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KidRock 03-30-2009 05:50 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 310816)
My girlfriend actually works for Best Buy (she handles the inventory for one of their repair centers). And she says that their house brand, Insignia, is in the repair center more than any other brand by far. I really don't understand the mindset of managers who treat their customers that way. He could have handled the situation so much better, and won over a customer for life.


dunng 03-30-2009 05:52 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
Another option is launching an Executive Email Carpet Bomb... :D

omowasu 03-30-2009 05:55 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
Many retailers have crimped down on their returns (and certainly appear to be acting the part based on your run-in) due to reduced revenue and profit forecasts. They are accounting for every dime, and will enforce repair times, etc to hold the manufacturers feet to the fire as well.

I stopped shopping at BB for electronics a long time ago - when I first say a 3 foot USB cable on the rack for $29.95. I get all my major purchases at Costco - they have a no questions asked return policy, they extend the manufacturers warranty, and they have a concierge / call center available for any issues. Cant complain there!

TideRoll 03-31-2009 12:05 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
I'm glad you've got a resolution you can live with, Carlos. I patronize Best Buy only when I get a gift card there. Their prices are rarely "best buys" and their return practices and unreasonable "re-stocking fees" are becoming legend.

Reading of your issues with this matter, I was reminded of an experience with a Lowe's home improvement store. My wife bought a nice stainless JenAir outdoor grill as a gift for me a year or two back. Seeing as it was rather large and she had no way of hiding it until the day, she had my neighbor pick it up for me with his trailer. Upon seeing what they loaded onto his trailer, she was rather upset, however. They had given us a display model up that had a number of scratches and dents in it. Considering the cost of that sucker, I shared her concern. I stopped by the local store she bought it at, the manager at the store that evening was not on top of it and was giving me a run-around and I was not pleased. I sent an email (reasonable, polite but clearly displeased and framed in terms of long-term business and how this didn't match with my past experiences with their organization, etc.) to their corporate office at 9:00 PM, and at precisely 9:00 AM the next morning the general manager of the local store called me and apologized, and insisted on sending out at no extra cost the next years model, which was just coming in and that had a nice IR searing unit and which was $150 more expensive. By noon, they had the new model delivered and the old one off my back porch, along with a complimentary tank of gas.

Like you, I followed up with a letter to corporate letting them know I was pleased with the disposition. That manager or someone above him recognized that a problem with a customer also represented an opportunity. Some managers get it, some don't.

Mr.Maduro 03-31-2009 05:52 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 311088)
Ready for this?
Guess where that 32" TV is going?
My patio.:r
Man I am nuts.

Just in time... ;)

taltos 03-31-2009 06:30 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
I gave up buying anything more expensive than cd's, dvd's and blank media from Best Buy. I had an experience with a 32" HDTV and a DVD player that were both repackaged returns sealed to look like fresh product. The manager was not going to play ball with me until I showed him the warranty card for the tv; it had been filled out by the previous purchaser. After threatening to go to the consumer affairs department of the state Attorney General and to the local newspaper, I got satisfaction. I still gave them a bad review with the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint with Consumer Affairs due to the resale issue. Technically I guess that I lied to them by filing complaints but they lied to me selling used product.

Blueface 03-31-2009 07:29 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
Interesting experiences from all who have posted.
Amazing what we go through as consumers.

Well, day two post Sunday and still no call from the General Manager or the Chairman's office. Neither has any clue I resolved this matter yesterday at another store. While the TV issue was resolved, the "escorting" out of the store is one I won't let go. I am insisting on an apology from that manager specifically and no one else on his behalf.

In my business, one of my employees generates a complaint call from a customer, I return the call or respond to the letter the day it is received. In some instances, we are not able to respond the same day (meetings, out of office, etc.) but generally, by the next day, someone is calling that customer.
I am perplexed by any business that does not function in that manner. Can't survive forever if you work with such disregard.

King James 03-31-2009 09:03 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
Allows enjoy hearing your stories about poor customer service, don't strike me as someone who gets taken very often and I think it is great. Way to explore all options to put some heat on the shitty manager. :tu

Blueface 03-31-2009 10:14 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by King James (Post 312292)
Allows enjoy hearing your stories about poor customer service, don't strike me as someone who gets taken very often and I think it is great. Way to explore all options to put some heat on the shitty manager. :tu

When you work with customers daily and have to be professional in all dealings, it kind of drives you sick when you can't get the same in return. Not asking to be treated special, just fairly.

