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kgoings 05-20-2010 12:44 AM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!
My doc appt is 10am in the morning for the results, I postponed :r He told me he thinks its in my genes last time. I don't like taking meds, I don't even take asprin for headaches. Not cause I dont believe in them...just dont like meds.

I tried Fish Oil once...burped fish tasted all day :pu I HATE fish :pu

kgoings 05-20-2010 05:59 PM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!
grrrrr my LDL is still too high. Says he wants me to lose more weight and start taking fish oil and red rice yeast extract :td

Blueface 05-21-2010 07:41 AM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 864687)
grrrrr my LDL is still too high. Says he wants me to lose more weight and start taking fish oil and red rice yeast extract :td

I do 2000 to 2400 a day of fish oil, depending on which pills I find on sale.
I also do one to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil as often as I can.
I truly believe that is what got mine down so dramatically and has maintained it there.
I eat anything I want, in moderation.

Blueface 05-21-2010 07:42 AM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 864053)
My doc appt is 10am in the morning for the results, I postponed :r He told me he thinks its in my genes last time. I don't like taking meds, I don't even take asprin for headaches. Not cause I dont believe in them...just dont like meds.

I tried Fish Oil once...burped fish tasted all day :pu I HATE fish :pu

There are plenty of manufacturers now making ones that don't cause you to burp. Look for it on the label. Really works.
Also, take it before a meal, not afterwards.

e-man67 06-08-2010 09:45 AM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!
I do the fish oil thing..just 1 1000mg cap, and 1 1000mg cap of Flax seed oil, also doing the Cholestoff (plant sterols) thing. I am going to go back next month to get my cholesterol checked again. I went to the doc today and I am down to 214lbs...could not believe it. I stopped all fast food, the last red meat I had was about 3 weeks ago (a burger)..eating a LOT of salad, whole grains, and a ton of fish grilled...and I am now eating a green vegetable with dinner every night (steamed broccoli, spinich, kale) which is a good habit for my kids as well. Oh, and I quit drinking every night of the week. I may have 1 glass of something 1-2 nights per week.

kaisersozei 06-08-2010 11:22 AM

Re: SON OF A BEEOCH! high cholesterol! damn!

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 864053)
He told me he thinks its in my genes last time. I don't like taking meds, I don't even take asprin for headaches. Not cause I dont believe in them...just dont like meds.

Late to the thread, but I'm like you, hate taking meds & had a genetically high cholesterol. I've had to adjust my "no pill" mentality and have been on Zocor for 7-8+ years (although it's the only thing I take ;) so I didn't adjust that much.) My total cholesterol has been sub-150 for years, and the good:bad ratio has improved dramatically. Diet isn't that much different, I follow a pretty balance diet but still have a good intake of protein. So it definitely does the trick. A downside is that long term use of statins runs you the risk of having suppressed testosterone levels. But there's a medication for that, too!

Good luck with yours, let me know if I can offer any advice.

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