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Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Well john if you ever make to Raleigh stop in Empire Cigars they have Liga, used to have the sharks and its a great bunch of BTOL's Plus great prices
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
I'm hoping to get up there one of these days to herf with you Raleigh guys. Every once in awhile I will go to Empires website and get jealous when I see their announcements of whats new. Seems like if it's put there they have it.
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
My local cigar bar charges $70 for Davidoff Ani # 3's and $30-40 for big ass Gurkha something or others. People pay it or he'd lower his prices. Should he be drummed out of business because he offeres a nice lounge with leather couches and plasma tv's with a great wine selection and really expensive/overpriced cigars? His regular customers don't have an issue with that but I do so I don't shop there. I'm not going to picket in front of his store for lower prices, I just shop somewhere else. And I used to work there. :r
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
I couldnt agree more with Bob and Mike. Smartest thing to do if you dont like the price on certain items is DONT BUY THEM. |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Ok, now I'm really geting concerned. The day I type something and it makes sense gets me worried. I truely want a #43 Troy Palamalu Steelers jersey. On the other hand the closest I can find is a knock off $80 look a like. As bad as I want one, I just can't see $80 for a fake jersey..... So I vote with my dollars. :( Still love my non play off making Steelers though. |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Agree with most that say move on, and that is what I would do.
However, I imagine that a Fuente rep would be interested to hear that someone is butt raping people and using their cigars as the tool. Doesn't paint pretty brand image. (especially in my terms :D) |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
A friend of mine owns a coffee house - is he price gouging when he sells coffee, baked goods, sandwiches etc. at two to three times his cost or more? His customers don't think so and by the time he pays all his fixed and variable costs he earns less than you'd think. If someone thinks the prices are too high they can go to any number of other places, but he has many happy and loyal customers. I just don't get why some people get so incensed at high cigar prices. What about movie and sporting event tickets and their concession prices, branded clothing (Nike, Billabong etc.), software, drinks at local bars, food at restaurants, kid's toys, guitars etc.. I have friends in all those product industries and in many cases those things are marked up 10 times or more. It isn't price gouging, "rape" etc. when you have a choice to not buy it... :2 |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
30.00 a stick for Sharks is very high IMHO. I was at the CI Superstore in December. I saw the Sharks and asked what the price was. The sales person looked and said 30.00 each. I said no thanks they were more them I am used to paying. He asked what that was and I told him 10.49/MSRP each in the same state (PA). He said that was not the MSRP... I said to check it out, and he will see. Well, he did. He walked up to our group that was smoking in the upper smoking area, apologized to me, and handed me a Ruination as a gift. Very classy sales person. I looked him up when I left, and picked up about 125.00 of other gars from him...-John
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
This is why I only smoke white owls
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
I really don't see anything wrong with making a comment about the pricing. If a retailer can't take my busting his/her chops a little for pricing things way above retail then they shouldn't do it. If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen!
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
sharks $13 dollars a stick here. Thats ridiculous.
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Feel free to disagree - I don't mind. While Neoflex understood what I was geetting at, you didn't. I was concerned with his attitude about taking pleasure (maybe too strong a word) in seeing them change their demeanor based on his comments. That is above and beyond stating as a customer he was disatisfied with the pricing. Even as customers, we too also bear some responsibility as to the attitudes and the way we are treated in the stores. If evryone went in being the a$$, regardless as to being the customer, we will not be treated well. Case in point, see HavanaJohn's post a few posts ahead of this one. Also take a read on my "3 man herf" thread. By not being the a$$, we walked away with over $150.00 in comps and were invited back to the establishment for a commercial cigar herf with one of the company reps showing up. But, YMMV and it's my just .02 |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
To the contrary a shop owner is the one who is right and can set his prices as the market will bear. A few years ago Toyota and other dealers marked up Hybrids in California at least 30% over MSRP. And they still had waiting lists and people trying to outbid buyers. This is exactly how a free-market system should work. A customer does not have the right to be rude or offensive. Nor does a shop owner have to take abuse from his customers. If you dont like the price, walk. Its that simple, you speak with your wallet. Being argumentative or confrontational will not get an owner to lower his prices any more than saying "I can get the same thing online for X" |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
We can speak with our wallet and "Walk" as you say. I can't say there is anything wrong with just doing that. But I also believe that the Customer can let a Business know that he's not happy. If I were a Business owner I'd want to know. |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
The shop Neo is talking about is a fairly new Fuente retailer but hasn't been in business long enough to land the higher end stuff like Opus and Anejo's. So they buy at regular retail, then mark them up accordingly. That's why they are so expensive. If I didn't know that, I probably would ask them why the high price.
I personally love this shop and the others they have opened mainly because it realy ticks the owner of Tinder Box's in the same area off. And that dude is a "grade A" pr*ck. :r |
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Re: Wanted to Throw up :pu
Well you realized in retrospect that you could've probably said it more tactfully and still got your intended message across. I've called vendors (not for cigars) and flat out told them that I could get a better price for a product online, but would prefer to do business with them locally if they could meet me somewhere between the two prices. A few times they've met me on price or part of the way and appreciated my approach, and other times they've told me to pound sand.
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