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DPD6030 07-08-2009 09:07 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
I get the

"You don't even know these people and you plan on staying with them for a what (herf)" or

"I don't have anything to smoke" or

"That's all you care about are your stupid cigars".

"Don't old people smoke cigars, you're not old".

"HOW much did you spend on cigars"?

"Do you really think you need more cigars"?

kgoings 07-08-2009 09:16 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
Oh yea and
"I've never seen someone SO happy to go get the mail" lol

kydsid 07-08-2009 09:20 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
All I hear is the crickets chirp.

mrgto 07-08-2009 09:24 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
The one that gets me the most is the guys at the bar telling me "those cigars stink up the place" as they sit there and chain smoke their pall mall cigarettes!

Mr. Ed 07-08-2009 10:17 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
"You smell......... interesting."

papajohn67 07-08-2009 10:43 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...

Originally Posted by ca21455 (Post 456353)
Your killing me.
Your killing yourself.
Your killing the neighbors.
Your killing the grass.
Youir killing the people around you.

You get the picture...

But remember your, "helping to save the children"

cherrybomb 07-08-2009 10:58 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
the girlfriend usually asks "Can I try That"? and then usually tells me if it is to her liking or not, but never sits down and enjoys a whole stick

Smokin Gator 07-09-2009 04:47 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...

Originally Posted by kgraybill (Post 456347)
If she said somethin I probably just said Yes Dear and nodded on my way out to the smokin area.


TheBeard 07-09-2009 05:32 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
Usually it's something along the lines of "oooh, what are you smoking?" or "I'll join you in a minute" or "care to try this one?"

It helps having a girlfriend who smokes cigars. <3 my Tanith.

Mr.Maduro 07-09-2009 05:52 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
Still my favorite... when I first started a few years back...

"He turned into an old man overnight, he's drinking bourbon and smoking cigars!"


Aldebaran 07-09-2009 06:04 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
I get "Are you going outside?" it is asked more to make sure they know where I am in case I am needed.

Sometimes I get comments like "Hey they smells terrible" "Thats not so bad" and twice "I really like that smell"

SmokeyNL 07-09-2009 06:09 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
out in public I usually get some fake coughs or people telling me either that it smells or that it reminds them of their father who used to smoke.

People who know me know how much I enjoy having a cigar, so no comments from them at all.

Volt 07-09-2009 06:09 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
With the wife, I don't smoke in the house and her Dad smoked, so no real issues there. I do try to be considerate of where the direct smoke is going, but in general though, I can't say that I notice too many comments. If I wanted others opinions I'd ask for them. I keep my nose out of others business and expect others to do the same.

SSatVT 07-09-2009 06:18 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
I have gotten a lot of that smells good, and I get a lot of nasty looks.

My favorite was the girl that was sitting a few seats down at a bar looked down at me and then looked at the ashtray and said "your done? Don't you want to light another? I was really loving the smell"

Ashcan Bill 07-09-2009 06:50 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
The wife likes to bust my chops every so often, but in a good natured way. Lighting up just presents her with another opportunity, which she appreciates. ;)

Once in a great while if I'm out in public I may hear snatches of a whispered "...cigar..." conversation. I do recall one lady coming up and telling me my cigar reminded her of her father, and how much she enjoyed the fragrance. :)

Jimbo14 07-09-2009 07:31 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
What a great thread :)

I usually get....

"Poooo, you stink!" - From my girlfriend.
"James, I think your smoking far to many cigars, you will get cancer" - From my mother.
"That smells great James (with a big smile) - My father.

From this you can probably guess who supported me in getting a motorcycle and who didnt... Therefore - no motorcycle :(

Lucky_Hippo 07-09-2009 08:11 AM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
If a stranger is bold enough to say something face to face it's usually a positive like "Smells good!" , but if they arn't brave enough it's usually the fake coughing and dirty glances.

HK3- 07-09-2009 06:28 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
Thanks everyone for posting your "comments"! :tu Glad to hear that some of you get positive feedback from your hobby.


Originally Posted by papajohn67 (Post 456668)
But remember your, "helping to save the children"

This one makes me laugh everytime you post it. :banger

timothy92544 07-09-2009 06:45 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
From my nephew, "Man, that smells so good!"
From my sisters, "That STINKS!"
From my wife, I get both comments. :confused:
From my son, " Can I smoke one of your cigars?":dr

alfbacca 07-09-2009 08:28 PM

Re: What kind of comments do you hear...
When I smoke around my wife, which is rarely, she usually says "can I try it?"

But because I smoke alone most times, and living in San Francisco I have to smoke somewhere outside, people have come up to me asking "do you have another one? Oh wait, that's not a cigarette, nevermind."

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