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systm 04-08-2010 01:29 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Just A couple of things, Think of it as food for thought.
Sprint IS rolling out what they are calling "4G" but it's really just a supplement to 3G called WIMAX. While down the road it will be faster, the speeds will be nice and the coverage will be substantial, don't expect that when the Evo launches. While that phone is quite sexy in terms of phones, it's just a hybrid love-child of the HD2 for Tmo and the Google Nexus One/HTC Desire.

3G is and still will be the way to go for the next few years. If you do plan on getting locked into a carriers two year-we-own-your-soul contract, there is nothing to worry about other then a high bill every month unless you have one of the aforementioned discounts.

The iPhone, while a quite nice phone, does what every other TRUE smart phone does. It was magical when it first came out, now it's just a one trick pony that is striving to stay on top. Android, RIM's BlackBerry and the soon to be released Windows 7 Phone(s) are going to be taking away from Apple's market share.

Android so far has taken a pretty good chunk out, and is only going to get better once Google is able to hit em where it hurts, Flash and a robust media capable release. Right now the biggest draw back for Android and all the releases are two fold. There is too much diversity when it comes to versions of the OS; Currently 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, & 2.1. The second problem is that while it is excellent at multitasking, Gmail sync, etc, it is a terrible media device. No real sync solution or excellent media player. It has one, but nothing on the level that is comparable to Apple's iDevices.

Sorry if that was a bit long, but there is a lot of information out there.

My Recomendation?
Nexus One for T-Mobile or AT&T @
Wait for the N1 for Verizon to Hit
Wait for the yet unannounced HTC "Incredible"
Get the Motorola Droid
Wait for the EVO for Sprint, But do not op for 4G service unless in a 4G market.

If your abroad (Europe, Asia, etc. Not US)
HTC Desire if you want a larger screen and slimmer device
HTC Legend if you want a solid phone.
Nothing Agains RIM's BB but android is the way to go up till now. Nor am I against Apple's products. Snatched up a 2G 16GB iPhone on ebay and use it off and on via T-mobile. It's nice to have easy to use media player, but the lack of multitasking is a killer.

mosesbotbol 04-08-2010 04:52 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by King James (Post 821094)
could you not get apple care on the replacement phone?

That is correct. The extended warranty counts from the original purchase only. Earlier repies on getting Apple Care wouldn't have matter in the end for me.

Any phone suggestions are welcome. I plan to go to T-Mobile.

My needs:

Media Player
Good Web Browsing
Strong - Carry in my back pocket on the bike and get's moist while riding
Foreign Travel - Go to Europe
Touch Screen - like that one
Visual Voicemail - iPhone's best feature
Qwerty Keyboard - I think I need this. Looks better to SMS
Quality Feel - pure aesthetic and vanity reasons. Want something of reasonable quality.

mosesbotbol 04-08-2010 05:17 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Does anyone have the following phones (or knows about them) and care to share their opinions:

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2
Nokia N900
HTC Google Nexus One

newcigarz 04-08-2010 05:27 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Sorry to hear of your problems.

I have an original Apple iphone purchased the second day they were available, I have never had a second of trouble with it.

AD720 04-08-2010 05:32 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 821266)
Does anyone have the following phones (or knows about them) and care to share their opinions:

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2
Nokia N900
HTC Google Nexus One

Personally I would avoid the HD2. It's the biggest screen, blah, blah but under the hood it's still Win-Mo 6.5. I've been fighting with that OS on 3 different phones for the last 2 years and finally jumped shipped to Android. I don't care how great the hardware is, that OS is crippled. Plus there is NO plan to make it upgradable with WinMo 7. (which could be a lot better than 6.5 but know MSft it won't be - already no multitasking, among other things).

Honestly anything you go to after your iPhone is going to be a rough road. Out of what you mentioned I'd lean toward the N1 I guess, it's stock vanilla Android but there are some folks over at XDA that figured out how to make it run Sense UI.

macpappy 04-08-2010 05:56 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Another bash Apple thread.

The Iphone you bought was a lemon. It happens. Other people have them and use them and don't have the problem. I have a friend who has the same Dodge pick up truck that I have (same year, different color) and he has under 75,000 miles on it and has had major engine work done. I have over 96,000 on mine and it's only been in the shop for normal routine maintenance. That doesn't make everything that Dodge makes a piece of crap.

That being said, a lot of people who bought the Iphone did so because it was "the in thing." I personally like Macintosh computers. I've used them since 1986. I have both a Mac desktop and a Macbook Pro. Three of my kids have Macbooks. You could give me a PC but I wouldn't use it. I don't like Microsoft as much as you guys don't like Apple.

