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Negncic 06-08-2009 08:57 AM

Re: Speaker Recommendations?
I am not an expert but I did a fair amount of research and wound up setting buying Definitive Technology's Mythos series. I added ,according to reviews one of the best dollar for dollar subwoofers the definitive technology supercube. If there are better speakers and/or subwoofers out there in the same price range I would like to know about them.

HK3- 06-08-2009 10:29 AM

Re: Speaker Recommendations?
When I was building my mancave I went with the Bose Accoustimass 10 series and ran them with a Denon 115 watt X 7 receiver. I'm no audio head but IMO these things sound pretty decent.

:banger <---- me in the basement.

mash 06-08-2009 10:23 PM

Re: Speaker Recommendations?
There is a Canadian manufacturer called PSB that make fantastic, well-priced speakers. Hard to beat for the money.
If you want to spend more, there is an American company called Thiel, out of Kentucky, that make a great product.

SmokinDuck 06-08-2009 10:47 PM

Re: Speaker Recommendations?

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 414190)
I'll give my vote to Paradigm give them a listen to me they are very pleasing.Give the different lines/models a try all are worth checking out.

Definitely Paradigm.

I love the sound of mine.

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