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sikk50 09-15-2010 12:02 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
My old apartment used to be no smoking, but I would always smoke out on the balcony. I got questioned once, the lady was like "someone said they smelled smoke coming from your balcony, would you know anything about this?" "Nope, but you know what, they people in the apartment below us have a charcoal grill, maybe ask them."

krevo 09-15-2010 12:45 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 989424)
Move. They changed the terms and conditions and you should call them on it and ask to be released from your lease. We chose to live here based upon the smoking policy. You changed it so we are going to move.


I would also get some of my friends in the complex to do the same.

A last resort would be to call the news and see if you can make a story out of it. This happens a lot in Austin when unreasonable people make dumb decisions.

SNKBYT 09-15-2010 01:09 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
that sux...fight it if you can or at least move. GOOD LUCK
I joined a VFW after returning from deployment, before I signed my membership papers I asked "do you allow cigar smoking" seeing that you allow cigarettes & pipe to which they said "yes we do".....3 months later they banned cigars only.....I fought it at the monthly meeting but was shot down fast...haven't been back since, I heard they now outlawed pipes as a Combat Vet I find it interesting that a Ladies Auxiliary (wife of a CV) can call the shots and the older Combat Vets let them run the VFW. :2

OLS 09-15-2010 01:18 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford (Post 989180)
That sucks bro!

The lack of regard of many cigarette smokers have for proper butt disposal is one of the things I
started to notice after I took up cigar smoking.

In reality, it's more of an a$$hole problem than a cig smoker problem, even though pound for pound, the cig
smoker is much less sensitive to the concerns of others. But I'll put to you an example. One of the orignators
of this forum spends millions of dollars every year having a lot of us up to his summer place for a little herf he
calls the Shack. Well we are all grooving on the awesome sunset and there goes a big fat cigar floating by
our deck chairs. Someone cared so little about our host's feelings and had so little respect for his property
that they just tossed a big fat cigar but into Sandusky Bay. OR they did not have enough physics training
to understand that it was not going to sink, thereby allowing them to be insensitive prick$ and not get caught.

It's all about how much sense you have and repsect for others you have. And as to your particular problem,
I would smoke and let em come and remind me there was a rule. Then maybe I'd stop. But for God's sake,
don't forget yourself and toss that butt.

mosesbotbol 09-15-2010 01:51 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 989760)

It's all about how much sense you have and repsect for others you have.

My friends are polite with throwing away their butts and I still find them in my yard!

Then again, I find cigar butts in my yard and I know I throw them away.

d'am 09-15-2010 06:42 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

827. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), in all leases of
lands or tenements, or of any interest therein, from week to week,
month to month, or other period less than a month, the landlord may,
upon giving notice in writing to the tenant, in the manner prescribed
by Section 1162 of the Code of Civil Procedure, change the terms of
the lease to take effect[...]; provided,however, that it shall be
competent for the parties to provide by anagreement in writing that
a notice changing the terms thereof may be given at any time not less
than seven days before the expiration of a term, to be effective upon
the expiration of the term.

From CA law it looks like they need to inform you 7+ days before the lease ends to make a change that takes effect when the lease ends. I'm no lawyer, but I've had some luck printing out and reminding landlords how local tenant law works. Most of them simply don't want the legal hassle.

Tank 09-15-2010 07:36 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I would enjoy my cigars anyways!

Ranger_B 09-15-2010 10:23 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I would ask for a cigar exemption as their complaint was for cigarettes.

jimmyk26 09-16-2010 12:22 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm sure that I'll figure something out.


Time for a cigar. -(P

LasciviousXXX 09-16-2010 12:45 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 990829)

Time for a cigar. -(P

On your porch right?

Steelergar 09-16-2010 09:45 PM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I'd smoke anyway, but I'm crazy like that.

mosesbotbol 09-17-2010 05:07 AM

Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 990829)
Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm sure that I'll figure something out.


Time for a cigar. -(P

Until you are singled out or he takes action directly at you, I would continue smoking as you have been.

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