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Veritas 10-22-2009 10:00 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 612235)
They have Aficionado mistaken for snob.

Truer words have not been spoken. The less polite side of me wants to say something that starts with an F and ends with them, but I will try to refrain from that.

Who are these pompous asses to dictate standards to you? I define a good cigar much like I define a good wine: If you enjoy it, it's a good product. Smoke what you like and let them continue to tell each other how cool they are for putting you down while you hang out here, among friends who enjoy your company no matter what you choose to smoke.

itsme_timd 10-22-2009 10:00 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
When I first got into cigars and starting lurking the forums I stumbled on a forum where a guy was being shredded for some cigars he was looking to trade and literally told - how dare you come in my house with that crap. Fortunately, not every forum is like that.

Personally, I love to find a great, value smoke. If I can really enjoy a cigar for $6.00 why wouldn't I? I've had cigars that cost $20.00 and enjoyed them much less than some of my $6.00 cigars. There are a ton of great cigars to be had in that price range.

What's the saying??? Smoke what you like! :D

poker 10-22-2009 10:01 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 612281)
I think all of us on this board qualify as aficionados.

But if by that definition the other fellow that was mentioned by the OP is an cigar aficionado, I would choose to qualify myself as an asylum inmate instead. :D

Veritas 10-22-2009 10:06 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by smokin5 (Post 612242)
"Afficianado" - (noun) A pompous jerk with undersized genitalia...


Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 612281)
I think all of us on this board qualify as aficionados.

Uhhh, I prefer Asylum Inmate.

bobarian 10-22-2009 10:08 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by poker (Post 612290)
But if by that definition the other fellow that was mentioned by the OP is an cigar aficionado, I would choose to qualify myself as an asylum inmate instead. :D

:tpd: That's why we call this place home. :tu

Blueface 10-22-2009 10:09 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by poker (Post 612290)
But if by that definition the other fellow that was mentioned by the OP is an cigar aficionado, I would choose to qualify myself as an asylum inmate instead. :D

Absolutely agree.
Only consider myself an aficionado if by the true definition of the word.

Amazing how words evolve and how folks interpret them. Clearly those folks the OP is referring to have an evolved/twisted interpretation.

As I always say Kelly, ignorance is curable.:D

Kreth 10-22-2009 10:19 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Snobs are snobs no matter the topic. There's guys on a golf forum I frequent that think unless you're gaming a new set of blades, custom Scotty, and ProVs; golfing 5 times a week year round in between lessons with your personal instructor, and playing off a single digit handicap, that you're not a serious golfer. Whatever.
Enjoy what you smoke.
Posted via Mobile Device

kaisersozei 10-22-2009 10:24 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Remind those guys at the other CA forum that the magazine they hold sacred rated a $6 stick as Cigar of the Year last year.

OHRD 10-22-2009 10:31 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 612323)
Remind those guys at the other CA forum that the magazine they hold sacred rated a $6 stick as Cigar of the Year last year.

Excellent point! One of my favorite sticks is the Sosa Wavell and it was in their Top 25 in '08 I think, under $5.

Blueface 10-22-2009 10:40 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 612323)
Remind those guys at the other CA forum that the magazine they hold sacred rated a $6 stick as Cigar of the Year last year.

Good point.
However, they day I don't feel welcome or don't feel I fit in because of what I personally enjoy, plenty of other places to take up space at. Means more time for CA:ss

TheTraveler 10-22-2009 10:43 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Got to thinking about my first post. Could be interpreted a couple of ways I suppose ... just want to clarify that I don't think ill of anyone that smokes expensive cigars. I just think it's amusing when someone puts down cheap cigars JUST because they're cheap. There are many expensive cigars I'd love to try and I'm also happy with a few of the cheap-but-good finds I've made because of this forum. :tu

Sorry, didn't want to be misunderstood. Threadjack over. :)

Skywalker 10-22-2009 11:16 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
No body loves a value cigar as much as I do! I don't care if the Aficionados (cigar snobs) make fun of me for it!!! I will still herf with them... They just won't get anymore of my Argonaut Cigars!!!:r

Seriously, not everyone has a huge cigar budget. Getting good deals and smoking what you like, with your botl/sotl is what it is all about

wayner123 10-22-2009 11:18 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
I agree with the sentiments thus far. Smoke what you like. And to that end, I wanted to point out your comment:


Originally Posted by matthewjmichael (Post 612204)

Of course I am not deterred by the statements and I’ll keep smoking and talking about the value smokes I come across. But, this begs the question for me, what is an “Aficionado” and what does that mean for those of us on tight budgets that enjoy smoking more often rather than more expensive cigars? I agree that overtime my palette will develop and I will be more distinguished at what is good/bad, but I will never feel comfortable spending $15+ on a cigar that does not have some grand occasion connected to it, such as the birth of my second child.


