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OLS 05-05-2014 08:37 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I also want to re-iterate my original statement which has not changed. I am not trying to tell anyone that this
company is not fit to take your money. If you are shopping USED price, you are going to end up there, they are
simply the cheapest around on used. And if you want to give them the full benefit of the doubt, they are a VERY
large company. Eventually you are going to feel let down if you spend enough money and handle enough used
gear through them. This does not make them a bad choice for you. I am talking about ME, and what I am willing
to tolerate. I dealt with em for 2 years, more or less, and on the whole, feel like it was a good relationship. This ending
with me is over a bunch of subtle clues that things are changing and it is no longer advantageous for me to shop
with em.

HelenOster 05-05-2014 08:50 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1958749)
.....Eventually you are going to feel let down if you spend enough money and handle enough used
gear through them. ......This ending
with me is over a bunch of subtle clues that things are changing and it is no longer advantageous for me to shop
with em.

If you would email me, I could maybe sort it out.

OLS 05-05-2014 02:53 PM

Re: Photography Thread
No ma'am, my sincere apologies, but this was sorted out when I shipped the package back to New Jersey. Not to my
liking obviously, I didn't want to send it back. I wanted to shoot with it. But unless someone has expressed to me
in writing that I would be allowed to return it for a refund AFTER they 30 days granted me by your policy, and in spite
of however long it took to resolve the issue, I would have waited this process out. But no one made any such assurances.
SO it had to go back before the time expired. I DO have an assurance that I will be refunded in full for the lens.
If that ends up being the case, I will certainly make sure to mention it here so that you can have closure.

OLS 05-05-2014 04:11 PM

Re: Photography Thread
And as I have stated dozens of times here before, although it is similar to all the big players in the type and duration of
it's return policy, I have never had an issue returning an item to Adorama, exactly as they state, "with no questions asked."
This extra business aired in the open here is related to the reason the lens is headed back home. Not to what I think my
chances are of being refunded.

MrClean 05-06-2014 08:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread
In my ever increasing desire to further my 'hobby'. I did a ton of research looking for a printer. I have no print shop remotely close to me and the 'photoshops' have no real options in paper. While yes, I am a Canon whore I did not limit my research to just their printers. However, as expected, I did settle on the Pixma Pro-10. It has the B&W capabilities that I wanted and excellent color output. Doesn't hurt that they also lured me in with $300 of fine art paper. Which has the feel of poster board and not photo paper....haha.

OLS 05-07-2014 05:08 AM

Re: Photography Thread
This series of printers performed surprisingly well in my experience. And yours is MUCH nicer than mine. The ink is where
they get you, but ink is what makes the photos, so you are going to have to suck it up and just buy ink if you want to
complete the cycle. And boy does that one like ink, shazaam. But the prints it creates are stunning.
A lot of us have a new mentality born of 10-15 years of digital photography, and surfing the internet, we tend to just
amass pictures in massive folders, and printing is something we'd like to do eventually, when we get stuff we REALLY
want to print. But we never really get around to it. These printers are very solid. And paper is a slippery slope, too, haha.

A couple of novel papers I like to tinker with are the metallic glossys and the vinyl or semi-gloss sticker paper. Ask any
kid...stickers are fun.

MrClean 05-07-2014 01:05 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I read the same thing about ink usage. A lot of the info said it depends on what type of paper you're using, how often you print and a few other factors. Most of the 'pro' reviewers seemed to think it was in line with other quality printers as far as ink usage. The Pro-1 is better, but it's also $400 more and by 'better' I think it's because it has much larger ink tanks and you get a better price per ml. The Pro-10 has 14ml cartridges which works out to less than a $1 per ml. Which is less than half the cost of our HP Photostylus printer.

OLS 05-07-2014 03:01 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I wanted to take a moment to, not RETRACT things I said that got the Ador-ama rep in here, but to make sure that a
resolution of my issue gets in print where you all can read it. I got frustrated with the long time it took to evaluate my
"claim" that the lens I ordered had a condition issue that placed it well below the grade of lens I paid for. There was simply
a large field of large dust on many of the inner surfaces of the lens. Lots of lenses I own and you own have dust inside.
But I paid for a grade with no such 'feature'. lol. But the folks there were off a solid week for Passover, and then about
8-9 days after they got back, I still did not know if they were even considering a reduction offer I proposed.
So while I was NOT concerned that I would be ignored, I WAS concerned that their fair-as-heck 30 day no hassle return policy
would expire on me while I waited. Normally this could never be. But this was not normal. They had been gone 7-8 days on a holiday, and I figured by the time they got around to me, fair or not, they might say
"Sorry, your 30 days are up. I mean, you gotta draw the line somewhere. For $400, I couldn't risk it.

