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madwilliamflint 11-17-2009 12:55 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use a punch by default. Cheapy keyring one. It's just fine. With particularly tough wrappers I just twist it and let the blade do the work. If I'm patient (big if) I don't have any problems. I use a plain old double-bladed guillotine for my Mac Mad Ascots and other quickies.

Those guitar pick looking thingies look interesting though, I may make one or two of them (having a surplus of heavy gauge guitar picks to start with.)

Zanaspus 11-17-2009 02:05 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I used to punch all my sticks. Then I bought a Palio....:tu

Kreth 11-17-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by dccraft (Post 647917)
I almost always use a V cutter. Sometimes I put 2 V's on the larger RG smokes. Habit I guess.

Just out of curiosity, having never used a V cutter: do you do two cuts side by side, or at right angles to make an X?
Posted via Mobile Device

dox47 11-17-2009 02:29 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I have a cheapy combo v/guillotine that I usually stick in my pocket, plus a punch on my keyring. Typically I punch larger RG cigars, especially shorter ones like robustos, I feel that the constriction of the punched hole creates a more concentrated flavor and can improve the draw of a loose stick. Also, if the draw is tight after punching, it's no sweat to snip a little more off with the guillotine, ditto the v-cutter for that. I find myself using the V quite often on the longer vitolas in the 50 RG range, I like the way the V-cut preserves the shape of the cap and gives me a little more to hold onto with my teeth from time to time. Also, with a smaller cigar it's fairly easy to make a V-cut and subtly reshape the tip into something resembling the LFD Chisel tip, which I find highly desirable.

md4958 11-17-2009 02:40 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
no particular order
Xikar Multi-tool
Tiffany Punch (that one was a gift)

Smokin Gator 11-17-2009 03:48 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use a punch most of the time. I have a couple of nice Xikar ones, but I started using the cheap ones with the rubberized sides from Cbid and am hooked. The are sharp and cut a smaller hole than the Xikars. Like Shawn said... it keeps the tobacco bits out of my mouth.

For torps and pigtails I use a Xikar or a Palio depending on which one is closer. The Palio cuts a little cleaner, but I like the Xikar as well.

Namerifrats 11-17-2009 03:50 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use a cheapy punch cutter on most cigars larger than 54 RG. On torpedos or small RG cigars, I use a guillotine cutter. No name brand that I can see, but seems to work ok. Silver all metal, seen in some of my cigar photos. Maybe I can pick up a nicer cutter in the near future.

14holestogie 11-17-2009 03:57 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use a cheap bullet shaped punch most of the time to keep most of the cap intact.

I also have a Colibri cutter (gifted by my lady) that I reach for because it's convenient when I need to snip the cap off.

Palio burl cutter was my latest aquisition, but that only comes out at herfs and other times the chance of losing it are low. :)

kayaker 11-17-2009 06:25 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 648117)
Those guitar pick looking thingies look interesting though, I may make one or two of them (having a surplus of heavy gauge guitar picks to start with.)

Not sure what you are talking about. Got a pic or link?

kgoings 11-17-2009 06:43 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
In the past I used a punch.

Then I bought a Palio, Fantastic! It doesn't ruin the head of even the most delicate cigars (like the punch has a tendency to do)

Never even SEEN a V cut.

TonySmith 11-17-2009 06:47 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
With a smaller rg cigar 44-46 I'll use a cheap punch. Otherwise I use a palio, gifted from Dragonman. The palio is a must for torpedoes. In a pinch I'll use my pocket knife to cut the cap, it takes a sharp knife.

Ranger_B 11-17-2009 09:23 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
Palio for me. If for some reason mine isnt around v cut with my knife.

larryinlc 11-17-2009 09:36 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
1 Attachment(s)
I've used just about everything that can be used to cut a cigar, but I now use the Xikar multi-tool and never looked back. It's a fine tool.


gettysburgfreak 11-17-2009 09:43 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
Palio, probably will never buy a different cutter

Opusfxd 11-17-2009 10:51 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
Well I used to use a Palio. But I can't find it now. :( Now I'm back to the quality cheap ones I've come across that have served me well.

sikk50 11-17-2009 11:52 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use a Xikar Xi2.

I'm going to get myself a Palio someday soon

roughrider 11-18-2009 01:59 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use the Cuban Crafter cutter & the Xikar 008 Punch. I've been wanting to try the Wolf V-cutter.

Cigary 11-18-2009 02:11 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I have been a V Cut ( cats eye ) person for over 10 years and have tried every cut out there. I use the Boston V Cutter and for my preference there is none better on the market or a better cut. Yes, you can use a V Cut on a torpedo and any shape foot as long as the cutter isn't up against a 60 RG cigar. It's all about preference and if you are going to use a V Cut I strongly suggest a cats eye cut instead of the regular V Cut,,,again there is a difference here.

RightAJ 11-18-2009 02:18 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
My trusty Xikar or the more recent Palio (from SmokeyJoe)... both work awesome!

Never liked the V cut and not a fan of the punch either. I like classic stuff


Bubba - NJ 11-18-2009 03:04 PM

Re: What kind of cutter/punch do you use?
I use my Davidoff Zino double blade guillotine cutter that my wife bought for me 15 years ago , roughly . Still works like a champ . And just the other night I thought I would look for one on Ebay , found one that the seller misspelled cigar as "sigar" , got it for $17.50 shipped . Saved about $20 over retail . Now I have one that can travel in my cigar caddy . Wouldn't want to lose the one my wife gave me , sentimental reasons . :ss

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