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SmokingPoker 03-31-2010 12:57 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 812093)
Also, one thing I find myself forgetting to do when the nose exhale is really good on a cigar, is to swish the smoke a little and blow out with just my mouth on occasion in order to concentrate on the taste/mouthfeel. I find that alot of NCs fair better with this treatment, while CCs are richer in the nose.

Yes definitly. Eventual saturation of the whole entire mouth cavity and nose is my ultimate goal. The whole interplay between the smoke mixing with fresh air as it sweeps the plate is the idea I try to concentrate on. Nothing better than just getting that whole mouth full, leaning back in the garden/pool chair, letting a good thick portion of freshly drawn smoke drift towards the heavens then ferme la bouche and snork the rest. ;)

montecristo#2 03-31-2010 01:27 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale
OK - I watched that 5 minute video and while is explained the process, it didn't give me any advice on how to actually do it.

I figure this is like riding a bike, once you figure it out you can do it again. My wife used to smoke cigarettes, so it is easy for her.

I try this every time I smoke a cigar and nothing. Anyone have some real advice? :D

issues 03-31-2010 01:36 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale
Nice video for sure! :tu

This was the video that taught me how to retrohale. I do it with every cigar and it really depends on the stick when it comes to how much smoke I blow through my nose. Some of them are too harsh to push more than 5-10% of the smoke from any given puff through the sinuses but there are sticks you can do it on every puff with a full mouth of smoke.

The only NC I can think of off the top of my head right now is the OR El Triunfador. Every other stick I can think of are CCs which, from my limited experience, seem to be much smoother than NCs.

akumushi 03-31-2010 01:52 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 (Post 812144)
OK - I watched that 5 minute video and while is explained the process, it didn't give me any advice on how to actually do it.

I figure this is like riding a bike, once you figure it out you can do it again. My wife used to smoke cigarettes, so it is easy for her.

I try this every time I smoke a cigar and nothing. Anyone have some real advice? :D

For starters, while you're reading this, try snorting air out of your nose like a bull, your nose should crinkle up and your nostrils will pinch up a bit. Once you have that feeling, blow some air into your mouth so that your cheeks puff out (think Louis Armstrong) then keep your lips sealed and snort out of your nose while deflating your cheeks like emptying a bellows. The only place for the air to go is out up and out your sinus. Try it a few times until it's a smooth motion. Now, forget all of that crap, go light up a mild cigar and experiment with that feeling until you get it right. The first time you get some through, you'll feel a burst of spice in your nasal cavity. I tend to blow half of the smoke out before closing my mouth and snorting the remainder through my nose as it's too much to do 100% like the guy in the video. The trick is pinching your nose muscles to open up the airway, using your mouth to force the smoke through, and breathing some air out (exhale) at the same time, which will push the smoke through and dilute it a bit so it doesn't fry your sinus tissue.

NCRadioMan 03-31-2010 02:15 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 (Post 812144)
I try this every time I smoke a cigar and nothing. Anyone have some real advice? :D

Swallow. Remember the action of your tongue. When you smoke, do the same action but without swallowing. Like you are tasting food and chewing food or gum. I retrohale much like I am chewing food or gum and the smoke will leave through the nose.

Doing this will burn in the beginning but the more you do it, you get used to the burn and will not bother you anymore. I couldn't imagine smoking a cigar without doing it. It's pretty much involuntary at this point. I don't think about doing it, it just happens.

Most of your taste is in the olfactory system. If you don't do it, you are simply missing out on alot of flavors.

wayner123 03-31-2010 02:24 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 812215)
Most of your taste is in the olfactory system. If you don't do it, you are simply missing out on alot of flavors.

I agree with the first part, but the second part about snorking isn't absolutely needed to gain these flavors. Take for example wine tasting. Would one try to shoot wine through their nose retronasally? There is also the research showing how orthonasal plays a large factor as well. I say another method if one can't 'retrohale' is to gain more mental connections to flavors. If that is your goal, more flavor.