But a rep from the company signed up to the Asylum and asked me to please email her so that she could help me.
Code for "for goodness sake, shut up and let me help you." , haha. But on a parallel track, I was also getting help
from another major C.S. rep. Bottom line is they offered me VERY close to my original idea of what I'd hoped they
might offer as a reduction for the dust condition. And my offer was, as you might expect, High to my benefit.
SO I was fairy impressed with the counter-offer. Keep in mind this was a used lens, but a pricey one to be sure.
Prior to that offer, however, I had sent the lens back with return paperwork. I had to apologize and thank him,
but he confirmed that I would be given full value for the return as well, so either way, he hoped I was satisfied and I was.

I also need to REALLY apologize for mentioning even in ultra-jest, that they had smoked too much weed on vacation.
Obviously this was out of line, but never mentioned by either of them. Reckless of me.

So while I may have drawn their consternation of telling you all that I was seriously considering not be shopping
there anymore, I certainly went out of my way to be clear THEN that I did not think that anyone else should stop using them.
The product is always great, and when it it does not meet your expectations, you have the great return options with no hassle.
Those who know me from this thread also know that this did not even mean that I WAS NOT happy necessarily, because
I've spent 7-8000 dollars there in less than two years, almost none of it on new gear. Whether they know it or not,
I am the lifeblood of the used department. So ignore what I said, and know that I was made whole on my issue. I also
know what I can do myself to keep that kind of thing from occurring again. Will I shop there again? I have three places
where I shop cameras, so there is no telling. But there is no reason why not. Plus I think I have one of everything NOW.

Let's just say we'll see.

OLS 05-07-2014 05:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread
By the way, I was kidding when I said I was the lifeblood of the used department, I just forgot to put in the smiley face.
I have always loved that place, this was just a calendar issue.

OLS 05-08-2014 06:46 AM

Re: Photography Thread
2 Attachment(s)
While we are on the subject of buying cameras and other gear used from various online merchants, I also need
to go on record as being not so sure anymore about Nikon being the best thing for me. And by that I mean that I will
always be a Nikon shooter, that's just how it shook out. I am heavily invested and very happy. But then came the day
that I just had to test out ole Ken Rockwell's impression that the Canon 5D was the perfect portrait and landscape
camera. I can't really speak to the landscape issue, but I was pretty shocked that I would be some impressed with
the results of shooting this camera. Granted, it is an investment that is tough to swallow, but hear me out. I know a few
of you who are shooting Nikon now, but also wanting a full frame camera now. SO let's say for argument that you are FULLY
intent on picking up a full-frame Nikon this year, used, and had decided between a D700 or a D600, just to keep it reasonable.
Do you realize that you can pay $1400 or more for a good D700, $12-1300 for a fair one, and a used D600 is going to ride about
the same level, just $2-400 more. So in order to stay Nikon (so you can use all your lenses) you would pay no less than $1400
for a Full frame camera.

But right now, today, you can go to Ado and get a Canon 5D, original version, TWO YEARS older then the D700,
for $499, and then pick up one, maybe TWO SWEET fast Canon prime lenses and come out below the cost for just
the Nikon full framer BODY you chose to go with? ALL of the full frame goodness, lush, brilliant color, eye-popping
lens quality, even without paying the "L-series" lens money. Your choice of the Canon 85mm f/1.8 or the 100mm f/2
would be fine as your only lens ever, if you didn't want to lay out so much cash. This 100mm f/2 is optically stunning
for it not being considered a high end Canon lens (even though it is in terms of results). You would never even have to
give up Nikon to go full frame. You can keep your Nikon stuff and still have the entire full frame experience for less than
the price of just the Nikon That is just uncanny to me, and it made me happy. I am in no danger of a
Canon slope, but the logic of the premise really had me giddy. SO I sold about 6 old Nikons and picked up a 5D and a $50
lens and a $400 lens. I think a few people here might also think that is a good idea. Even if I came up with it, lol.

