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ahc4353 06-17-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 427893)
He was doing his job. Albeit the wrong way. But nonetheless, he was trying to protect and serve. :2

No lights, no siren for a speeder and thats OK?

Wonder if it were your daughters you would have the same outlook Dustin?

Not looking for a fight at all. We will just have to disagree as men on this one.

Bruzee 06-17-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 428261)
No lights, no siren for a speeder and thats OK?

Wonder if it were your daughters you would have the same outlook Dustin?

Not looking for a fight at all. We will just have to disagree as men on this one.

Absoultely not ok brother. And I appreciate your opinion on this matter. But, you cannot imagine how difficult that job is to do, until you have actually done it. Something similar happened in my home town. Sanger PD was chasing a bad guy for some garden variety felony through the outskirts of town. The bad guy had his head lights off, and the officer pursuing him did not have his overheads or siren on. The bad guy hit a plain clothes deputy that was going to conduct some follow up on a burglary case. The collision killed the deputy instantly. Everyone here was up in arms that the pursuing officer didn't have code three equipment activated. That officer made a mistake, and will never be the same again. It was not a purposeful act, but negligence nonetheless.

I agree with you Al about the horrible tragedy. But you want the officer to go to jail for failing to use his code three equipment? Then everyone that runs a red light, and gets into an accident and kills someone needs to be sent to prison. :2

ahc4353 06-17-2009 02:15 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428270)
Absoultely not ok brother. And I appreciate your opinion on this matter. But, you cannot imagine how difficult that job is to do, until you have actually done it. Something similar happened in my home town. Sanger PD was chasing a bad guy for some garden variety felony through the outskirts of town. The bad guy had his head lights off, and the officer pursuing him did not have his overheads or siren on. The bad guy hit a plain clothes deputy that was going to conduct some follow up on a burglary case. The collision killed the deputy instantly. Everyone here was up in arms that the pursuing officer didn't have code three equipment activated. That officer made a mistake, and will never be the same again. It was not a purposeful act, but negligence nonetheless.

I agree with you Al about the horrible tragedy. But you want the officer to go to jail for failing to use his code three equipment?

I want him to go to jail for killing to innocent humans. Because he's a cop doesn't make him above the law or does it?

I run that stop sign and kill two people I'm going to jail.

ahc4353 06-17-2009 02:20 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428270)
....Then everyone that runs a red light, and gets into an accident and kills someone needs to be sent to prison. :2

We agree!

Bruzee 06-17-2009 02:21 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 428275)
I want him to go to jail for killing to innocent humans. Because he's a cop doesn't make him above the law or does it?

I run that stop sign and kill two people I'm going to jail.

Yes they were innocent Al. He did nothing criminal. And no it doesn't make him above the law. Police Officers have a split second to make decisions, sometimes those decisions are to take a persons life. Or in this case, whether or not to activate code three equipment. He made an error and damned well should have activated his code three equipment. He will be civilly liable, and so will the department he works for. He will never live a day without thinking about those people. He is going to be haunted by that scene till he dies. We let drug dealers, child molesters, armed robbers and the likes walk everyday from our justice system. And you want a police officer to go to jail for this? I greatly respect and value your opinion, but I have to disagree with you my friend.

ahc4353 06-17-2009 02:25 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
Just because our system allows the creatures to walk is another topic and has no bearing on this. With that logic everyone walks.

I would love the system revamped!

I'm old school, as in an eye for an eye type of thing.

G G 06-17-2009 02:30 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428289)
Yes they were innocent Al. He did nothing criminal. And no it doesn't make him above the law. Police Officers have a split second to make decisions, sometimes those decisions are to take a persons life. Or in this case, whether or not to activate code three equipment. He made an error and damned well should have activated his code three equipment. He will be civilly liable, and so will the department he works for. He will never live a day without thinking about those people. He is going to be haunted by that scene till he dies. We let drug dealers, child molesters, armed robbers and the likes walk everyday from our justice system. And you want a police officer to go to jail for this? I greatly respect and value your opinion, but I have to disagree with you my friend.

I respectfully agree with your opinoin Justin. I am not a police officer, however I do drive a big ambulance around and do have to make those split second decisions sometimes when responding to a call. The stress levels you are subjected to are very high, and I know that we are all human so that makes us not perfect. If this particular police officer has a pattern of that kind of behaviour then I can see something far greater happening to him. In a perfect world it would all be black and white (the rules are the rules or laws in this case) and there would be no room for the gray areas. But we all know this isn't a perfect world. I understand Al's position, because before i got into the public service business I prolly would have agreed wholeheartedly with him. Opinions change sometimes based on the perspective you are looking from.:tu

Bruzee 06-17-2009 02:35 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 428297)
Just because our system allows the creatures to walk is another topic and has no bearing on this. With that logic everyone walks.