NCRadioMan 03-31-2010 02:32 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812229)
I agree with the first part, but the second part about snorking isn't absolutely needed to gain these flavors. Take for example wine tasting. Would one try to shoot wine through their nose retronasally? There is also the research showing how orthonasal plays a large factor as well. I say another method if one can't 'retrohale' is to gain more mental connections to flavors. If that is your goal, more flavor.

The smell of the wine is a part of what you taste, as is food. The tongue can only taste sweet, sour, salt and bitter. If you could not smell, you could not taste much.

wayner123 03-31-2010 02:44 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 812236)
The smell of the wine is a part of what you taste, as is food. The tongue can only taste sweet, sour, salt and bitter. If you could not smell, you could not taste much.

I agree with your statement. But you don't HAVE to snork/retrohale to get these "other" flavors was my point.

BTW, that tongue taste map has been proven wrong:

NCRadioMan 03-31-2010 02:48 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812253)
I agree with your statement. But you don't HAVE to snork/retrohale to get these "other" flavors was my point.

BTW, that tongue taste map has been proven wrong.

I disagree. Everyone, that I have seen, that does it for the first time can't believe the bombardment of flavors that hit them that they have never tasted before. Including me.

I know the map is wrong but the tastes are not. I know the Japanese have said there is one more..savory.

wayner123 03-31-2010 02:56 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 812256)
I disagree. Everyone, that I have seen, that does it for the first time can't believe the bombardment of flavors that hit them that they have never tasted before. Including me.

I know the map is wrong but the tastes are not. I know the Japanese have said there is one more..savory.

So how then do wine tasters get those flavors without shooting wine through their nose retronasally?

NCRadioMan 03-31-2010 02:56 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812265)
So how then do wine tasters get those flavors without shooting wine through their nose retronasally?

The smells that go along with what the tongue tastes. That's how we taste almost everything. How do we liken cigars to woody, spicy or leathery when out tongue can't taste that. It's the smell. The olfactory system.

It's also the reason cigars and food don't taste "right" when we are sick. The olfactory system can't function properly when we are all stopped up and congested.

wayner123 03-31-2010 03:04 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 812266)
The smells that go along with what the tongue tastes. That's how we taste almost everything. How do we liken cigars to woody, spicy or leathery when out tongue can't taste that. It's the smell. The olfactory system.

I have failed to put it properly. I agree that olfactory senses are a very large percentage of what we call "taste". However, I disagree that snorking or blowing smoke out through your nose is the only way or even the best way in some cases to acheive this "taste". Are you holding your nose when you smoke a cigar? No, so by proxy some of the smoke "taste" already enters your olfactory senses. Just as it does with food and drink. If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor.

NCRadioMan 03-31-2010 03:06 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812273)
I have failed to put it properly. I agree that olfactory senses are a very large percentage of what we call "taste". However, I disagree that snorking or blowing smoke out through your nose is the only way or even the best way in some cases to acheive this "taste". Are you holding your nose when you smoke a cigar? No, so by proxy some of the smoke "taste" already enters your olfactory senses. Just as it does with food and drink. If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor.

Agreed, some does. But you are not getting the "full effect", as it were. The subtle nuances are lost. But, of course, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a cigar.

tedrodgerscpa 03-31-2010 03:11 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by bishjd123 (Post 812052)
I'm an ex-cigarette smoker so it's not something I had to learn. I'm about 70% mouth 30% nose, although it really depends on the cigar.

I think it's DEFINITELY dependent on the cigar.

I wouldn't dream of snorking a Tat Black, but can't smoke a QdO or a pipe without snorking a large percentage out of my nose.

akumushi 03-31-2010 06:14 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812273)
I have failed to put it properly. I agree that olfactory senses are a very large percentage of what we call "taste". However, I disagree that snorking or blowing smoke out through your nose is the only way or even the best way in some cases to acheive this "taste". Are you holding your nose when you smoke a cigar? No, so by proxy some of the smoke "taste" already enters your olfactory senses. Just as it does with food and drink. If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor.