And that being said, I have a Blackberry through T-Mobile.

mosesbotbol 04-08-2010 06:34 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by macpappy (Post 821280)
Another bash Apple thread.

The Iphone you bought was a lemon. It happens. Other people have them and use them and don't have the problem.

I don't like Microsoft as much as you guys don't like Apple.

And that being said, I have a Blackberry through T-Mobile.

This is my 3rd iPhone, I did not mention that. The other two broke within the warranty period. In the end, all 3 were lemons.

It's not that I dislike Apple so much as disliking the cult of personality the fans have of it. Apple will make something as simple as a headphone jack proprietary and Apple fans see that as a "feature". They'll bash how Microsoft writes software yet iTunes has a new version every month. Why couldn't Apple get right after 20th revision? Apple comes out with a device that is little to offer (iPad) than their Merlin and people are waiting in line for it. Microsoft has had similar (better) products for years in this space.

My cousin did tier 2 support for Apple and you should hear his disgust for Apple and their culture. Previous to working for them, he was an Apple proponent.

Volt 04-08-2010 06:54 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 821308)
...proprietary ...

And that's the reason I'll never buy an Apple product for myself. I gave up proprietary back when I bought my Tandy 286 computer. No more sole source for apps, repairs, additional hardware, etc for me. I have too many needs and want options. Back when I had to price some stuff for wrok I was asked to look at some Apple laptops for the bosses. End result, I showed the Boss I could buy her a new laptop every 2 years for the cost of a comprarable MAC. They just wouldn't have cute Apples and colors on it (back when most M$ types were still black).

BTW, for the fanboyz, I'm not really bashing MAC, I hold the same thoughts to any product I have to buy. Sometimes I am forced into a specific item, but I really try to avoid them.

Sorry you had issues with the Iphone but in some ways most warranties are very similiar. I have to agree with I think it was Jordan, on any item that is used such as a cell that gets carried on the hip, dropped, etc and costs from $200 - $600, I'd get the insurance. I know my work cell which is all I carry, we have insurance on all of them.

AD720 04-08-2010 06:57 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 821272)
Personally I would avoid the HD2. It's the biggest screen, blah, blah but under the hood it's still Win-Mo 6.5. I've been fighting with that OS on 3 different phones for the last 2 years and finally jumped shipped to Android. I don't care how great the hardware is, that OS is crippled. Plus there is NO plan to make it upgradable with WinMo 7. (which could be a lot better than 6.5 but know MSft it won't be - already no multitasking, among other things).

Honestly anything you go to after your iPhone is going to be a rough road. Out of what you mentioned I'd lean toward the N1 I guess, it's stock vanilla Android but there are some folks over at XDA that figured out how to make it run Sense UI.

Also wanted to add that the Nexus One will get the Android OS updates fastest, there is no third party (HTC or Moto) that needs to take the OS update and apply it to their product.

jmsremax 04-08-2010 07:03 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 821030)
Moses, it works exactly that way for me, too. Just replace the AT&T with Verizon and the iphone with any number of crap Verizon phones I had, and we could be twins. :D

Did you get the Droid? My buddy has one and it is sick.

jmsremax 04-08-2010 07:04 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 821263)
That is correct. The extended warranty counts from the original purchase only. Earlier repies on getting Apple Care wouldn't have matter in the end for me.

Any phone suggestions are welcome. I plan to go to T-Mobile.

My needs:

Media Player
Good Web Browsing
Strong - Carry in my back pocket on the bike and get's moist while riding
Foreign Travel - Go to Europe
Touch Screen - like that one
Visual Voicemail - iPhone's best feature
Qwerty Keyboard - I think I need this. Looks better to SMS
Quality Feel - pure aesthetic and vanity reasons. Want something of reasonable quality.

You should look at Verizon and the Droid. :tu

Wanger 04-08-2010 07:06 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
I don't have an iPhone, but am looking at getting one when my contract with T-Mobile is up (HATE them). My wife has had her iPhone for over a year, and had no problems at all. In the past, she's had issues with other phones she's had. At one point, she went through 3 Motorola phones (while I had only one, of the same model she had, within that same time frame). She had issues with a Nokia that she got (while I again had no issues with the same model).

The point is that it may be more related to the person than the phone itself. How you handle it and store it, etc. I'm not saying that you didn't take care of it, but just the minute differences in how you use and interact with the device may be the root cause of all the issues. Or you've just had bad luck. Who knows?

