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G G 11-29-2016 12:14 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I have a S&W E Series 1911 that I carry daily for the last 4 years. I bought a M&P Shield about a year ago in 40 S&W. I love it cause I can carry it even on my job with no one being the wiser. I also do Private Investigations on the side and work as armed security part time too. With the Florida G license I have to qualify once a year for every caliber I carry. I need to go soon and re-qualify for the 1911 and I have put off doing it with the 40. I am selling the 40 to a friend and buying a Shield in 45. Most say the 45 isn't any more felt recoil than the 40 and some say it's less. Anyhow it will save me about 70 bucks a year on not having to qualify with two guns. I would only have to qualify once with a 45. And I can do a smidgen better than Steves target than whoever shot that one with a 45. LOL

HK3- 11-29-2016 03:21 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2108316)
Does anyone have a .22 lr conversion kit for their AR? I can't decide on a kit or just a new gun. I can get an M&P 15-22 for $350, so is it worth it to get a $250 kit or just a new gun. Any opinions?

I bought one for my dad about four years ago but Im not sure if he's ever used it. I will ask and get back with you.

AdamJoshua 12-04-2016 11:29 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I am thinking this would go better here than in joke pics .. .

Carry and Conceal Canines!


bonjing 12-05-2016 08:57 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
LOL, I would carry a hi capacity corgi.

G G 12-10-2016 09:35 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Not sure if anyone cares or not, but it would appear that campus carry and open carry is probably got a very good chance of passing in Florida this year.

MurphysLaw 12-10-2016 04:48 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Havent looked at new guns in a while but im wanting another sub compact single stack 9mm to CCW. I gave my Kahr PM9 to the wife when she got her permit, so i want something similar for me. I like the Kimber micro or ultra carry, i have the midsize Kimber 1911, but find it tough to conceal. Also considering another Kahr and the M&P shield. Not a huge glock fan, never could get used to the grip and trigger on my 22 or 27. Open to just about anything else.

Brian D. 12-10-2016 07:13 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2110134)
Not sure if anyone cares or not, but it would appear that campus carry and open carry is probably got a very good chance of passing in Florida this year.

You mean in the next couple weeks, or in 2017.sometime?

G G 12-10-2016 07:47 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2110177)
You mean in the next couple weeks, or in 2017.sometime?

The session starts early in 2017 and if it passes the first session then it would go into effect July 1st I believe. The bills have already been filed. I believe they had the votes to pass it last year in the senate. It passed the house, but was held up in committee by a republican chair believe it or not. That senator lost his re-election to a democrat (probably thanks to a lot of conservatives voting for him to get rid of the republican) and a different republican that is very pro gun now chairs that committee.

dijit 12-11-2016 06:39 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 2110166)
Havent looked at new guns in a while but im wanting another sub compact single stack 9mm to CCW. I gave my Kahr PM9 to the wife when she got her permit, so i want something similar for me. I like the Kimber micro or ultra carry, i have the midsize Kimber 1911, but find it tough to conceal. Also considering another Kahr and the M&P shield. Not a huge glock fan, never could get used to the grip and trigger on my 22 or 27. Open to just about anything else.

I find the Kimbers to be a little difficult for concealed carry. Not a fan of Glock either. great reliability but natural aim point is way off for me. The M&P Shield is a good choice and one you may not have considered but I really like is the Taurus Curve
it is only a 380 but a great weapon in my opinion.

Brian D. 12-11-2016 11:53 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2110180)
The session starts early in 2017 and if it passes the first session then it would go into effect July 1st I believe. The bills have already been filed. I believe they had the votes to pass it last year in the senate. It passed the house, but was held up in committee by a republican chair believe it or not. That senator lost his re-election to a democrat (probably thanks to a lot of conservatives voting for him to get rid of the republican) and a different republican that is very pro gun now chairs that committee.

Thanks for explaining. In Ohio, bills from the previous two year session die if not passed, and the process must start all over. Most annoying to lose out that way. To make it worse, the first week or two of each new session is all about resolutions that do things like rename roads and bridges for recently dead politicians.

G G 12-11-2016 12:43 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2110214)
Thanks for explaining. In Ohio, bills from the previous two year session die if not passed, and the process must start all over. Most annoying to lose out that way. To make it worse, the first week or two of each new session is all about resolutions that do things like rename roads and bridges for recently dead politicians.

