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ScottH 10-27-2009 01:09 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
Thank you so much to those of you who replied to the survey!!! This is truly going to be more fun and interesting with more data. I'm sorry to those of you who had a hard time understanding the "Do you agree with X, or not?" questions but this is my first survey. One of the things that the specifically teach us is that if you ask the question as "Do you agree that X?" the person taking the survey will be more likely to mark "agree" without much thought. However, if you ask "Do you agree or disagree with X?" then you are more likely to make the person taking the survey think about and mark their true opinion. I guess I could have worded the questions a little better but I think one can still understand the questions. Thanks again for those of you taking the time to fill out the survey! Also, thanks for sticking with me...this is my first attempt at administering a pilot survey.

ScottH 10-27-2009 01:12 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 618625)
I am not in favor of gun control.

#13 on page 1 is a bad question. I can't answer it if I don't believe in gun control. I had to pick the first option.

I see your point... my bad! I will have to throw that question out. Thanks for the heads up :-):ss

ScottH 10-27-2009 01:16 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 618903)
Is this just soliciting help to create the survey or are you using these results?

This is a survey for class. It is more or less a pilot survey for a more in depth study in a higher class.

In my current class we are learning research methods. I will also be writing a paper about the results. I would be happy to post the final paper and final survey results here for y'all to look at and critique.

mariogolbee 10-27-2009 01:27 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
Good luck with your paper Scott. I've had to do survey's for Stats, Public speaking, and Cultural Anthropology so I understand and am glad to help. For question #10 on the second page I chose 4 for the number of the branches of government. You're welcome to change that for your final results if you'd like. I chose 4 because of the unofficial 4th branch. That branch IMO is the media. Just wanted to let you know why. Cheers!

Neuromancer 03-09-2010 10:52 PM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by markem (Post 618637)
btw, any yes/no question that includes the phrase "or not" cannot be properly answered.

for example, "Do you believe in X, or not" is a nonsense yes/no question. If I say "yes" am I saying that I believe in X or that I do not believe in X. Both are valid interpretations of the answer for the question as asked.

poorly structured survey, IMO.

There's no way to give answers to questions that make a statement, then add "or not"...if the survey is corrected I'll answer it too, or not...dunno how the rest of you managed...

mosesbotbol 03-10-2010 04:55 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
I thought it was to the point survey with no out of line or can't answer questions. Then again I was a Philosoph / Pol Sci major. I think there will be a lot of similar answers from members of this forum. There has to a be higher percentage of gun owners or gun ownership supportersn here.

elderboy02 03-10-2010 04:55 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 618954)
I am interested to hear the results once you have all the data compiled :)


WildBlueSooner 03-10-2010 05:11 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

shilala 03-10-2010 05:57 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 618959)
Just so you know, I clicked "other" for race. There is only one race, the human race.

All questionaires that deliniate differences in race help to foster the so-called racist issues we have. As long as we continue to think in those terms, there will be racism.

Amen, brother. :tu

Christoff 03-10-2010 06:28 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
Took the survey, interesting choice of questions. If I understand the OP correctly that was a survey intended to ascertain people's attitudes towards gun control. So I ask, what does the governments ability to handle natural disasters have to do with gun control? I can see why you ask religious and political affiliation questions as they could be used to build a demographic picture of the responders. However, natural disasters, really? :2

With that being said, I hope the efforts of the CA community have helped and I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

pnoon 03-10-2010 06:32 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
You guys DO realize this thread is over 4 months old, right?

This post yesterday revived it.


Originally Posted by Dil_Gillani (Post 788511)
before participating in any online paid survey scheme, read about the background of the site.
If the website ask you to provide your credit card info then you must think twice.
A legitimate work online from home should not ask for this type of information.

mosesbotbol 03-10-2010 06:55 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey

Originally Posted by Christoff (Post 788710)
So I ask, what does the governments ability to handle natural disasters have to do with gun control? I can see why you ask religious and political affiliation questions as they could be used to build a demographic picture of the responders. However, natural disasters, really? :2

Asking questions about how the government can handle a natural disaster is relevant. One, it depicts the responders confidence in government. If there was ever a time to bear arms, it’s after a natural disaster. Does one sit back and let the government protect their home and family from looters and anarchy, or do we bear arms and protect it ourselves…

It shows the perspective behind the answers. Just as he asked how many branches of the government and who the vice president is to put relevance to all the responders’ answers. If they answered who is vice president wrong, what does that say about depth of thought on the other answers?

Questions that do not seem relevant add legitimacy to whatever or however they answered.

MortonMilo 03-10-2010 07:06 AM

Re: Need your help! Short political survey
Think you can pick it apart if you want, but the general gist of the questions is easy to get...

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