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GoldnGT 07-23-2009 08:18 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
PandoraBox or AppSniper for looking at new apps
FML - read it every day
Mobile Stogie

Flick Fishing
Pocket Tanks
Paper Toss
Bejeweled 2

Food Related:
Whole Foods

zonedar 07-23-2009 08:20 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Just added Associate Press. Nice news feed program with a good user interface.

shilala 07-23-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 475523)
LOL that sounds like an awful app.. what would you used it for exactly? :confused:

Check out the remote app, it's great. :banger

There's Juimimous and Air Mouse Pro.
You use it as a wirelesss mouse for your puter or laptop.
I'm gonna try it when I get a chance. :)

GoldnGT 07-23-2009 08:51 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I've played with RemotePad before, and its pretty neat. It does the same thing Air Mouse Pro does, only its free to give you a real feel for it.

shilala 07-23-2009 09:04 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
So far I got:
pocket tanks
shop shop
Grocery Gadget
Video Poker

Keep them coming guys. :)

floydpink 07-23-2009 10:22 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by bowhnter (Post 475520)
CameraZoom 1.1 was just released for $.99...Sounds handy to me

Just got it and it is a lifesaver.

aich75013 07-23-2009 12:23 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I also use Wallet Zero sometimes. Replaces some of the Rewards cards that I used to keep on my keychain.
Unfortunately, Best Buy and CVS do not work for me.

sikk50 07-23-2009 01:17 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
THis one only pertains to California users, but if there are any that are interested in Geology at all, "Geology CA" is an amazing app! Little pricy but totaly worth it

LasciviousXXX 07-23-2009 02:42 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Awesome apps so far!!!

The ones I use most are:

AT&T MyWireless
Now Playing - great for movie times, upcoming movies, DVD's, etc
Google App
DirecTV DVR recorder
HJ - Learn how to speak Japanese
Japanese Phrases Lite
Suicide Girls
Phone Flicks - syncs and allows access to your Netflix Queue
BankofAmerica App
Wild West Pinball
Ferrari GT

MNSmoker 07-23-2009 08:55 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The ones that I use the most:

AP Mobile
ESPN ScoreCenter
The Weather Channel
Flight Control
I Dig It (ridiculously addicting)

I'm a sucker for apps. There are so many of them that look appealing and they're generally pretty cheap.

Resipsa 07-23-2009 09:42 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
For the guys still using Pandora, this was a good app that has been surpassed by others such as Slacker and Check them out.

Resipsa 07-23-2009 09:50 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?


midomiultra(a better but paid for version of shaazam)

Orblive (streams your tv, movies and music stored on your computer to your iphone over both 3g and wifi, for $9.99, forget about slingbox at 3 times the price and only works over wifi)

Newsstand (rss reader)



Pocketuniverse (for those interested in astronomy. Uses the accelerometer and compass on the 3 GS to track your movements, as you turn to look at the sky you have a "what u see is what u get" experience. Very cool.

shilala 09-25-2009 11:54 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I looked this up and resurrected it for some more ideas.
I absolutely love my iphone. It totally owns me. The more I use it, the more useful it is.

I'm sending this link to my beautiful, incredible, brilliant, goddess of a girlfriend so she can check out the suggestions.
If you guys have any more good stuff, we'd like to try them.

Oh yeah, we had another thread about the Navigon turn by turn gps app.
I got it, I totally love it, and they just upgraded it to add turn by turn with street names. It so kicks that ass off of my old gps, there's no comparison.
I'm gonna have to go see if I can find that thread and update it, too.

Thanks guys!!! :)

sikk50 09-25-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
FAST - totaly addicting flying game
Car Jack Streets - like old school GTA
Worms - Awesome

Private - Good place to store those sexy pics the woman sends you, even allows you to set up a decoy password to a different set of pictures

iEmoji - so you can sent emoticons to other iphone users

Camerabag - very fun if you like to take pics and screw with them like I do

Photobucket - makes posting pictures of cigars a lot easier bc you don't have to bust out your camera, just your phone

BigAsh 09-25-2009 01:59 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Battery pretty accurate battery reading depending on what task you're doing....and its free!

gettysburgfreak 09-25-2009 03:55 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
the ones I use have all been mentioned accept for the ebay app. You can browse and bid and its really easy to use.

ucubed 09-26-2009 01:17 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Barnes and Nobles, Skype, AIM, Facebook, Fandango, Flashlight, iHandy Level/compass/protractor etc, Units, Google Earth, WebMD, Dictionary, Restaurants, NYTimes, Skaespeare, Eponyms, Law Dictionary, Stanza,

games: Doodlejump, topple, parapanic, doodleflight, cartoon wars, kil.a.ton, the creeps, pocket god

kelmac07 09-26-2009 02:17 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Tons on my touch...but I really only use MobileStogie! :tu

shilala 09-26-2009 06:46 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 567596)
FAST - totaly addicting flying game
Car Jack Streets - like old school GTA
Worms - Awesome

Private - Good place to store those sexy pics the woman sends you, even allows you to set up a decoy password to a different set of pictures

iEmoji - so you can sent emoticons to other iphone users

Camerabag - very fun if you like to take pics and screw with them like I do

Photobucket - makes posting pictures of cigars a lot easier bc you don't have to bust out your camera, just your phone

iemoji cost me 99 cents. I'm gonna have to bill you for that, Andrew. :)

tenbaseg 09-26-2009 06:53 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
If you haven't checked it out yet, check out CardStar.

It's a free app that lets you put in all your store shopping cards. It makes the bar codes so your phone can be scanned at the register.

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