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Resipsa 09-15-2009 05:28 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 551214)

Some of the more memorable resumes:

- To one up the notebook paper... hand written on a brown paper bag and faxed in.

And how exactly does one tell that someone wrote their resume on a brown paper bag when it was faxed in??:)

itsme_timd 09-15-2009 05:31 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 551258)
And how exactly does one tell that someone wrote their resume on a brown paper bag when it was faxed in??:)

It was a lunchbag size, when the resume came through you could see the outline of the bag on the fax!

Scottw 09-15-2009 05:46 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 549025)
While I commiserate with you, they are only doing what they are told to do by headhunting "experts". The modus operandi today is to let an employer disqualify you, don't disqualify yourself. And personally I've reviewed
resumes from people who may not be the right fit for us, but I know somebody who is looking for that exact skill set, and I just help them out by getting it in the hands of the right peeps:)

:tpd: people are dying to get jobs,exercise some patience, you never know when it will be your turn, Craig RN.( I got my eye on you).

Resipsa 09-15-2009 05:56 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 551262)
It was a lunchbag size, when the resume came through you could see the outline of the bag on the fax!

did he write "brown" on it so you knew the color of the bag as well?, :r

yourchoice 09-15-2009 06:01 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 551214)
One guy listed his email address as Rather than getting a new email address he added a note that he no longer gets high. Awesome.

That is classic! :r

Mugen910 09-15-2009 08:15 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by cbsmokin (Post 548990)
Rant on.

I am fortunate enough to be expanding my business. I currently have an employment advertisement running. It has very specific requirements listed. I would say 70% of the resumes I receive do not even have any experience in the field I am advertising for. I know times are tough and people are willing to do any kind of work, but if a job requires a specific skill set or license and you do not posses that skill set or license what makes you think I will hire you? Aw, what the heck, just send the resume, you never know? Right? Maybe they will think my experience at the makeup counter is what they are looking for, right? Wrong. :td FWIW worth, it's always this way, good times or bad. Too many unqualified applicants.

End of rant.

Sorry Craig...sheesh..all I wanted was a chance to work for someone who smokes cigars...No need to make it all public. ;s

Scottw 09-15-2009 08:40 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 551601)
Sorry Craig...sheesh..all I wanted was a chance to work for someone who smokes cigars...No need to make it all public. ;s

Bao is a champ at the makeup counter and he is a world class break dance instructor. I'd hire him in a minute.:banger

Mugen910 09-15-2009 08:41 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by Scottw (Post 551686)
Bao is a champ at the makeup counter and he is a world class break dance instructor. I'd hire him in a minute.:banger


GoodFella 09-15-2009 09:03 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]
we are looking for people to work. only thing they have to do is breath. we cant even get that:r

gui_tarzan 09-17-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]
I left a job 15 years ago that I would still be at today if I had stayed. Why did I do that? Stress. Lots and lots of stress. I even took a pay cut and fewer hours on a chance that the new job would work out and fortunately for me it did; I've been there 15 years next month. I was over-qualified at the time but it was a brand new position and we both knew it was an experiment at the time. Now you need a BS to even get looked at for this type of job but I had five years of experience then so they didn't bother with that requirement at the time.

Since then I've only put out two resumes and got an offer on the first try. I couldn't take it though, something in my gut said to stay where I am and it worked out for the best. I had three places locally call me over the years to ask if I would interview there, which I did, but I had to turn their offers down because of the stress that would have been at those jobs. The second resume I submitted just a couple of years ago was rejected not for lack of (or too much) experience, but I didn't have a degree. WTF??? Eighteen years (at the time) of mid/upper level IT experience and you still require a degree??? Fine. So I went back to school and will graduate with a BS in 2011. I hope it's worth it financially 'cause it's NOT cheap!

My point is there are employers that won't hire you for many reasons and right now the crop is overflowing so they can afford to be very particular. At the same time, it's shocking to see how many badly written resumes are floating around out there. Proper grammar and spelling seems to have gone by the wayside.

wrench turner 85 09-18-2009 03:15 PM

Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 549035)
I agree with Vic but people just don't read anymore. We have signs posted all around and in the humidor about what NOT to do and almost everyone does what we ask them not too. Same goes for the lighter shelf. We have a sign that says not to strike the lighters unless you plan on purchasing one. What do they do, strike the lighters. They are like kids and chimps. They have to touch everything.

that remind's me greg I need to pick up every sigle tat at the shop and and lick them. :r

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