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DBall 08-05-2010 09:47 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I've always wanted the nook... I greatly prefer the way those are laid out. Unfortunately, they aren't free and I'm poor.

I'm sure in a year or so they'll be giving them away, so I can wait (unless I find a silly deal somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath).

paris1129 08-06-2010 07:30 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 943318)
I've always wanted the nook... I greatly prefer the way those are laid out. Unfortunately, they aren't free and I'm poor.

I'm sure in a year or so they'll be giving them away, so I can wait (unless I find a silly deal somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath).

Try craigslist. You can get a decent deal from the buyer's remorseful who choose to unload at a loss after only a couple of weeks.

pnoon 08-06-2010 07:48 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I bought a Kindle a year ago and I'm very happy with it.
Posted via Mobile Device

bigdix 08-06-2010 07:56 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I-Pad. For sure.

CigarNut 08-06-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 943617)
I bought a Kindle a year ago and I'm very happy with it.
Posted via Mobile Device



Originally Posted by bigdix (Post 943626)
I-Pad. For sure.

The iPad is a fine device for many things -- indoors and normal lighting. The backlit, high-gloss screen makes it impossible to view the screen (or read) outdoors or in any other kind of lighting.

One of the things I really like about the Kindle is the iPhone Kindle app. If I am in the middle of a book and don't have my Kindle with me I can pick the book up on my iPhone right where I left off. The Kindle and iPhone app keep in sync with each other. This still has the same catch as the iPad -- backlighting and high gloss screen make it difficult to read in many places, but I love the app none-the less.

bigdix 08-06-2010 08:39 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
The iPad is a fine device for many things -- indoors and normal lighting. The backlit, high-gloss screen makes it impossible to view the screen (or read) outdoors or in any other kind of lighting.

One of the things I really like about the Kindle is the iPhone Kindle app. If I am in the middle of a book and don't have my Kindle with me I can pick the book up on my iPhone right where I left off. The Kindle and iPhone app keep in sync with each other. This still has the same catch as the iPad -- backlighting and high gloss screen make it difficult to read in many places, but I love the app none-the less.[/quote]

I stand corrected...and with hindsight, now totally agree!!

kgoings 08-06-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I knew the Mac freaks would be in here. :td Hey mac freaks no one asked about the ipad. Simple question Kindle or Nook.

BeerAdvocate 08-06-2010 03:46 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?

Originally Posted by bigdix (Post 943681)
The iPad is a fine device for many things -- indoors and normal lighting. The backlit, high-gloss screen makes it impossible to view the screen (or read) outdoors or in any other kind of lighting.

One of the things I really like about the Kindle is the iPhone Kindle app. If I am in the middle of a book and don't have my Kindle with me I can pick the book up on my iPhone right where I left off. The Kindle and iPhone app keep in sync with each other. This still has the same catch as the iPad -- backlighting and high gloss screen make it difficult to read in many places, but I love the app none-the less.

I have the Nook app on my iDroid! :r

Darrell 08-06-2010 03:46 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 943729)
I knew the Mac freaks would be in here. :td Hey mac freaks no one asked about the ipad. Simple question Kindle or Nook.

I don't fancy your attitude or tone, Mr. Goings. :fu2

kgoings 08-06-2010 04:01 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 944230)
I don't fancy your attitude or tone, Mr. Goings. :fu2

:D :r

paris1129 08-07-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I love that you can check out ebooks from the library on the nook. Totally free if you have a library card! Reading one from my library right now!

kzm007 08-07-2010 11:54 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
How "page-like" and black/white are is Kindle vs. the Nook; does it actually look like you're reading from paper?

Also, if I have poor AT & T reception in my area, would the Kindle even be worth the investment?

cbsmokin 08-07-2010 11:59 AM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I heard B&N is up for sale. I wonder if this will impact the nook?

kzm007 08-07-2010 12:34 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I wondered the same thing...selling a company to its own CEO :r I feel sorry for Nook owners if it does affect you all.

kzm007 08-07-2010 01:26 PM

My somewhat-streamlined search criteria for an e-reader.
These are the revised points I would like to address with an e-reader:

Reader should:
  2. - Be comfortable to operate one-handed
  3. - Be lightweight and easy to hold for lengths of time while reading, yet still not feel like it's going to blow up from overheating, fall apart due to shoddiness if I push a button, etc.
  4. - Be small enough to carry in a pocket if possible, or at least a bookbag or something, with a screen at least 7" or the rough/exact/measurement of a readable softcover book's page.
  5. - Have a non-gloss finish, which would be nice to prevent fingerprints, but plastic's cheap to manufacture with while balancing a decent sales cost, so I'm not holding my breath.
  6. - Have an ergonomic structure (ties into the above point) with comfortable buttons that are easy to press and access and a comfortable grip in the hand(s).
  7. - Have a realistic-looking page display (black on white) and be easy on the eyes for lengths of time, indoors and out with little to (preferably) no reflective screen glare.
  8. - Utilize e-ink and not any form of back-lit LCD, which causes eyestrain and the aforementioned glaring in bright areas.
  9. - Possess an expandable SD/SDHC memory card slot for adding files.
  10. - Have excellent PDF rendering and re-flow/formatting to the device screen. Most of my books will be in PDF unless someone can verify that converting them would be a good thing for me to do(?) and I would naturally want to maintain the comfort to read the page and neat appearance of the formatted text.
  11. - Allow me the ability to view and play numerous formats easily - including audio files.
  12. - Any plug-ins/ports should be tucked out of the way (i.e NOT on the bottom where cables might lie in my lap, unless I can flip the reader as a lefty and thus move them above or to the side for reading).
  13. - Excellent battery life; these things are made to be portable, I want it to last when it's being transported away from home.
  14. - Allow the battery to be user-replaceable.
  15. - Not be tied to any one mobile carrier; if it is, it should be Verizon, as that's all I have available to me.
  16. - OR, the touch-screen should be responsive and as hassle-free as possible.
  17. - On that note, the ability to annotate and mark text would be nice; maybe with the option to save it for later upload to a PC? That would help me as an English major if I ever need to pull information from a text.
  18. - Internet access for book browsing/sampling (if possible) and purchasing, although if it comes down to it, I'll do it through my PC. I don't really need ANOTHER Internet-capable device and am trying to focus primarily on reading alone.
  19. - A PC client may be helpful, but I don't don't know how badly I'd really need one(?)
  20. - Be no more than $225...and even then, I'm being generous. However, if something's out there with a lot of these features, I may reconsider and go a little higher.

I realize e-readers are emerging seemingly overnight, and maybe my ideal plastic-back doesn't exist exactly as I'd like it, just yet, but a guy can still ask and dream, eh?

Also, I apologize for all of these criteria; I feel like I'm asking for a lot for such a primarily single-task device, but at the same time, I want to get my money's worth just like anyone else, and want to make the most out of my reading, turning it back into the relaxing hobby it used to be for me.

I'm also posting this on Mobile Read, which is an e-reader forum, so that's why there's all the nit-picky details. I tried as best I could to group similar feature request together for simplicity...but nothing's ever simple with me, sadly.

All help is definitely appreciated, and thanks again so much. You guys and gals really make the BOTL a joy for me, and I can't wait to combine the love of the leaf with the joy of the leaflet :SS (so terribly corny lol).


JE3146 08-08-2010 10:38 PM

Re: Kindle or Nook?
I didn't read your requirements, but realize this is a niche market.

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