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Virginia_Ghost 08-25-2010 02:49 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.

Originally Posted by xlc12rf (Post 965758)
Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

As for now, my smoking will be very limited. Probably one every two weeks to a month. I'll admit to be worried of the negative health aspects, so I'll probably limit this very strictly.

I'll head over to the newbie exchange when I'm ready to take on more than a couple cigars at a time.

Bah! Smoking Cigars doesn't cut life short. Cutting yourself short on life, that's what keeps you from living long enough.

Bill86 08-25-2010 02:57 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.

Originally Posted by Virginia_Ghost (Post 965768)
Bah! Smoking Cigars doesn't cut life short. Cutting yourself short on life, that's what keeps you from living long enough.


You don't live forever, you could get hit by a car tomorrow...enjoy life, enjoy cigars.

Moderation is the key, 1-3 a day isn't a problem at all. 15 a day, ok now you're taking a risk....still no more of a risk than getting up in the morning but at a certain point you are risking a bit of a health problem.

xlc12rf 09-08-2010 12:48 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.
Yeah this sure didn't last long. I've already had 3 this week!

357 09-08-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.

Originally Posted by xlc12rf (Post 981633)
Yeah this sure didn't last long. I've already had 3 this week!

When I first got interested in smoking cigars I did a little reading. I don't have a link to the article, but I remember reading some studies on the health concerns with cigar smoking.

What I read was that there was a 2-3% increase in the chances of getting mouth or throat cancer in people who smoke 3 or more cigars per day. Anything under that was considered negligible. Honestly even a 2-3% change is pretty minor. Nothing I would worry about. I've been smoking cigars for over 6 years and I'm still around 10/month.

STEVE S 09-08-2010 02:27 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.
Welcome to the asylum. Buying samplers is a great way to taste all sorts of cigars. There are an endless number of great cigars to try. Going to herfs and visiting cigar stores will help to build your knowledge and enjoyment of this great hobby.

kelmac07 09-08-2010 04:06 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.
Welcome to the MADHOUSE!!

BroncoHorvath 09-08-2010 04:20 PM

Re: Hello! A new cigar smoker here.
Welcome to Asylum, and enjoy your journey:tu

If you like great beers, you'll fall in love with cigars... The fun of starting out is to try many different cigars and find what your palate likes.
Even veteran smokers learn something every day, and you'll like the veterans here for sure.

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