If you like it now, don't worry about down the road...

Also, good/bad is a personal judgement. No one else has your tounge and senses. As the saying goes "there's no accounting for taste".

RevSmoke 10-22-2009 11:29 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
Just because someone is easily impressed by the cost of cigars, doesn't make them an afficianado. Nor does it make them correct.

First, smoke what you like - and take the time to enjoy it.

Secondly, cost may have nothing to do with quality of a cigar. There are some $25 a stick dog rockets out there. There are also some $0.50 dog rockets. Of course, I have smoked some cigars at $25 a stick that blew my socks off - never had a fitty-center do that though.

Most of my cigars (as I watch the sales) come in at $2.00-$4.50 a cigar.

Don't let them get under your skin.

I knew some guys like that, they wouldn't know a good cigar if it came and bit them in the buttocks. Take the bands off and let them pick their favorites out of a bunch of cigars the same size, and they couldn't do it.

Good thing to do is try some cigars w/out bands, just to see what you really like. Sometimes the super-premium is that good, too often, it isn't.

Where, with who, with what, and the conversation will often be of more importance that the cigar. If you have to smoke with them, let some of the brothers here know - I'm sure we can send you some band that you can put on your sticks so that when you get together with them, they'll be oooing and aaahhhing. I"ll bet we can get enough bands so that you can put them on some cheaper cigars and pass them out... I'd like to be there as they brag on their fitty-sent smoke in the $50 band. HAHAHA!!!

Peace of the Lord be with you brother.

JackSchwartz 10-22-2009 11:30 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. You ARE an aficionado. An aficionado of good, inexpensive cigars. The folks who reap the benefits from your reviews may not always tell you the review helped, but I think it's safe to say you did them a great service by posting it. Keep on posting reviews and don't pay attention to the snobby aficionados.

RevSmoke 10-22-2009 11:32 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 612301)
Absolutely agree.
Only consider myself an aficionado if by the true definition of the word.

Amazing how words evolve and how folks interpret them. Clearly those folks the OP is referring to have an evolved/twisted interpretation.

As I always say Kelly, ignorance is curable.:D

So is arrogance... Only costs about a quarter. It just isn't legal.

Volt 10-22-2009 11:37 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado
"Where, with who, with what, and the conversation will often be of more importance that the cigar. If you have to smoke with them, let some of the brothers here know - I'm sure we can send you some band that you can put on your sticks so that when you get together with them, they'll be oooing and aaahhhing. I"ll bet we can get enough bands so that you can put them on some cheaper cigars and pass them out... I'd like to be there as they brag on their fitty-sent smoke in the $50 band. HAHAHA!!!"

Ok this is to true and funny. I have a sack of bands I can forward if needed.

KenS 10-22-2009 11:57 AM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by Volt (Post 612418)
"Where, with who, with what, and the conversation will often be of more importance that the cigar."

:tpd: That is a key point from a wise man. Smoking a $1.50 cigar with good friends and family, and enjoying the time spent, is much better than a $25 cigar smoked alone. That is when you know you are an Aficionado :2

fyrftr 10-22-2009 12:06 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

I'm sure we can send you some band that you can put on your sticks so that when you get together with them, they'll be oooing and aaahhhing. I"ll bet we can get enough bands so that you can put them on some cheaper cigars and pass them out... I'd like to be there as they brag on their fitty-sent smoke in the $50 band. HAHAHA!!!

You have to take pics if you do it!! :r

RevSmoke 10-22-2009 12:11 PM

Re: What is an Aficionado

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 612408)
Where, with who, with what, and the conversation will often be of more importance that the cigar. If you have to smoke with them, let some of the brothers here know - I'm sure we can send you some band that you can put on your sticks so that when you get together with them, they'll be oooing and aaahhhing. I"ll bet we can get enough bands so that you can put them on some cheaper cigars and pass them out... I'd like to be there as they brag on their fitty-sent smoke in the $50 band. HAHAHA!!!

Just had a thought here. Maybe we can get enough of one type of band, and the box to match. Then, find a cheaper cigar that is the exact size and wrapper of said cigar. Then, you can open the box and share with them.

I did something similar once with a group of guys who were snobbish like that in Connecticut. I even box-pressed the smokes I got to make them look like the ones that I was replacing. What a hoot!

So, I guess I should ask if you ever get together with these snobs for a smoke, or is it all a bulletin board conversation?

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