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rlmedic 12-31-2009 01:24 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
I am lucky...24 hours 8am to 8am tomorrow moring....going to be a long night

icehog3 12-31-2009 01:27 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Tombstone (Post 701328)
It's dead here also but, i am happy to have a job.

Yup....lots of my friends don't have a job, so I won't consider myself "screwed". ;)

marge796 12-31-2009 01:33 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
Just waiting a few more hours to pour a Little rum into a glass and light my first stick of the day. Oh ya, by the way, I didn't work today nor will I until Tuesday.



Catfish 12-31-2009 01:34 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 701504)
Yup....lots of my friends don't have a job, so I won't consider myself "screwed". ;)

I suppose I should have made myself more clear. I don't want it to come across like i'm ungratefull to have a job. Trust me when i say that is 180 degrees opposite of my attitude and everybody around me who knows me knows that is a fact.

What I mean is: There is no. none. zero reason for me to be here. All of my trucks are done and headed back in. The phones are not ringing. Nothing requires this office be manned yet I have to wait for all the trucks to return. The future operations of this company are in now way, shape or form benefitted by my being here.

And neither is my paycheck. Gotta love salary positions.

68TriShield 12-31-2009 01:51 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 701517)
I suppose I should have made myself more clear. I don't want it to come across like i'm ungratefull to have a job. Trust me when i say that is 180 degrees opposite of my attitude and everybody around me who knows me knows that is a fact.

What I mean is: There is no. none. zero reason for me to be here. All of my trucks are done and headed back in. The phones are not ringing. Nothing requires this office be manned yet I have to wait for all the trucks to return. The future operations of this company are in now way, shape or form benefitted by my being here.

And neither is my paycheck. Gotta love salary positions.

That's what us fleet guys do,we have to make sure all the birds are back in nest ;)

Catfish 12-31-2009 02:34 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 701548)
That's what us fleet guys do,we have to make sure all the birds are back in nest ;)

indeed. :ss

SNKBYT 12-31-2009 02:39 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
for those that are still working or have to work......I already smoked a few cigars for you and will now pour you some rum

cheers :al

acruce 12-31-2009 02:46 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 701349)

Worst part is, they just announced we're closing early @ 3:30p.

My shift is 7a-3:30p. :(

That sux :td

Poronico 12-31-2009 02:47 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
I work health care man there are no days off... I have worked Xmas the last 6 years. Why cant sick people just take a day off?!

Tripnastic 12-31-2009 03:02 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 701614)
I work health care man there are no days off... I have worked Xmas the last 6 years. Why cant sick people just take a day off?!

I was in your boat for 10 years, then I moved out of clinical into administration. I lost a little bit of my soul, but I gained a heckuva lot of days off.

weak_link 12-31-2009 03:06 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
Tic............................................... ...................toc. Phone hasn't rung since 8:15 and I am as caught up as I'm willing to get. ZZZZZzzzzzzz....

longknocker 12-31-2009 03:37 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by snkbyt (Post 701610)
for those that are still working or have to work......I already smoked a few cigars for you and will now pour you some rum

cheers :al

How Thoughtful Of You, My Brother!:r:D

longknocker 12-31-2009 03:39 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 701614)
I work health care man there are no days off... I have worked Xmas the last 6 years. Why cant sick people just take a day off?!

Ain't Gonna Happen, Jesse!;) (But I've Been In Your Same Boat For 30+ Years.):D

icehog3 12-31-2009 04:31 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 701517)
I suppose I should have made myself more clear. I don't want it to come across like i'm ungratefull to have a job. Trust me when i say that is 180 degrees opposite of my attitude and everybody around me who knows me knows that is a fact.

What I mean is: There is no. none. zero reason for me to be here. All of my trucks are done and headed back in. The phones are not ringing. Nothing requires this office be manned yet I have to wait for all the trucks to return. The future operations of this company are in now way, shape or form benefitted by my being here.

And neither is my paycheck. Gotta love salary positions.

Understood now. :tu :) Hope you get out of there soon!

The Poet 12-31-2009 04:47 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
I'm still working. I packed up 8 cases of wine to ship out, and sold 2 more off the shelf to one steady customer. Hell, if I can't be drinking I'm glad somebody else can. WTF do I care anyway - it's just another freakin' day.

Fishbeadtwo 12-31-2009 05:14 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by snkbyt (Post 701610)
for those that are still working or have to work......I already smoked a few cigars for you and will now pour you some rum

cheers :al

Thanks for the rub Alex!;)

s15driftking 12-31-2009 05:17 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
i went n to lock some **** down! Spent 1.5 hours there, no biggie.

DBall 12-31-2009 05:23 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
Leaving in 40 minutes... just found out Mark (ex-bostonmark) is in town so we're gonna hit up a smoke. I'm ringing out 09 w/ a Davi 3k... 2009 sucked, so at least it's gonna end well (watch, it'll be plugged like a rock... :r)

bonjing 12-31-2009 05:25 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...
Working today myself. I just started :cali . Just thankful I still have a job.

bobarian 12-31-2009 05:30 PM

Re: So Who Else Is Gettin Screwed Into Working Today...

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 701782)
Working today myself. I just started :cali . Just thankful I still have a job.

Watching coeds tonight Greg? :tu

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