Think of it this way, when you're smelling the cigar from the wisps of smoke coming off the cigar or out of your mouth, the smoke is quickly mixing with the air and puffing out in a big, diffuse cloud, the smoke is just a faint "whiff" of the draw you took into your mouth, like putting a few drops of wine in a glass of water and then drinking it. It can say from experience that some of the more subtle flavors are lost when only using this method. When you're snorking, the smoke is mainlined straight to your olfactory receptors, and an experienced nose-smoker can modulate the dilution and control how much of the smoke, or how intense of a flavor it is that he gets, by what ratio of smoke to air he pushes through his nose. If you look at the drawing of the nose in the video from the OP (did you watch it?) you'll see that the path from the back of the throat hits the olfactory senses more directly and with less dilution of the smoke. That's why you get more flavor. I can tell you as a former mouth smoker who used to think he got plenty of flavor just from sniffing a little bit of an exhale, that the retrohale is a competely different beast. When you do it right, you'll know what we're talking about.:2

wayner123 03-31-2010 07:33 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 812469)
Think of it this way, when you're smelling the cigar from the wisps of smoke coming off the cigar or out of your mouth, the smoke is quickly mixing with the air and puffing out in a big, diffuse cloud, the smoke is just a faint "whiff" of the draw you took into your mouth, like putting a few drops of wine in a glass of water and then drinking it. It can say from experience that some of the more subtle flavors are lost when only using this method. When you're snorking, the smoke is mainlined straight to your olfactory receptors, and an experienced nose-smoker can modulate the dilution and control how much of the smoke, or how intense of a flavor it is that he gets, by what ratio of smoke to air he pushes through his nose. If you look at the drawing of the nose in the video from the OP (did you watch it?) you'll see that the path from the back of the throat hits the olfactory senses more directly and with less dilution of the smoke. That's why you get more flavor. I can tell you as a former mouth smoker who used to think he got plenty of flavor just from sniffing a little bit of an exhale, that the retrohale is a competely different beast. When you do it right, you'll know what we're talking about.:2

I personally retrohale quite often, and yes I watched the video. That diagram is not the most accurate but does well to prove and show his point in the video. The research has shown that orthonasal actually stimulates more and different brain activity/areas. But that is not my point either. My point is as I stated above: "If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor."

On an aside note, I doubt very highly that stogiefresh coined the term "retrohale". Stoners use that term and probably even before I was born. I don't want to seem like I am bashing the video. It was very well done and I think it will help many people out.

CigarNut 03-31-2010 08:07 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale
I tried snorking this afternoon (tried it before, but took in too much smoke) and I decided that it takes a lot of practice :) (practice that I am more than willing to do :D)

bobarian 03-31-2010 08:07 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale
As with cigars, if you are drinking wine and not using your nose or your eyes, you are missing out on a good part of the experience. Try drinking the same wine out of several different style glasses. Same as champagne, you see people drinking champagne out of those short flat glasses but to fully experience a good champagne a tall narrow glass concentrates both the bubbles and the aromas. :2

akumushi 03-31-2010 08:11 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 812565)
I personally retrohale quite often, and yes I watched the video. That diagram is not the most accurate but does well to prove and show his point in the video. The research has shown that orthonasal actually stimulates more and different brain activity/areas. But that is not my point either. My point is as I stated above: "If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor."

On an aside note, I doubt very highly that stogiefresh coined the term "retrohale". Stoners use that term and probably even before I was born. I don't want to seem like I am bashing the video. It was very well done and I think it will help many people out.

Agreed, that was pretty cocky of him to say he invented the word:)
As for other options to increasing flavor in lieu of the retrohale, I'd be interested in hearing them, it's always nice to add a technique to the repertoire:tu

pkny1 09-16-2013 05:34 PM

Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by colinb913 (Post 812007)
I think I got it, but it burns?...
Posted via Mobile Device

(i realize this was 3 yrs ago)

tried this with an e-cig first.. think im gonna keep going with the fake smoke until THAT stops burning lol

glad to have read this thread tho and watched the video !

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