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elderboy02 04-16-2009 07:22 PM

Re: My car was broken in to

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 340387)
I hate thieves, they're the worst sort of human filth. I'm sorry this happened to you.

:tpd: I hope karma bites them in the rear.

darb85 04-16-2009 08:43 PM

Re: My car was broken in to

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 339991)
It happened again this morning, This time it was my Mazda3. When some Ass Hole broke into my Truck in December they tried unsuccessfully to take my head unit. This morning I went outside to go to work and the window was smashed in. They stole my Tom Tom, a radar detector, my cigar caddy with some cigars in it, and a Merkur Razor that I was mailing back to the retailer for a replacement. The auto insurance will pay for all but $100 of the window but I'm SOL for the other stuff my homeowners deductible is $500 and that's how much it would cost to replace that stuff myself. God I'm pissed the first time it cost me 35 for a used window and an hour of my time. Now they actually took stuff that meant something to me. I'm gonna go workout and hit some stuff now.

your comprhensive coverage should cover the theft...thats what it is, the other than collision coverage..theft fire vandalisim at least thats how it works with my company

White97Jimmy 04-16-2009 09:21 PM

Re: My car was broken in to
My comp coverage didn't cover all of my personal items taken from my boss's car when we were traveling and it was stolen. I had to go through homeowners insurance.

icehog3 04-16-2009 09:48 PM

Re: My car was broken in to

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 340519)
No I usually do have the mounting on the windshield but had just taken it off this week.

Tom, whoever broke the window cut them self because there was blood on some of the papers I had in the glove box. Would this be of any use to the Police? I don't expect it to be like CSI, but if it could be of any use I'd like to peruse it. After all this was ~$400 in stuff and tampering with US mail.

The blood would only be of use if the police develop a suspect. If they do, they can DNA match the blood.

A lot of people watch TV and think that there is some huge DNA database that cops can just plug any sample into. Only the most violent offenders are included in this database, so it is unlikely that your car burglar is in it. But if the cops get a solid lead or suspect, the blood can be solid evidence.

White97Jimmy 04-16-2009 09:54 PM

Re: My car was broken in to
Plus, DNA collection of even violent offenders is still relatively new.

skullnrose 04-16-2009 10:03 PM

Re: My car was broken in to
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I always leave my GPS and Radar in plain view guess I'm asking for trouble. Starting tomorrow that's going to change.

icehog3 04-16-2009 10:27 PM

Re: My car was broken in to

Originally Posted by Bax (Post 340553)
Take the paper inside a plastic bag to the cops. They can file it with the report. If they do catch the guy they can use it to link other crimes and that may mean the difference in jail time and letting him walk. I had a guy ask for change and gave me a dollar, later he came back to the store and pried open the register. The dollar he gave was still there and had his print on it. They caught him later at another store doing the same and matched his print. He got a few months to cool his heels.

Make sure to put it in a paper bag....the blood can break down in a plastic bag due to lack of air. ;)

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