!!!!). You can be pointing a gun at somebody and they can draw and shoot before you get a shot off.

Chingas 11-01-2010 10:33 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Thank Jeremy. Those things are awesome!

pektel 11-01-2010 10:35 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
I'm not so scared of wild animals. Except timberwolves. Some nights when I get home, the long walk from the garage to the house in near pitch black is a little nerve-racking. But I live out in the country.

Once I walked out to my car with the girlfriend and kid. I was parked in front of my garage, with the garage door wide open. We are almost to the car, and she says "Pete, look at the kitty!" It was a cat alright. A rather large bobcat was in my garage, batting at his reflection in a mirror, about 10 feet from us, but we startled him. I stood between the cat and my girlfriend/kid until they were in the car, then I carefully got in the car. I was mostly scared of what a cornered animal would do.

pektel 11-01-2010 10:36 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by tx_tuff (Post 1044722)
It wasn't Steven Segal LOL. Another thing and you can try this at home (make sure gun are unloaded!!!!). You can be pointing a gun at somebody and they can draw and shoot before you get a shot off.

As long as that person can draw, aim, and fire within 3/4 second. Remember, the target will not be stationary after that reaction time.

GolfNut 11-01-2010 10:41 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Spiders. Started as a kid after watching "Curse of the black widow", then my Grandmother would squish Black Widows with her palm (one tough Grandma) which really freaked me out. as a young adult I did crawl-under insulation for PG&E ZIP program in Chico, CA. We'd have to use folding shovels to dig trenches under floor joists, lay on our back and pull ourselves up to each section of floor to insulate. One time, I reached up, pulled myself to the next section and was nose to nose with a huge black widow. I pretty much freaked as I was somewhat trapped with the floor joist against my chest. My work partner was a little guy and he scrambled to me and drug me out by the leg. I quit that job that day.

Always been terrified of the bastards after that. Was bitten by a brown recluse some years later and had a horrible wound from that.

Me and spiders don't get along.

replicant_argent 11-01-2010 10:52 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Decaf Coffee.

Wait... that isn't a "fear."

I will get back to you after I finish the contemplation of hosting my Waffle Thread.

LasciviousXXX 11-01-2010 10:54 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1044675)
Get a permit to conceal and carry. You know what they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight :D

Move to AZ. No permit necessary :tu

SvilleKid 11-01-2010 11:02 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1044659)
For me it's General Anesthesia.

I have never had to have it. I know thousands upon thousands of people get GA performed successfully for various operations all over the globe every single day. However, no amount of reassurance from people who have had it done to them personally, even people whose opinions and points of view I trust without question, could break this phobia of mine. I know it's a completely irrational fear.

I know that it is perfectly safe. In fact, I have done enough research on the processes, procedures, drugs, etc in hopes of breaking this fear through education on the subject that I could probably almost perform the procedure myself! Yet, to no avail. My phobia remains intact and as strong as ever.

It's not something I even considered as a kid... or even a young adult... but recently (Over the past couple of years), and for no reason that I can explain I simply "developed" said fear.

I've done all manner of crazy things which would probably scare many people in a stupefied puddle of slobbering goo. But for some reason this simple thing makes me feel like I would literally rather have an operation done Civil War battlefield style than to be put to sleep. I wont say that I'm unafraid of excruciating pain, but I dare say I am less afraid of it than Getting put under.

And the fact that I am in the unfortunate circumstance that I will soon have to face this phobia in the very, very near future for the extraction of some dodgy teeth makes my heart beat quicken and my anxiety muscle start doing jumping jacks in my stomach.

So in light of having to face down my own worst fear... I want to know what it is that Scares the FREAKING CRAP out of some of you BOTL's and SOTL's. And if/how you faced it down.

I'm sorry, son. I fear I may be the source of that fear. Maybe your having to deal with me going under for knee surgeries, and knowing that afterwards, I always puke my toenails up, may have something to do with it! I've never feared the GA, just the after-effects. But, then again, you also know that above ALL, I'm phobic about throwing up! Not much that really bothers me in life, but Throwing up is at the top of the list. LAst knee surgery, they gave me a double dose of the medicine that prevents nausea from the GA. Didn't help! Because of that, when I had my tooth extracted earlier this year, I refused the GA, and went with the local shots. Had to listen to the sound of the extraction, but didn't feel a thing, and avoided the GA. Don't know if they do wisdom tooth extractions without GA! Make sure the GA guy/gal knows about your sometimes rapid heartbeat.

