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weak_link 03-29-2010 10:24 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu (Post 808609)
Unusual, but sheer genius.

Nashville has a Pub and Laundry combined down near Vandy.

The bar back is a series of numbered light bulbs that correspond to your washer/dryer number.

We've got a place like that in San Francisco called 'BrainWash.' Great idea, what's not to love?

MortonMilo 03-29-2010 10:39 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
In North Carolina, came across a combination shooting range and animal boarding kennel. Don't be late to pick your dog up....

tobii3 03-29-2010 11:29 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 809694)
I did a long trip this past summer and ran into a couple interesting places. Some place in Wyoming, there was a gas station with the regular tire shop/repair shop but inside they had animal vacinations for your cows, horses ect. and almost a whole outdoors store that included guns, branding irons, ammo anything you could think of. All inside a little store about 2x the size of a 7-11.

That's the Wyoming WalMart. No one told you, did they?

You should see what's in the gas stations on the Reservation in Montana.

Cyclone 03-29-2010 12:06 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
In Vancouver BC, an asian Driving School in the same building as an Autobody repair shop :D

akumushi 03-29-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
On the corner of Convoy and Clairemont Mesa Blvd for the longest time there was a great juxtaposition of two different shops:
Hemorrhoid Care by Laser, right on top of Banner Mattress.
Guess if you had to wait a while, you could always go downstairs and get a pillow.

jmsremax 03-29-2010 01:05 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
In the town next to where I grew up there is an ice cream stand that is also a chinese restaurant. Same owners and they use the same door/window to order.

BeachBonsai 03-29-2010 05:41 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
Ginsberg & Wong in Cherry Hill New Jersey
Half Chinese Restaurant and half Jewish Deli

LeoM 03-29-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
When I was driving through Tenn. there was a fudge and fireworks place.

And back in the day, when I lived in Columbus, OH, there was a "buy here pay here" car dealership that was also a liquor store.

tedrodgerscpa 03-29-2010 06:14 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
Also from Tennessee. Smithville, Tennessee to be exact.

And I wouldn't believe it either if I didnt' see it with my own two eyes.

That picture says exactly what you think it says...

tedrodgerscpa 03-29-2010 06:17 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu (Post 808609)
Unusual, but sheer genius.

Nashville has a Pub and Laundry combined down near Vandy.

The bar back is a series of numbered light bulbs that correspond to your washer/dryer number.


while your story indicates you might not remember the name of the joint... it's called Duds N Suds (or at least it was back in the 80's). Been there before, but that was a long long long long long time ago.

Tripp 03-29-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
We have a local chain of brewpub/restaurant/movie theaters in the area that aren't as unusual, as they are genius. Portland is a pretty beer-centric city, so if theres something you need to get done, theres a pretty good chance that theres someone who will give you a beer while you do it. A pretty common combination here is a barber shop where a haircut includes a pint. :D

tenbaseg 03-29-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
The shop my father gets his lawn mower repaired at also doubles as his butcher.

BlackDog 03-29-2010 06:36 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 808648)
Not a combination per se, but the funniest thing I have seen in the town I work in:

A strip mall with a sushi restaurant right next door to a bait shop.

Here in suburban Minneapolis I know where there is a Chinese restaurant next door to a kennel where you leave your dog or cat when you go on vacation. :D

Veritas 03-29-2010 10:29 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
My barber shop has a walk-in humidor and a smoking lounge. This combination should occur more frequently.

jmsremax 03-30-2010 06:56 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by Veritas (Post 810322)
My barber shop has a walk-in humidor and a smoking lounge. This combination should occur more frequently.


kenstogie 03-30-2010 06:59 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
When I was in Niagara Falls, Canada Side there were strip clubs with hotels in the back if you go to the outskirts of town. Funny but the girl I was with pointed it out.

icehog3 03-30-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
When I was in my early twenties, there was a place called the "Charlie Club" in a Chicago suburb. It had a health club, a bar and a hotel.

Meet a hottie in the gym, buy her an after-workout drink, and va va va voom. :)

tedrodgerscpa 03-30-2010 08:58 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

Originally Posted by Veritas (Post 810322)
My barber shop has a walk-in humidor and a smoking lounge. This combination should occur more frequently.

I'd actually look forward to a hair cut!

GAZHOG 03-30-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?
All States Cremation AND Dolce Siciliant Italian Bakery in Denver, CO. The bakery was once a sausage / meat shop, but that was just too goofy I guess.

Not to ruin the funny, but it is just a storefront, they do not bake the folks there!

D_A 04-05-2010 11:46 AM

Re: Unusual Business Combinations?

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