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Lumpold 10-08-2010 06:45 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I don't know about weird strange, but I always find it odd when I lose my lighter or cutter in my trouser pockets. I know it's there, and it sure as hell is, but only when a pretty lady checks for me :D

Matt-N-Ga 10-08-2010 08:57 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I lost one of my Xikars a while back. Looked all over the place for it. My daughter saw me using a punch on a stick and she asked "why are you using that, you never use that, you use that clippy thingy" (she's 7 by the way). When I explained that I had lost it and hadn't bought a new one, she grabbed my hand, took me upstairs, opened her jewelry box and handed me my Xikar. she said "it's pretty daddy, I didn't want it to get dirty"

LOL, I just had to laugh.

gijoey959 10-08-2010 09:15 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Lol, I only have the lighter and cutter I got off Brutus2600, but that lighter is a tank! I smoke on my balcony, and one day I reach into my pocket to grab it, and came back empty handed, well needless to say, I ruined a perfectly good tatuaje with the B&M's matches they give you, so I started my search, high and low. One day, I was mowing the lawn after a storm, and I felt the mower go over something. My little no brand jet lighter had been rained on, blown off the balcony, dried out in the sun, and got mowed, and its only scuffed. Sometimes, the best things are the cheap ones :tu

Los Nietos Cigar 10-09-2010 08:08 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by JackSchwartz (Post 1016124)
I had lost a Colibri Firebird right about the time the snow came last year. Early that next spring I went out on the back deck to smoke a cigar. I only had matches on me and the wind was blowing pretty good. I went through half a pack of matches and still couldn't get the cigar lit. I was just about to walk back inside when I noticed something silver under a bit of snow on the deck. It was my Colibri Firebird. I'm thinking to myself, "there is no way this thing is going to work." After months buried in the snow the thing fired up on the very first try.

By the way, I just lost the damn lighter yet again.

Lol . Now that is funny !

forgop 10-09-2010 09:38 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by Matt-N-Ga (Post 1016503)
I lost one of my Xikars a while back. Looked all over the place for it. My daughter saw me using a punch on a stick and she asked "why are you using that, you never use that, you use that clippy thingy" (she's 7 by the way). When I explained that I had lost it and hadn't bought a new one, she grabbed my hand, took me upstairs, opened her jewelry box and handed me my Xikar. she said "it's pretty daddy, I didn't want it to get dirty"

LOL, I just had to laugh.

Not a lost episode, but along the same line...

My 3 year old son with autism has seen me in my cabinet humidor from time to time. My wife texted me last week because my son grabbed a Party Lusi out of the drawer and took it to my wife, saying "thank you mommy". My wife wasn't very amused. :D

Nefari0us 10-09-2010 10:25 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I found a cheapie plastic cutter in the toilet water tank... I have no idea how it got there and it was completely rusted

Ranger_B 10-09-2010 09:58 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Found one of my palios in the freezer the other day. I have a bad history of loosing things in the freezer come to think of it.

gijoey959 10-11-2010 12:36 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Haha, I had a friend who found his moped keys in an empty mayo jar in the fridge speaking of finding stuff in the fridge, haha, I've never found stuff in there though

Bill86 10-11-2010 12:42 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Some of these stories sound like drinking was definitely involved. In fact most of them.

warren G. 10-31-2010 10:36 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Sorry for the bump. I lost my Xikar Titanium cutter about 5 weeks ago. Today I was looking for my wallet and keys. I find it under an old sofa I have in my garage.

Bill86 10-31-2010 10:53 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by Matt-N-Ga (Post 1016503)
I lost one of my Xikars a while back. Looked all over the place for it. My daughter saw me using a punch on a stick and she asked "why are you using that, you never use that, you use that clippy thingy" (she's 7 by the way). When I explained that I had lost it and hadn't bought a new one, she grabbed my hand, took me upstairs, opened her jewelry box and handed me my Xikar. she said "it's pretty daddy, I didn't want it to get dirty"

LOL, I just had to laugh.

I have a great feeling this kid is going kid man!

Bubba - NJ 11-01-2010 03:09 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I lost a Davidoff Zino cutter and a lighter my Father In-Law gave me . I have a suspicion they're in my recliner trapped somehow . When I get rid of it in a couple years I'm going to shred it to pieces to see if they are in it . I've lost my cel phone in it a few times but the phone is too big to fit all the way through the crevice . I had the cutter all of 2 days after getting a sweet deal on Ebay for it . I've even flipped it over looking for it to fall out and usually some change falls out . :su

Hippi3Slay3r 11-01-2010 03:18 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1017307)
Found one of my palios in the freezer the other day. I have a bad history of loosing things in the freezer come to think of it.

My palio went MiA for a few weeks and was found in the fridge on top of a jar of pickles! :al :al :al

whodeeni 11-01-2010 03:28 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I'm missing a Prometheus Y Cutter & my Xikar Havana Series Lighter!:confused:

Smokin Gator 11-01-2010 06:53 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I am missing one of my Xikars and I am ticked!!! I have no idea where I will find it. I thought it was in my shirt pocket.

Ranger_B 11-01-2010 06:56 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 1045488)
I am missing one of my Xikars and I am ticked!!! I have no idea where I will find it. I thought it was in my shirt pocket.

Check the fridge man. :D

forgop 11-01-2010 07:14 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1045491)
Check the fridge man. :D

That mower deck would be a place I'd check as well. :r

SouthernSmoke 11-01-2010 10:03 PM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
I've decided to think of it more as a game of hide and seek. I always seem to find it when I give up. Most recently I found it IN a sock. Sock's clean. No idea why it was in there though

nick2021 11-02-2010 01:36 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Right before I deployed, lost my Xikar cutter and wife found it on a habitat base of a taxidermy mount I have in my gameroom...not sure how it got there lol

Patrick B 11-02-2010 02:48 AM

Re: Strangest place you lost/found your nice cutter/lighter
Lost a few good things while drinking up a storm. Lost a fricking Lotus Table lighter (how big are those things!?) during a bachelor party weekend in Nashville. Lost a nice Xikar cutter after a particularly fun Friday night about a month later. No more taking good stuff out as drinking partners. :)

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