SvilleKid 11-01-2010 11:05 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1044676)

I'm also afraid of Babies. Terrified I will break them. And actually not just babies but the whole process of childbirth FREAKS THE F'N HELL out of me. And I don't even have to do the hard parts.

WTH!!! What's this talk of BABIES!!! You just got married!! I'm telling you mom! That'll fix you, scaring me like that!!!

68TriShield 11-01-2010 11:06 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
I have had teeth pulled over the years and never once was GA ever suggested.

massphatness 11-01-2010 11:08 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 1044731)

Zombie boob? :D

cricky101 11-01-2010 11:12 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by GolfNut (Post 1044746)
Spiders. ....

Me and spiders don't get along.

:tpd: That's at the top of my list. Even the picture of the spider on the can of spider killer under my sink freaks me the heck out.

I don't know why they scare me so much. I must have repressed my traumatizing childhood experience. :sh

SvilleKid 11-01-2010 11:18 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by cricky101 (Post 1044800)
:tpd: That's at the top of my list. Even the picture of the spider on the can of spider killer under my sink freaks me the heck out.

I don't know why they scare me so much. I must have repressed my traumatizing childhood experience. :sh

My older sister is sooooo afraid of spiders, I can draw a dot, put 8 legs on it, and she freaks. Buys spider killer spray, and puts tape over the picture of the spider!

I routinely kill brown recluses with my hand. They're flimsy, kill easy. I don't do that with Black Widows though. I use a stick or whatever is handy. Never been scared for spiders or snakes. While it will make many people cringe, I've often considered having a tarantula as a pet, and letting it run free in the house. However, my wife would shoot me, right after she shot the spider!

ninjavanish 11-01-2010 11:35 AM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1044784)
I'm sorry, son. I fear I may be the source of that fear. Maybe your having to deal with me going under for knee surgeries, and knowing that afterwards, I always puke my toenails up, may have something to do with it! I've never feared the GA, just the after-effects. But, then again, you also know that above ALL, I'm phobic about throwing up! Not much that really bothers me in life, but Throwing up is at the top of the list. LAst knee surgery, they gave me a double dose of the medicine that prevents nausea from the GA. Didn't help! Because of that, when I had my tooth extracted earlier this year, I refused the GA, and went with the local shots. Had to listen to the sound of the extraction, but didn't feel a thing, and avoided the GA. Don't know if they do wisdom tooth extractions without GA! Make sure the GA guy/gal knows about your sometimes rapid heartbeat.


Throwing up doesn't scare me, or even really play into the phobia itself. It really started out as something that I was mildly afraid of and I just kind of got interested in it and thought that if I learned about it then I would see that it is as safe as putting on a bandaid.

But the more I read... the more terrified I became...

It really didn't help any that the first book on Anesthesiology I read was almost begun with these words... almost verbatim:

Though Scientists have yet to fully understand HOW General Anesthesia affects the brain... they have nearly perfected the actual manipulation of the drugs and procedures."

I'm sorry... but I don't care how many doctorates you have... Telling me that you're going to inject me with something that you don't know how it works? I think I'll pass... I dont care if you know exactly how much to use. Do some more research on it and get back to me.

That's kind of like saying... we don't know how this saw that we are going to use to cut open your cranium works... but we know that it does work. And that we are really good at it.

Pardon me for being skeptical but I'm not so convinced... mmmmkay?

And on top of it... I don't like the ieda of relinquishing control of myself to someone I've barely met... If my anesthesiologist was a life long friend whom I trusted with my very life... I probably would have no qualms about it. But what if this guy/girl's wife/husband just got caught sleeping around and the dude's head isn't in the game... I don't want to be a victim if said infidelity. Maybe I'm just not the type of person is trusting of strangers... even strangers with licenses and degrees that say they know what they're doing... but in any case. If I wake up with a leg missing or something like that I swear they better hope they cripple me freakin good otherwise I will literally bite their legs off... assuming they actually fix my tooth.

Mugen910 11-01-2010 12:17 PM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
floating out in the open ocean....There is honestly very few things in the world I'm actually scared of except for THAT. I can swim and have done some type of underwater maneuvers where I had to fight my way out but not knowing what's coming up from underneath and just floating... *shivers*

T.G 11-01-2010 12:21 PM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Mean Darrell.

And Gurkha cigars.

kelmac07 11-01-2010 12:22 PM

Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?
Cockroaches!!! I can do spiders, snakes, bugs, bats...but I hate me some cockroaches!!

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