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shaggy 11-08-2008 11:59 AM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 58368)

you have to be gentle when handling the dough, it really makes a difference in tenderness

is that the one that is hollow inside that you can fill with stuff after you make them?

md4958 11-08-2008 12:05 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by shaggy (Post 58382)
is that the one that is hollow inside that you can fill with stuff after you make them?

oh, no. those are called popovers. go to the link, type in popover and then along the left side click the more chef tab and then click on Alton Brown

Ive never tried them.

to quote My Blue Heaven, when the ex-mobster bites into a popover
"what the freak is dis???"

punch54 11-08-2008 01:06 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
alton browns shows are great funny and informative,needs to make more good eats though seen them enough times iam starting to know the words to them.

Mark C 11-08-2008 03:47 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by gnukfu (Post 58064)
Yep, being an engineer the food science aspect is very interesting.

Then you need to go here:

LasciviousXXX 11-08-2008 04:35 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" is my favorite food based show. I love his stinging wit, knowledge and respect of other cultures and his introspective writing style. Just a great show, I TiVo most of the episodes. The one on Japan is my absolute favorite.

Chef Mario Batali is my absoulte favorite celebrity chef though. His cooking style is the kind I'd most want to eat in my everyday life. From the simple to the extravagant he makes the type of food that excites me. I've always wanted to go to one of his restaurants in New York, especially his restaurant Babbo Ristorante e Enoteca. The menu is just mouth-watering and full of dishes I want to sample. His fennel dusted Sweetbreads just look TO DIE FOR!

LasciviousXXX 11-08-2008 04:36 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Hehe, here's one of my fave quotes from Bourdain on Vegetarians :D


Originally Posted by Anthony Bourdain
Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, foie gras, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food

SSatVT 11-08-2008 05:30 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by shaggy (Post 58360)
i love him on his own shows but dont really care for him on iron chef. btw...he did a show on 'pop up biscuits'...anyone got a link to it or anything...i wanna try them



Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 58624)
Then you need to go here:

Thanks, now I won't get any of my work done.

e22byrnes 11-08-2008 11:43 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
I am a HUGE Good Eats fan. I watch it almost everyday and have seen the majority of the episodes more than once. I love to see the science aspects behind things. I have used a few of his recipes as a starting point for my own and they work well. AB also has someone neat techniques or equipment that I love to learn about.

For the most part, he is one of the only Food Network chefs that know the history of the food he is cooking, therefore he doesn't butcher the original idea.

lightning9191 11-09-2008 02:37 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Alton Brown and my love of homebrewing is what led me to choose food science as my major. I haven't regretted it. It combines all the science (which I love.....I don't care call me out on it....I'm a nerd!) and food and drinks. What is there not to love? I still enjoy Good Eats whenever I get a chance to watch it.

SUOrangeGuy 11-09-2008 03:01 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
I watch the show and have his cookbooks. Great read but they are basically textbooks. If you just want instructions read elsewhere.

Mark C 11-09-2008 05:21 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by lightning9191 (Post 59964)
Alton Brown and my love of homebrewing is what led me to choose food science as my major. I haven't regretted it. It combines all the science (which I love.....I don't care call me out on it....I'm a nerd!) and food and drinks. What is there not to love? I still enjoy Good Eats whenever I get a chance to watch it.

I remember reading somewhere that they offer a homebrew course down at VT now, you taking that? I managed to get into the wine tasting class my senior year, but homebrew wasn't a class yet. That didn't stop me from trying to make hard cider in my apartment... but sometimes I wish it did, that stuff was brutal!

macpappy 11-09-2008 05:36 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Don't like him on Iron Chef but have enjoyed all his other shows and even DVR'd quite a few to watch when nothing else is on.

The only episodes of one of his shows which I didn't like was the last Feasting on Asphalt series he did where he started out at the mouth of the Mississippi River and worked his way north. He blew it when he stopped at some of the places he did in the New Orleans area and some of the other locations as he went north out of Louisiana.

The restaurant he couldn't get into in New Orleans is a tourist trap. Sure the food is decent but the locals for the most part go there for lunch. There are too many other places that are not as well known but filled with locals that he should have gone to.

All that being said, I still watch him.

kwoody 11-09-2008 08:14 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by perogee (Post 57687)
Do we have any other fans of Alton Brown here? :)

I love the show.. I also liked the motorcycle one where he toured the country..

I love the gadgets, science and multi use stuff..

lightning9191 11-09-2008 08:17 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 60208)
I remember reading somewhere that they offer a homebrew course down at VT now, you taking that? I managed to get into the wine tasting class my senior year, but homebrew wasn't a class yet. That didn't stop me from trying to make hard cider in my apartment... but sometimes I wish it did, that stuff was brutal!

I'm helping teach it!:ss

Opusfxd 11-09-2008 10:30 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
I love AB. This includes the Asphalt and especially the Waves series. The way he finds multi tasking tools and breaks things down is what draws me to it. I read a BBQ site that a guy won a competition (backyard division) here in Colorado using his flower pot smoker.

Vitis 11-10-2008 08:37 AM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Love Alton, especialy his books. like stated above, they're more like text books, which is great! You can sit down and read em. Learned a ton on technique from those books.


Langod 11-11-2008 12:14 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Alton is great!

He is the direct inheritor of the mantles of two of the best TV Chefs of the past -- Julia Child and Jeff Smith (The Frugal Gourmet). Just as they had a connection to ingredients, techniques and food culture, so does he. (Yes, there was some controversy surrounding Jeff's show towards the end, but the man knew his food!)
Too many of FN's current crop of chef's are "just cooking" -- they don't seem to know their ingredients except as just an ingredient with which to make something else. The connection to ingredients as food, is missing. They also seem to be lacking in the culture of the foods they make.
Alton gets it. So, do Giada :dr and Mario.

Don't get me started on Emeril the has-been, or Rachel the product placement/advertising whore. (I still don't understand how she has that gig -- the newbs they bring in for "Next Food Network Star" have more culinary chops than she does.)

ucla695 11-11-2008 05:27 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 58009)
Fan of both AB's, Brown and Bourdain.
While I rarely use recipes, I do try to cook, and eat with a more gastronomic view, and attitude. Thinking about how I cook, and why and sometimes why not? is an interesting tack. While I sometimes look at food as just fuel, I try to remind myself that food is to be enjoyed and remembered sometimes. Cooking and eating can be entertainment in itself.

Another fan of Brown and Bourdain. I love the scientific aspect of Brown's show. Kinda gives cooking a different twist and helps explain what's going on and why things should be done a certain way. Bourdain has an entertaining take on life and food. Good viewing! :tu

Guitarman-S.T- 11-11-2008 09:14 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
Corn Episode =]

mrreindeer 11-11-2008 09:22 PM

Re: Speaking of Good Eats
I freakin' love Alton Brown but mrsreindeer just doesn't get it. She doesn't enjoy it one bit.


Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 58672)
His fennel dusted Sweetbreads just look TO DIE FOR!

Oh man, then I shouldn't tell you I had his sweetbreads at B&B in Vegas on Saturday.....freaking INSANE.

You should come out to L.A. and grab a slice with me at his pizza joint. I've never been.

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