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BigFrank 08-12-2009 01:43 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 506843)
Big Frank was kind enough to send some samplers for me:
Cornell & Deihl - Billy Budd
Cornell & Deihl - Habana Daydream
McClelland - Dominican Glory
Strike Force...? (I dont have these in front of me)

I have had the Dominican Glory Maduro and the Habana Day Dream. I am REALLY liking the Dominican Glory!

Hearth & Home Strike Force

A healthy amount of premium Latakia is combined with buttery Turkish, Sweet Virginias, tangy Perique and a touch of Nicaraguan cigar leaf for "kick".

Emjaysmash 08-12-2009 01:48 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 506966)
Hearth & Home Strike Force

A healthy amount of premium Latakia is combined with buttery Turkish, Sweet Virginias, tangy Perique and a touch of Nicaraguan cigar leaf for "kick".

Thanks Frank!

Someone hit up his RG for me!!

wrench turner 85 08-12-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
its an oldie but goody from C&D with lots of flavor is black frigate. but all of my exp. with cigar/pipe blends is that it like tofu. filling but not satisfying.

Benwoo 08-14-2009 02:03 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Found a tin of Domincan Glory Maduro in my stash. Now I can tear into that one :D

Emjaysmash 08-15-2009 08:15 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Benwoo (Post 509788)
Found a tin of Domincan Glory Maduro in my stash. Now I can tear into that one :D

Its got a funky smell, but it smokes very nicely!!

petewho 08-24-2009 03:33 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
A week or so ago I went with a friend to a shop that had blending tobaccos out and you could make your own blend. He did a blend that was right around 80/20 mix of VA/Per (maybe closer to 75/25) and it was the most cigar-like pipe experience I've ever had. It was quite spicy and strong, but rendered my tastebuds useless for the remainder of the day - I attempted a cigar afterwards and didn't get much flavor out of it at all.

Curly Cut 08-26-2009 11:39 AM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
75/25 vaper!!?? holy crap!!! most blends only have less than 5% Perique!!
no wonder you couldn't taste anything later on. that would be insane (i have to try it sometime).

of the american blenders that have "cigar leaf" added, i haven't found them to taste very much like a "cigar" at all.
woops and BlackDog have already mentioned what i would say tastes most like a cigar. that type of cigar would be like a young and spicy cuban where the twang is slightly muted, like smoking a really fresh Boli CJ or RASCC... the kind that gets your lips tingling.
that blend would be G&H Dark Flake (unscented). yes, it can also knock you on your ash. to me, closest pipe tobacco i've had that actually made me think, "hey, this tastes almost like a young cigar" when i wasn't looking for it to happen.

RevSmoke 08-26-2009 01:03 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Curly Cut (Post 523663)
75/25 vaper!!?? holy crap!!! most blends only have less than 5% Perique!!
no wonder you couldn't taste anything later on. that would be insane (i have to try it sometime).

I have some 1994 whole leaf Perique that I like to cut up and smoke straight. As for being as strong as some claim, that is completely in error - it isn't that bad. I also like to mix my own with it.

Curly Cut 08-26-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
i'm gonna have to dip my fingers into some blending perique and give it a twirl on my own.
i've heard that something strong in the Perique dept, like Fillmore, is only 5% perique.

Mister Moo 08-26-2009 02:33 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by wrench turner 85 (Post 507224)
...all of my exp. with cigar/pipe blends is that it like tofu. filling but not satisfying.

I once asked my nearest pipe expert, "So, what pipe tobacco is there that tastes like a cigar?" He gave me the look but suggested Virginia Spice. I probably asked about this in the middle of an old kick-butt El Rico Habano Club pepper-bomb. Love the pepper bombs and wanted pepperbomb pipe tobak so I'd stay in touch with cigars. But the tofu thing is how it panned out. One good snork of Escudo killed any interest in finding pipe tobak that said "cigar." Pipe tobak stands on its own for me. When I want a pipe that tastes like a cigar, I smoke a cigar.

Nevertheless, the H&H Virginia Spice that SlowTriathlete mentioned above, is nice pipe smoke with a cigar edge. :ss

petewho 08-26-2009 03:11 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Curly Cut (Post 523663)
75/25 vaper!!?? holy crap!!! most blends only have less than 5% Perique!!
no wonder you couldn't taste anything later on. that would be insane (i have to try it sometime).

I checked in with him - it's 80/20, but still pretty crazy. I'm not saying it was BAD, just very spicy and strong, like a cigar. He claims to have picked out a bit of the perique from the bag lowering the concentration. I'm going to have to give it a go again just for kicks.

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