Not too long ago, took on Home Depot/Pergo. Ultimately won that too after 9 months of battling but it shouldn't be that way. If you warranty a product, honor it and due so in a reasonable time, not when you care to.

Turns out just got a call from Best Buy, from their corporate office, regarding my letter. To this moment, not a call from the store's GM.

Told them the matter is put to rest for the most part as the TV has been exchanged by another store whose manager knew how to be professional. Told them I couldn't help but notice all the awards up on the wall on that second store for customer service. I didn't notice one single one at the Boca store. I asked them to then couple that with my letter. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Lastly, for final closure, I told them I am insisting on an apology from the Boca manager. They will pass it on. Let's see what happens.

I hope others can see that you can effectively get some satisfaction but it may take some legwork.
Love that link posted on this thread for the Corporate Email Bomb.
Hope others can find it useful.

icantbejon 03-31-2009 10:30 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 310971)
What has happened to customer service recently? Or respect for that matter?


I have been blown away by this trend in the past few years. It seems that the concept of customer service is all but dead. From the lowest level cashier to the top dog, I just don't see it anymore. It used to be the norm, and now my wife and I comment on when we are capable of finding good service. Kinda sad actually, with almost 90% of Americans operating in the service industry in some way.

Blueface 03-31-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by icantbejon (Post 312428)

I have been blown away by this trend in the past few years. It seems that the concept of customer service is all but dead. From the lowest level cashier to the top dog, I just don't see it anymore. It used to be the norm, and now my wife and I comment on when we are capable of finding good service. Kinda sad actually, with almost 90% of Americans operating in the service industry in some way.

I have faith still.
I think that as the economy worsens, the Circuit City's of the world go away, new ones will open as things recover and then there will be a demand for your $'s and will offer you the world to get it.
Things seem cyclical.
Same with jobs. Companies are doing terrible things to employees now. Just wait until things turn and there is a demand for a workforce again. Raises will be flying.

Blueface 03-31-2009 12:35 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
1 Attachment(s)
Well, two days post the incident, new TV is up and running.
Glad I ended up with the larger one.
Much easier on the eyes.
Anyone for a herf at my mancave?
Here is the new TV hanging pretty.

Mr.Maduro 03-31-2009 12:45 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 312699)
Anyone for a herf at my mancave?

Now I'm definately going to have to stop by...

madurofan 03-31-2009 12:59 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 312699)
Well, two days post the incident, new TV is up and running.
Glad I ended up with the larger one.
Much easier on the eyes.
Anyone for a herf at my mancave?
Here is the new TV hanging pretty.

Screened in patio with a pool, plants, and nice furniture sounds more like a Manuela cave...:r

I'll be up later in the week, only if you let me use the 30G facilities....:r

Blueface 03-31-2009 01:04 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by madurofan (Post 312732)
Screened in patio with a pool, plants, and nice furniture sounds more like a Manuela cave...:r

I'll be up later in the week, only if you let me use the 30G facilities....:r

Manuela indeed but frankly, I have to take credit for the arrangements. She lets me take care of the outdoors stuff, including the trees and plants.
Amazing when happens when you age, and are married.
I was just realizing, I went to college and got a "Bachelor's" degree. Why the heck did I get married a few months later?:r

Bill, see the ashtray? Should tackle that project this weekend now that I don't have to write to Best Buy anymore.

madurofan 03-31-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 312737)
Manuela indeed but frankly, I have to take credit for the arrangements. She lets me take care of the outdoors stuff, including the trees and plants.
Amazing when happens when you age, and are married.
I was just realizing, I went to college and got a "Bachelor's" degree. Why the heck did I get married a few months later?:r

So you don't have to live in two room shack in the keys? :r

themoneycollector 03-31-2009 01:24 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
I hate BB, even more so now that have a monopoly.

Shop online.

landhoney 03-31-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 312699)
Anyone for a herf at my mancave?

We won't have to wait for you to turn your back to place cigars in your travel humi.....we can just hide them around the house for you to find later. :r

"WTF is a robusto doing in my loafers?" - Carlos


chenvt 03-31-2009 01:40 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!
I go to best buy often to look for products that I want..

then I order it for cheaper online :D

cbsmokin 03-31-2009 03:21 PM

Re: Best Buy Sucks!!!

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 312800)
I go to best buy often to look for products that I want..

then I order it for cheaper online :D

Bingo! There are great on line retailers with outstanding customer service. We do it with cigars, why not other stuff?

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