gui_tarzan |
09-17-2009 04:17 PM |
Re: Job seekers do NOT read job postings. [Rant]
I left a job 15 years ago that I would still be at today if I had stayed. Why did I do that? Stress. Lots and lots of stress. I even took a pay cut and fewer hours on a chance that the new job would work out and fortunately for me it did; I've been there 15 years next month. I was over-qualified at the time but it was a brand new position and we both knew it was an experiment at the time. Now you need a BS to even get looked at for this type of job but I had five years of experience then so they didn't bother with that requirement at the time.
Since then I've only put out two resumes and got an offer on the first try. I couldn't take it though, something in my gut said to stay where I am and it worked out for the best. I had three places locally call me over the years to ask if I would interview there, which I did, but I had to turn their offers down because of the stress that would have been at those jobs. The second resume I submitted just a couple of years ago was rejected not for lack of (or too much) experience, but I didn't have a degree. WTF??? Eighteen years (at the time) of mid/upper level IT experience and you still require a degree??? Fine. So I went back to school and will graduate with a BS in 2011. I hope it's worth it financially 'cause it's NOT cheap!
My point is there are employers that won't hire you for many reasons and right now the crop is overflowing so they can afford to be very particular. At the same time, it's shocking to see how many badly written resumes are floating around out there. Proper grammar and spelling seems to have gone by the wayside.