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ade06 07-24-2009 12:36 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

mrreindeer 07-24-2009 12:46 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Original ad:
litter of 5 kittens. two orange, two black, one mixed-grey. all are three weeks old and looking for a good home!
From Yin Chang to *********@***********.org


i buy all kitten you have. how much?

- yin chang

From ************ to Me

Sorry. These kittens are not being sold for food.

mrreindeer 07-24-2009 12:47 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
must stop....


must stop....



yourchoice 07-24-2009 01:25 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
OMG, this website is hysterical...LOL <-- literally.

Joan 07-24-2009 02:25 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 478575)

Hi, my name is Mike Partlow. I am interested in the position of Pool Manager for your hotel. Here is why I feel I am qualified for the position:

- I am an ex Navy SEAL. Water is my blood.
- I have saved countless lives on 3 different continents. I once saved an entire submarine crew from drowning in the artic.
- I am highly trained in underwater combat. I am prepared to handle any situation that may danger this pool.

I will make sure that this pool is safer than the Hau River during US occupation. Under my watch, pool casualties will be minimal. I will oversee a lifeguard "hellweek" style training program that I will make sure all the lifeguards under my command complete prior to serving for the hotel. Saftey of all pool guests is my top priority. I will also make every pool guest go through an intense underwater survival program before they are allowed to enter the pool.


omg! omg! My Divemaster class had a Mike Partlow in it who planned to join the Navy if commercial dive school instructing didn't agree with him... hm. :confused:

That is one funny website! :banger

mrreindeer 07-27-2009 08:16 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
Too funny Joan, that makes two who know a Mike Partlow...I think it might just be an alias guys use if they don't want to give up their real names...



Mike Partlow

Joan 07-27-2009 07:29 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 481399)
Too funny Joan, that makes two who know a Mike Partlow...I think it might just be an alias guys use if they don't want to give up their real names...



Mike Partlow


Good one! Yes, it has got to be an alias, and so freakin hilarious that it sounds exactly like something my MP would do. :tu

mrreindeer 08-10-2009 10:29 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)



You can call me Mike. I was never one for formalities.

A little about myself, I am 37 years old, and worked as a mercenary driver in the Middle East. I have escorted important clients through high-risk areas in Iraq and Afghanistan for five years. I have seen a lot of action, and have ensured the safety of my clients. Out of all the jobs I have done, 90% of my clients arrived at their destination unharmed.

I have several references. I'll have one of them e-mail you.

My car is very safe and reliable - perfect for your daughter. It is an armored 2007 Chevy Suburban. All glass has been replaced with multi-layered ballistic glass capable of stopping a 7.62 x 39 bullet dead in its tracks. The doors, roof, and floor have been reinforced with ballistic steel/composite that can withstand IED blasts and stop grenade fragmentation. This car has been put to the test and will always deliver.

Safety and protection is my #1 priority. The car is fully loaded with an HK416 assault rifle that fire under the toughest conditions. The roof has a 40mm MK-19 automatic grenade launcher turret installed. Hopefully we won't have to use it, but it is good to have. I can't tell you how many times I've had to return fire against an enemy APC. I assure you that nobody will mess with your daughter as I escort her home from soccer practice.

Now lets discuss pay. I have various security packages I offer, and for your daughter I recommend my medium package which will run you $200 an hour. I also have a minimal package which is only $125 an hour. It is entirely up to you.

Let me know,

Mike Partlow

mrreindeer 08-10-2009 10:35 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

From Kate ******** to Me

This has to be a joke. This isnt Bagdad, it's suburban PA...

Are you just being sarcastic? What do you really drive? I want to pay 30 bucks a day, tops.


Safety/protection is no joke. For $30, you are likely to get some 17-year-old kid who just got his license and will drive your daughter in his unarmored Ford Focus. I've seen an IED blow a Ford Focus into thousands of pieces, none larger than a golf ball.

My security package is well worth the $200 per trip. We will pick your daughter up in a random Suburban. Four trucks will pull up, and she will get into a random one every day. This is so the enemy does not know which one to attack. The Suburban she is in will have an armed security detail of men I have worked with in Iraq. We know what we are doing. She will be escorted in our convoy down the highway at a high rate of speed to avoid stopping in "kill zones." All vehicles are equipped with an MIRT which is used to change the traffic lights to green so we will not have to slow down. Your daughter will arrive safely in your arms no later than 20 minutes from when she is extracted from the soccer field.

Please reconsider my offer. You can't put a price on your daughter's safety.

mrreindeer 09-02-2009 10:09 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)


Absolutely not! Don't worry, I would never even dare consider having drug addicts watch your children. They are children for pete's sake!

My rehabilitation program is called Kons For Kids. We help get ex-convicts back on the right track again, by giving them second chances that they deserve.

Derek Schillinger - Derek is a 43-year-old male from the Delaware County area. Just released after serving 17 of 25 years for two counts of third-degree murder. Derek loves to laugh, read, and enjoys long walks on the beach.

