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s15driftking 02-18-2009 08:16 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
i am a stickler for "presentation" so i never could use space efficiently. A few weeks ago i was driving myself crazy because i could make it all fit while having it look nice.... So i decided to bomb the crap out fo my friends and now i am down to "spick and span" in the humi!

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 10:18 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
same here. i am a little anal on how everything looks. lol

I like a clean looking humidor.

Thrak 02-18-2009 11:15 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
me too, I actually sort my top tray (the one you can see thru the glass) in order of wrapper darkness... far left is ultra dark, far right is light brown. :D

under that tray I have them sorted by brand, by type... ie - 1 stack of 5Vegas Gold next to 1 stack of 5Vegas Classic next to 1 stack 5Vegas Miami...

I guess I'm a bit anal about it as well. lol

Smokin Gator 02-18-2009 11:20 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 242422)
me too, I actually sort my top tray (the one you can see thru the glass) in order of wrapper darkness... far left is ultra dark, far right is light brown. :D

under that tray I have them sorted by brand, by type... ie - 1 stack of 5Vegas Gold next to 1 stack of 5Vegas Classic next to 1 stack 5Vegas Miami...

I guess I'm a bit anal about it as well. lol

I'd say!!!!:r:r

King James 02-18-2009 12:02 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I wish I had enough cigars to need some sort of organizational system lol!

I keep boxes on one half and then a few trays of singles on the other of the cooler

Beer Doctor 02-18-2009 12:12 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I organize my coolidor the only way I can (read=the only way they'll fit:D). I've become a master at tetris.

My desktop is ordered with give aways (to non-smokers) in a smaller compartment and the keepers are in the large compartment usually arranged by size.

Jbailey 02-18-2009 01:27 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

I got one packed cooler right now and a desktop. Looking at getting another cooler quickly just for boxes that I'm putting down for a long nap. That would help make some room.

Beer Doctor 02-18-2009 01:35 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 242627)

I got one packed cooler right now and a desktop. Looking at getting another cooler quickly just for boxes that I'm putting down for a long nap. That would help make some room.

I'd like to get a new cooler too but the problem is I'll fill it up and I can't afford that:D

Ragin Cajun 02-18-2009 01:46 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I like my smokes all in order divided by country, brand, size, and whether or not they are in the cellophane or not. Not to mention that they are all facing the same way with the band up and able to be read.

Skywalker 02-18-2009 01:59 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
We are supposed to organize our cigars??? Nobody told me!!!:r

Cyanide 02-18-2009 02:46 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Well yes....yes you are.

Otherwise, keeping different types of cigars too close together allows them to swap each others aromas and taste over essence they "marry". You don't want that, you don't want your cohibas to start tasting like your macunodos now do you?

That is, of course, if you buy into that crap. I can't say this truly happens, but why not. You don't put vanilla extract in your humi for fear that all your esplendidas will turn into swisher sweet.


foomanto 02-18-2009 04:23 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
mostly by brand then size

Studebaker 02-18-2009 04:30 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I guess I'm the non-conformist. Older ones in the top tray, newer ones in the bottom. I don't have enough to get any more anal than that.

DBall 02-18-2009 05:11 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by Footbag (Post 240844)
I sort by country, then size. If I sort by brand, it takes up way too much space.

But now, my humidor is getting to the point where my cigars from one specific country:rolleyes: are taking up more then one shelf and I'm going to have to expand to another countries shelf. It looks like my Dominican and Nicaraguan shelves are going to merge to the bottom. Only thing that I don't like is that I'm going to have to bend over to pick up my DPG's and Illusiones.:(

I don't really have the country of origin problem, so I sort by marca. ;)

bobarian 02-18-2009 05:17 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
D'Oh! You are supposed to organize them???? Like Dan, country of origin is not a problem, but I just jam the boxes in wherever they will fit. Sometimes I will consolidate dress boxes in cabinets if available.

nozero 02-18-2009 05:22 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I put cigars in it.

groogs 02-18-2009 05:37 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I have emptied all my dress boxes into small humidors that basically act like big cabs, then I cram everything else in any empty space.

DPD6030 02-18-2009 07:18 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I sort by getting another humi! :ss

Old Sailor 02-18-2009 08:16 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
If you want to see organized, look at Nick's humi!:cool2::cool2:

Geppetto 02-18-2009 09:52 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 243040)
I put cigars in it.

I'll 2nd that! :ss

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