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ashtonlady 09-11-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Where were you???
I was getting up and starting my day. Something made me turn the TV on, and as I got my kids ready for school, the first plane hit. Then I went to the cigar site where I had friends in NYC and waited for news and personal reports. It was a very sad day.

marge796 09-11-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Where were you???
Working for a Sheriff's Office attending a training class when one of the instructors ran in and said " We're under attack!" Our class was canceled and the Sheriff called everyone to work because no one knew what was going to happen next. Dark dark day for our country.



eber 09-11-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Where were you???
I was a junior in high school, I was in the locker area and a bunch of people were talking about something having to do with the World Trade Center then in my next class the teacher brought in a tv and we were watching everything unfold on the news. I remember it like it was yesterday

Mr.Maduro 09-11-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Where were you???
At work in Rockefeller Center (4.3 miles away) it was very scary hearing all the rumors going around the city that day... 8 planes missing...more targets in NY... I didn't really feel safe until I seen an F-14 fly over Rockefeller plaza.

I stayed at work overnight and went to the roof of 30 Rock (70 stories) the next morning to see a cloud of smoke billowing from where the towers used to be.


safariguy 09-11-2009 11:52 AM

Re: Where were you???
I am a police officer and was working the night shift then so I did not get up until late morning when almost everything had already happened. I turned on the TV because we had a local situation that had been on national news the day before so I wanted to see if anyone I knew was on television. First thing I saw was the fire at the Pentagon. Later that night at work, we had to deal with the gas stations being overwhelmed and the traffic problems.

My wedding was 11 days later and we did not know if my best man, who was a Naval aviator, was going to be allowed to come. He made it, and was in his dress whites. A lot of police, fire, and EMS at the reception which was held a the fire department made for a lot of emotions.

KidRock 09-11-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Where were you???
I was sitting in my 10th grade math class....I found out late bc of early morning gym class....I went completly numb and our school actually went on lockdown for two hours...

tchariya 09-11-2009 01:36 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was getting my shoes on for work and had accidentally sat on the remote that turned on the tv to the smoking first tower. I was like...wth...started changing channels and saw the same picture over and over again. I thought someone must have burnt a bagel or something.....then I saw a plane slam into the other tower.

I grabbed my phone to call my brother. He was flying out of NYC that morning.
I didn't get him for a good 24 hours. Turns out...he changed his flight and took the red-eye to SFO the night before.

He was going to be on on of the four flights.

Savvy 09-11-2009 01:48 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was in my 9th grade history class. My mom was having open heart surgery, so my day was already stressful beforehand.

We turned the tv on and saw the first tower smoking, and then the second plane hit. It was a very quiet day at school. I'll never forget how I felt that day.

brandonfd3s 09-11-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Where were you???
I remember waking up getting ready for school and the first tower had been hit. Then I was in my Sophmore Woodshoop Class. We all sat around a radio the enitre class and listen to it unfold. I will always remember that day.

Bruins Fan 09-11-2009 01:58 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was waxing my truck in the yard with the radio on.
At the time I was working the night shift on a new 35 story high rise in Boston, got a call around noon to take a few days off, the builder did not want to take any chances.

kelmac07 09-11-2009 02:02 PM

Re: Where were you???
I remember this like it was yesterday...sitting in Post Operations at Fort Eustis, Virginia as a young SSG and having to activate the Installation Operations Center emergency roster within minutes.

yourchoice 09-11-2009 02:05 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was driving in Southern New Jersey looking at property with my business partner. We weren't listening to the radio and not really taking any calls. At the time I had Nextel, and a friend of mine called. I told him I would have to call him back. All he said was "Turn it on 1060" (that's the local news channel). A strange conversation so I immediately turned on the radio.

We stopped to make sure a few construction workers had heard about it then returned to our office. Left work early that day. I couldn't think straight.

I will never forget. :usa

whogamawut 09-11-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was in high school and was sleeping in cause it was a late day. My mom came bursting in my room screaming.

The Poet 09-11-2009 02:30 PM

Re: Where were you???
At work here in town, about 25 miles from Ground Zero, and on line on the old defunct JRBB cigar site. That's where I heard the news, in posts from all over the country and around the world, telling me what was happening in my own front yard.

bigloo 09-11-2009 02:33 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was in grad school. My parents called me "early" in the morning to wake me up. I remember being pissed because they woke me up. I went downstairs. My dad called it right away and said it was terrorist attack well before the 2nd plane hit. I turned on and saw the 2nd plane hit. I called a bunch of grad school buddies who like me believed the day began at noon and ended at 5am. I woke them up. We pretty stayed on the phone the whole day watching, no one went in that day. It was surreal. I remember when the first tower fell, my pal asked whats going on, I said the tower is falling, it is coming down. I remember he said "no no no no ways, it is". I remeber that for some reason a lot more then the 2nd plane hitting.

hotreds 09-11-2009 02:56 PM

Re: Where were you???
Wife called and told me that she was told that a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers; nobody really knew what was happening. I turned on the idiot box, and saw the second plane hit. I thought it was a computer animation, it was so unreal. I sat transfixed and sometimes crying for the rest of the day and into the night.

Starscream 09-11-2009 02:58 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was asleep when the first plane hit. My mother called and woke my wife and I up. I saw the second plane hit and couldn't believe it. I thought it was something out of a movie. But reality finally set in and I honestly didn't know what to think. Just thinking about it today still gives me the shivers. Thoughts and prayers to all of the victims' friends and families.

dubnick 09-11-2009 03:15 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was in 11th Grade Science Class. The teachers knew, but were instructed not to tell us. We all eventually figured it out, and I was called to the office.

My Dad and Uncle were working in the city and my Mom couldn't get in contact with either of them. She had come to pick me and my sister up and we watched it all unfold at home. We didn't hear from them until early in the evening. They were both ok.

I'll never forget!!!


Scothew 09-11-2009 04:03 PM

Re: Where were you???
I had gotten home from working overnight shift in the network ops center and just gotten in bed good when my mom called to tell me. I stayed glued to the tv and phone for the rest of the day seemed like untill I could get confirmation my two friends who were regional airline pilots were ok. 99% of their flying was done in that area.

WyGuy 09-11-2009 04:09 PM

Re: Where were you???
I was eating breakfast in the kitchen when my sister came up from downstairs saying that a plane had crashed into one of the Trade Towers. Pretty much the entire day at school was spent watching the news. Will never forget that, even remember what I had for breakfast, Honey Bunches of Oats and a glass of chocolate milk.

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