Timothy Beecher - Tim is a 36-year-old male who was just released after serving 12 years of his 15 year sentence for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Tim was released on good behavior and is ready to get back into the real world. Tim enjoys working with kids, and has six kids of his own with various women in the tri-state area. Before his conviction, Tim was a mid-level cocaine dealer. He knows a lot about economics and business, and would be able to give your children a great education while watching them.

KFK is a very respectable program. I'm guessing from your apparent issues with murderers, you aren't interested in Derek. Before you completely rule him out, I would like to point out that he was convicted of third degree murder, which is the most harmless kind of murder. Third degree murder isn't premeditated murder, and it usually just accidental murder. I talked to Derek, and he said he didn't mean to kill the guy, he just wanted to hurt him. Please give him another chance.

If you don't want him watching your kids, I'll understand. Should I tell Tim you are interested instead?

Steve 09-02-2009 10:16 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Basic Life Skills!!!

mrreindeer 09-02-2009 10:22 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
Basic Life Skills!


I already told Tim that he got the job. Please don't make me have to give him the bad news.

mrreindeer 09-02-2009 10:23 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Well, I hope you are happy. I had to tell Tim that you weren't willing to give him a second chance. Tim got so angry that he tried to stab me with a fountain pen. Needless to say, that was considered a violation of his parole and he has been sent back to his correctional facility to serve the remainder of his sentence. You essentially ruined Tim's life, after he was ready to get back on the right track. You are a horrible person.

GKitty 09-02-2009 10:24 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
omg, this site makes me need a laughing so hard I'm crying smiley.

*insert tearful laughter here*

mrreindeer 09-02-2009 10:33 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 532622)
omg, this site makes me need a laughing so hard I'm crying smiley.

*insert tearful laughter here*



From Brian ****** to Me:

How much sh!t are you bringing dude? Are you trying to move to Chicago? I said I have a Civic... not a moving van.

From Me to Brian ******:

I'm not bringing that much stuff, just my clothes, weedwhacker, mini-fridge, and TV. You said you had room for my you don't? I don't understand. Does this mean we can't take my recliner either?
crying, rolling, crying

DonniePaul 09-03-2009 08:23 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
Thanks for posting that site. It is awesome!:tu

DoctorBJ 09-03-2009 08:41 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
I've been cracking up here at work. Nice find.

mrreindeer 10-27-2009 10:34 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)


From Me to **********@********.org:


I live in the area and am also looking for a good time with no strings attached. I am a 37 year old man who just likes having some fun. How about you come over and we watch a movie and have some wine? You down?


From Karen ******** to Me:

Hi mike! Of course I am down for some fun ;) Do you have any pics of yourself?

From Karen ******** to Me:

Mike are you still there? I havent heard from you!

From Me to Karen ********:


From Karen ******** to Me:


From Me to Karen ********:


From Karen ******** to Me:

huh I swear he didn't say anything about that! I'm sorry! I won't write again!

From Me to Karen ********:


It is Mike. What the hell did you say to my wife? She found out about us! She is packing her stuff and talking about a divorce. What did you do?!


From Karen ******** to Me:

I responded to YOUR email that's it! Maybe you shouldn't let your wife check your email! Lastly there is no "us"! I wouldn't screw around with a married man! Shame on you for cheating on your wife!

From Me to Karen ********:


Look, I'm sorry, I should have told you about my wife. I just didn't think it was worth mentioning.

Now I managed to calm my wife down. She was willing to hear my side of the story. I told her you were an old girlfriend from high school that was still obsessed with me, and I was trying to get rid of you. She believes me, but she wants to kick your a$$. Would you be able to come over here and let my wife kick your ass? Don't worry, she doesn't hit that hard. Just pretend it hurts. I'll give you $20 if you can do this for me.

Please help me out here!


From Karen ******** to Me:

why would you tell her that!!!!! just be honest and accept what you did!! no I wont go over there to get beat up are you out of your mind????

From Me to Karen ********:

Please Karen! If she divorces me, I am screwed. I made the mistake of not signing a prenuptial agreement when we got married, and now she is talking about taking everything! She even wants to take my Plasma TV! That TV is my world. It is like a son to me. Please don't let her do this. Just come over and let her kick your a$$. Do it for me, Karen.


From Karen ******** to Me:

I'm sorry but this is not my fault at all. I can't help you.

From Me to Karen ********:

****. Well are you still down for a good time with dinner and a movie?

From Karen ******** to Me:

absolutely not.

From Me to Karen ********:

So you ruin my life, and now you won't even go out on a date with me? Thanks a lot, Karen. Next time why don't you add "WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE" next to your personal ad?

mrreindeer 10-27-2009 10:42 AM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
Just to be clear for you new readers of this great website, the ME is not ME....this is not MY site, it's just one that I really really really wish was mine. Just kiddin.

St. Lou Stu 10-27-2009 12:18 PM

Re: EMAILS FROM AN A$$HOLE (I didn't say Ma$$hole)
Oh ****.... my side hurts from laughing...

"Also, I let my friend watch the parrot for a week when I was on vacation, and ever since then, the parrot sings "The Final Countdown" by Europe every night at 4 in the morning. It often wakes me up and I am tired of it. I don't even like that song."

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