I am def not an expert on how it works in Florida by no means. I learned what I do know last year mostly from a forum I belong to and following open carry. The house and senate have various committees that any bill first has to pass a vote and pass all the committees before a full vote is taken. The Senator I mentioned refused to hear campus carry or open carry in the committee he chaired, effectively killing the bill. Which as you can imagine enraged gun rights people. He lost his re-election mainly (opinion) because of it.

Steve 12-13-2016 12:56 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Anyone have any first hand knowledge about SCCY pistols? I have watched several vids on them, and other than Hickock45 having some picky ammo issues, they look pretty good for , as they say "the money".

I have a friend that considering picking one up to stash away for SHTF moments, and he was asking me my opinion. I told him what I had seen, but I figured I would come to the "Knowledge Bank" and see what could be drug up.


benedic08 12-13-2016 01:04 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2110430)
Anyone have any first hand knowledge about SCCY pistols? I have watched several vids on them, and other than Hickock45 having some picky ammo issues, they look pretty good for , as they say "the money".

I have a friend that considering picking one up to stash away for SHTF moments, and he was asking me my opinion. I told him what I had seen, but I figured I would come to the "Knowledge Bank" and see what could be drug up.


I was able to try a sccy pistol before. My biggest complaint on the gun is the horrible trigger. The long trigger pull is very gritty and you can actually feel the plastic trigger flexing a bit during the long trigger pull. Best pistol in that size i have tried is the Kel tec PF9. Your friend should try the different pistols out if a range has them as rentals. Its the best way to know what he's comfortable with.

MurphysLaw 12-13-2016 01:53 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by dijit (Post 2110199)
I find the Kimbers to be a little difficult for concealed carry. Not a fan of Glock either. great reliability but natural aim point is way off for me. The M&P Shield is a good choice and one you may not have considered but I really like is the Taurus Curve
it is only a 380 but a great weapon in my opinion.

Thanks, hadnt really considered Taurus after the miserable PT140 i had. Failed qualifications after the sights came off while shooting. Took it inside the shop still dirty and traded it for the Glock 27. I'm really leaning towards the M&P Shield 9mm performance center model at the moment.

Steve 12-13-2016 02:17 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 2110435)
Thanks, hadnt really considered Taurus after the miserable PT140 i had. Failed qualifications after the sights came off while shooting. Took it inside the shop still dirty and traded it for the Glock 27. I'm really leaning towards the M&P Shield 9mm performance center model at the moment.

Shield is really nice.

G G 12-13-2016 02:18 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 2110435)
Thanks, hadnt really considered Taurus after the miserable PT140 i had. Failed qualifications after the sights came off while shooting. Took it inside the shop still dirty and traded it for the Glock 27. I'm really leaning towards the M&P Shield 9mm performance center model at the moment.

In my limited experience opinion you cannot go wrong with a shield. I bought the 40 a year ago, and just now sold it and bought the 45 shield. The reason I bought the 45 is the fact that for my Florida G license I have to qualify every year for every caliber I carry. With both of my pistols being 45 I only have to qualify once instead of twice and that in turn will save me at least 70 bucks a year. I love them. I carry it appendix most of the time and I have a Desantis Seperfly for pocket carry when I am wearing BDUs at a job.

HK3- 12-14-2016 02:35 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2108316)
Does anyone have a .22 lr conversion kit for their AR? I can't decide on a kit or just a new gun. I can get an M&P 15-22 for $350, so is it worth it to get a $250 kit or just a new gun. Any opinions?

Spoke to my father and he didn't recall the brand he has and has never used his. Im on the phone with him right now and he said he will dig it out of his safe and get back with me on the brand. On a positive note, he said he forgot he had it and will try it out. :sl

bonjing 12-14-2016 05:18 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I'd just get the S&W, mags are amazingly easy to load. I thought I read about some problems with the M&P-22 but can't recall. I just don't like the plastic lower though.

I had purchased a .22 dedicated upper from CMMG and I was using their mags. Magazines were a pain to load, just like loading 10/22 mags. I picked the ready-mag adapter and have been using S&W magazines. The S&W magazines have a thumb assist that makes the loading so much easier. Sometimes the last round bolt hold open doesn't work, that doesn't bother me much, but I do have one of the very early models that were made.

Steve 12-21-2016 11:59 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late...

HK3- 12-24-2016 06:37 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Now thats funny

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