I would love the system revamped!

I'm old school, as in an eye for an eye type of thing.

Man, we do agree on something! :D I 100% agree with you. I was thinking that the trooper story was not really relevant to the Dante Stallworth story, but I entertained the discussion anyways. We could discuss our justice system till we are both blule in the face, and it would do no good.

I was just pointing out that 24 days in jail for DUI with death is a slap in the face. I think we got a little off topic from my original point. :)

The Poet 06-17-2009 03:32 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
Well, let's just hope that during those few weeks in jail he learns a "hole" new meaning of wide receiver.

Sailkat 06-17-2009 03:40 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 427926)
30 days in jail???? If this was "average joe" we are looking at 6-7 years and not in a nice, cozy resort. Total injustice!!!

The person who killed my father got 3 years probation.

Bruzee 06-17-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Sailkat (Post 428438)
The person who killed my father got 3 years probation.

Wow, sorry to hear that. That is a shame!

Random Guy 06-17-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 427926)
30 days in jail???? If this was "average joe" we are looking at 6-7 years and not in a nice, cozy resort. Total injustice!!!

I totally agree! I have no idea, but isn't there a minimum jail sentence for taking another life? 5 - 10 years? Shouldn't there be? Whether or not it was an 'accident'? He was drunk after all.

I don't think he got 'special' treatment because he's a football player. I think he got the justice that he could 'afford' because he is wealthy. Various cases in recent years have proven this time and time again.

Just my thoughts.

tobii3 06-17-2009 06:20 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
Y'all don't understand the Legal System today.

Money Talks, Celebrity Walks.

If I'm drunk and hit ANYONE, I lose my career, my retirement, face a Court martial, THEN a Civilian Court, and if I am LUCKY, spend only 5 years in Ft Leavenworth.

How do I know this?? A fellow NCO did it back in 1996.

Dante should be punished. Not slapped on the wrist.

shilala 06-17-2009 06:37 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
I read all of this thread.
I know four people personally who have killed people with vehicles while intoxicated.
I know a number more who have changed their lives completely in less than one second.
All I can say is that I thank God that I don't have to be the judge.
I thank God that Donte didn't run over my daughter, because I can't imagine how I could find the strength to let him live for another second, ruining my life and my family and friend's lives as a result of my vengeance.
I think everyone has made excellent points, and put a lot of thoughtful opinion into this. It's a complicated and personal decision.
If anyone should speak on this, it's Kat.
I'm sure she's got more to teach us from her personal experience than any of us can opinionate.
I can't imagine the pain or your loss, Kat. I sure as hell can't imagine how you dealt with it. I'm certain I could learn from you though.

wrench turner 85 06-17-2009 06:42 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill
the judge should be disbarred and fired, and maybe should be brought up on corruption charges. :mad:

pnoon 06-17-2009 07:09 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 428426)
Well, let's just hope that during those few weeks in jail he learns a "hole" new meaning of wide receiver.

Sometimes it is o.k. to not post.

wrench turner 85 06-17-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Bruzee (Post 428258)
You want to hang an over zealous peace officer for making a mistake while protecting and serving his community? He was at work, not drinking and driving. Not out partying or chasing tail. He was in an uniform, and trying to do his job. I think it is a great tragedy, and he will pay dearly the rest of his life. Do you disagree?

yes, I'm a mechanic for the local school system, If I f**k up and someone looses there life over it, I don't get a free ride or slap on the wrist. I will be sued, loose my job, and/or brought up on criminal charges for a "mistake". even if no one looses there life, all above applies. So yes, officers should have repercussions for there "mistakes", there no different then me.

taltos 06-17-2009 07:52 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by Random Guy (Post 428595)
I totally agree! I have no idea, but isn't there a minimum jail sentence for taking another life? 5 - 10 years? Shouldn't there be? Whether or not it was an 'accident'? He was drunk after all.

I don't think he got 'special' treatment because he's a football player. I think he got the justice that he could 'afford' because he is wealthy. Various cases in recent years have proven this time and time again.

Just my thoughts.

The minimum jail sentence is 30 days if you plead guilty and save the state the time and expense of a trial. Except for the off season his house arrest means nothing though.

ade06 06-17-2009 07:55 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 428626)
Money Talks, Celebrity Walks.

Is that what happend to M. Vick?


Originally Posted by wrench turner 85 (Post 428653)
the judge should be disbarred and fired, and maybe should be brought up on corruption charges. :mad:

Really??? :(

Bruzee 06-17-2009 07:59 PM

Re: Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for kill

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 428796)
Is that what happend to M. Vick?

Funny you bring that up. That is another reason why this is crazy. Vick did something horrible...... to animals. He did more time than Stallworth will ever do!

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