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CigarNut 10-15-2010 09:43 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler
You can make ridges (or slots) by gluing some spanish cedar to the inside of a smooth-sided cooler. Also Wally does not charge to buy something online and have it shipped to the nearest store...

Bill86 10-15-2010 11:12 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler
No need for sorries this threads about coolers, your question was about coolers. Cigarnuts right that 150 quart cooler you're wanting with slots is on and they ship to stores. Also if you check walmart sometimes the larger coolers are in lawn and garden not near the hunting aisle. I found my 120 quart and the 150 quarts over there. I decided 120 was big enough.

dwoodward 10-16-2010 10:55 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1024853)
No need for sorries this threads about coolers, your question was about coolers. Cigarnuts right that 150 quart cooler you're wanting with slots is on and they ship to stores. Also if you check walmart sometimes the larger coolers are in lawn and garden not near the hunting aisle. I found my 120 quart and the 150 quarts over there. I decided 120 was big enough.

Yeah, all the coolers at both locations here were in the lawn and garden area. CigarNut brought up a good point tho, I guess I could always use cedar glued to the sides to make shelves.

SvilleKid 10-17-2010 09:51 AM

Re: So I picked up a cooler

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1024853)
I found my 120 quart and the 150 quarts over there. I decided 120 was big enough.


I once decided that two 70 quart coolers was big enough!!

OMG Where has all the space gone? I'm up to five 70 quart coolers, and they are all full! BTW, The discussion about not need any extra humidification inside the cooler is pretty much spot-on, unless you are in a really dry climate. I used to run two water pillows in my 70 quarts along with a pound or so of beads...... After finding mold on my maduros a couple of times, I pulled out ALL but the 65% beads. Now, they are rock solid, and need little attention. I went with the 70 quart size, mainly because they are much easier for me to stash in the back of a closet (under stairwell), they lessen the chance that an old fart like me will pull out my back moving them around, and I don't have to dig as deep to see all that I have in each cooler.

Just remember: Big enough IS NEVER enough!!! :banger

BluesGuy 10-17-2010 12:45 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler
Ok sense the OP does not seem to mind a couple of questions....

1. What do you use to glue in the ridges for your shelves

2. Do you use cedar for your shelves and were do you get it...Home Depot of Lowes?

bobarian 10-17-2010 12:54 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler

Originally Posted by BluesGuy (Post 1026216)
Ok sense the OP does not seem to mind a couple of questions....

1. What do you use to glue in the ridges for your shelves

2. Do you use cedar for your shelves and were do you get it...Home Depot of Lowes?

1-Hot glue gun works fine and has no odor

2-Spanish Cedar only not Red cedar, usually only available at stores like Rockler or Woodcraft that have specialty woods.

But cedar is not necessary in a cooler. Adding cedar means less space for boxes. A cooler may seem very big, but it will be filled in a matter of months.
Its best to pick up empty boxes at your local shop and use those for singles storage. Shelves and trays may look better but they cost money that can be spent on cigars. :2

Bill86 10-17-2010 01:23 PM

Re: So I picked up a cooler

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1026094)

I once decided that two 70 quart coolers was big enough!!

OMG Where has all the space gone? I'm up to five 70 quart coolers, and they are all full! BTW, The discussion about not need any extra humidification inside the cooler is pretty much spot-on, unless you are in a really dry climate. I used to run two water pillows in my 70 quarts along with a pound or so of beads...... After finding mold on my maduros a couple of times, I pulled out ALL but the 65% beads. Now, they are rock solid, and need little attention. I went with the 70 quart size, mainly because they are much easier for me to stash in the back of a closet (under stairwell), they lessen the chance that an old fart like me will pull out my back moving them around, and I don't have to dig as deep to see all that I have in each cooler.

Just remember: Big enough IS NEVER enough!!! :banger

It wasn't a size choice *that's what she said*....

120 quart cooler = $52
150 quart cooler = $80

30 more quarts for ~$30-$34 after tax. Just not worth it to me, cuts into my cigar $$$. That and I'm currently unemployed as of ...2 days ago.

Price decision, that and I have my desktop in my closet and the 120 fits in my closet as well, the 150 probably wouldn't. My entire floor is humidors.

I'm still quite young I don't mind hauling around the 120's.

P.S my 120 quart with 2 lbs of beads is holding a solid 64 RH...I'm very happy. My humidor eh 62 RH but to me I'm satisfied with both. Now I need a 2nd Digital Hygro.

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