We have an iMac and a Macbook, and I really am a fan of the software and the usability, and how the different software pieces interact. I wanted to try to hackintosh my netbook, but couldn't get it done (I'm a semi-tard, when it somes to things like that), and found out I'd have to replace the internal modem (or whatever it's called now) in the netbook if I hacked it. That being said, if I had the choice between a Mac and a Windows system, I'd choose the Mac.

All i can say is good luck with whatever you choose. I know you'll hear from people who love it and people who hate it, too.

King James 04-08-2010 07:16 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 821361)
You should look at Verizon and the Droid. :tu

I have a Droid and like it. Word is the iPhone is coming to Verizon, but I'm almost positive Moses would not be interested in that! hah

Mugen910 04-08-2010 07:18 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
I'd be careful about the Nexus. Read somewhere about the screen cracking very easily. Try to pick up an Android.

replicant_argent 04-08-2010 07:24 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Not that I ever read the fine print on a contract, but I assume you signed the contract or read the warranty info before you purchased the device(s). I imagine what they are responsible for and will cover is spelled out there. I imagine they held up their end of that piece of paper.
That being said, I like Motorola phones, usually, although I do not currently have one, and have gotten a crappy one here and there. Life goes on.

Mugen910 04-08-2010 07:25 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Moses I would check and see how Tmo does in your area for service. They have never given me problems but I don't live in the city.

shilala 04-08-2010 07:45 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
I should have mentioned, Moses, even though Apple doesn't provide an accidental breakage warranty, Square Trade does. It's pricey and doesn't really cover the whole investment, but it's something. It cost me $105.00 (iirc) for my 32gb 3Gs, I had a $50.00 deductible, and it paid me $450.00 when I dropped my phone in the ocean.
So i only lost about 200 bucks for my stupidity. It was way better than what I was faced with.
Someone told me Apple will do an "out of warranty exchange" on phones for a hundred bucks. I don't know if there's any truth to that, and I didn't look into it. If I ever have trouble in the future, I will.
At ebay, there's lots of guys that do that same $100ish exchange. A person sends their broken (intact) phone and pays around a hundred bucks for a replacement. I did check that out and those seller's feedback wasn't bad.
Iphones are definately a money pit, no doubt. It doesn't phase me, I'd still have to spend the money somewhere else for phones and service I don't enjoy remotely as much.

aich75013 04-08-2010 07:49 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
I've actually had good luck with the Apple people.
I am on my third iPhone as well. I've also had 2 screens replaced (one for no reason.)

1. Screen replaced because home button wouldn't work half the time.
2. Phone replaced because the back was cracking. I always kept it in a hard case. Apparently they have had some issues here.
3. One month out of warranty, I had problems with my phone automatically going into headphone mode. They replaced the screen. (Even though I tried to tell them that wouldn't fix it. No charge.
4. One month out of warranty, phone replaced because phone would still go into headphone mode. No charge.

Basically, I knew it was out of warranty and was ready to purchase a new phone if needed. The girl at the Apple store was very nice, and joked with me about me being cut off due to my warranty being expired. She still replaced it for free.
I was prepared to have to buy a new phone because any carrier would have the same policy if there was no warranty. Buy a new phone or sign a new contract for a discount on a new phone. Been there, done that.

King James 04-08-2010 07:51 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 821308)
Apple comes out with a device that is little to offer (iPad) than their Merlin and people are waiting in line for it. Microsoft has had similar (better) products for years in this space.

I think the iPad may end up surprising you, Moses.... maybe not enough to go out and get one, but its use as an ebook reader alone is pretty impressive if you ever get hands-on with one.

And I'm not sure which microsoft product is better, the iPad sold some 500,000 I think in the first couple days so there has to be something to offer there

mosesbotbol 04-08-2010 08:18 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by King James (Post 821461)
I think the iPad may end up surprising you, Moses.... maybe not enough to go out and get one, but its use as an ebook reader alone is pretty impressive if you ever get hands-on with one.

And I'm not sure which microsoft product is better, the iPad sold some 500,000 I think in the first couple days so there has to be something to offer there

If Apple said to jump of a bridge, how many would do it first couple of days? Their loyalty is seen as a negative to Wozniak (sp). He feels their blind brand loyalty may hurt their innovation in the end. I read that a few months ago in an interview.


Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 821400)
That being said, I like Motorola phones, usually, although I do not currently have one, and have gotten a crappy one here and there. Life goes on.

Motorola phones are durable and I like that. They were also the most innovative brand at times, but have slipped off. My Razor had problems with alphabetizing names and no one had an answer for that. I go back to my Razor when each iPhone dies. I would consider an Motorola product for sure.

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