HelenOster 05-08-2014 10:07 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1959656)
I wanted to take a moment to, not RETRACT things I said that got the Ador-ama rep in here, .....But a rep from the company signed up to the Asylum and asked me to please email her so that she could help me.
.....on a parallel track, I was also getting help
from another major C.S. rep.....

Thank you for clarifying....and BTW, the "major CS rep" (ie used department head) got involved b/c we IDd you from your Facebook page link, posted below your feedback......:)

dave 05-08-2014 10:30 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I don't know how I feel about all this....
on one hand, I admire Adorama's persistence in wanting to turn a frustrated customer into a happy one.
On the other hand, I find it a little creepy that they managed to hunt OLS down and practically hijack the 'OLS-Photo/Camera-Banter-Thread'.

I can imagine.....One of these days I'll be sitting in a local B&M, mention that I think RP sucks and Rocky himself will swoop in 15 minutes later offering me free cigars and promising to do better if only I promise to keep my negative thoughts about his cigars between me and him.

stearns 05-08-2014 10:37 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1959903)
I don't know how I feel about all this....
on one hand, I admire Adorama's persistence in wanting to turn a frustrated customer into a happy one.
On the other hand, I find it a little creepy that they managed to hunt OLS down and practically hijack the 'OLS-Photo/Camera-Banter-Thread'.

I can imagine.....One of these days I'll be sitting in a local B&M, mention that I think RP sucks and Rocky himself will swoop in 15 minutes later offering me free cigars and promising to do better if only I promise to keep my negative thoughts about his cigars between me and him.

I agree, this is all very stange. Perhaps a picture of a dog with his head stuck in a soccer ball can get things on track again?

Steve 05-08-2014 10:43 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 1959909)
I agree, this is all very stange. Perhaps a picture of a dog with his head stuck in a soccer ball can get things on track again?


stearns 05-08-2014 10:54 AM

Re: Photography Thread
eh, just a random internet search. it was easier than uploading a strange dog picture of my own

dave 05-08-2014 10:57 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Ben, if you have a stash of pictures of strange dogs, don't hold out on us.

Steve 05-08-2014 11:14 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1959903)
I don't know how I feel about all this....
on one hand, I admire Adorama's persistence in wanting to turn a frustrated customer into a happy one.
On the other hand, I find it a little creepy that they managed to hunt OLS down and practically hijack the 'OLS-Photo/Camera-Banter-Thread'.

I can imagine.....One of these days I'll be sitting in a local B&M, mention that I think RP sucks and Rocky himself will swoop in 15 minutes later offering me free cigars and promising to do better if only I promise to keep my negative thoughts about his cigars between me and him.

I have to say I feel the same way. While a certain part of me admires the tenacity of tracking someone down, joining a forum that is not specifically a photography forum, and then proceeding to post in that forum in an open thread seems a little creepy and actually, disrespectful. I would think that if the person has delt with their company, then said company would have contact information to privately contact the customer that is having issues with them, or at least possibly send the unhappy customer a private message after tracking them down. I think if I was to stalk an unhappy customer down, I would at least have looked over the forums FAQs and probably even have registered as a vender, as I would not be joining to participate in or add to the community as the forum was intended.

Personally, it would have impressed me more if Brad had been able to came back to the open thread and explain that customer service had tracked him down and thru private conversations (email or pm's) made things right. But to join and immediately start posting in a thread seems somewhat, again, disrespectful. But hey, that's just my two cents worth.

For what it's worth, I dealt with Adoroma quite a bit back in my days as a working photographer and was generally pleased by their support at that time. Knowing now that they may be out there stalking me, I'm not sure if I would give them much of my business or money now.

As I said, my :2 worth...YGWYPF, YMMV :)

HelenOster 05-08-2014 12:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1959903)
.....One of these days I'll be sitting in a local B&M, mention that I think RP sucks and Rocky himself will swoop in 15 minutes later offering me free cigars and promising to do better if only I promise to keep my negative thoughts about his cigars between me and him.

We have NO problem with customers posting about their negative Adorama experiences if it helps us to improve for thefuture......:)

stearns 05-08-2014 12:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The only way I'd smoke a cigar Rocky gave me is if it didn't have RP on the label :hn

HelenOster 05-08-2014 12:39 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1959929)

For what it's worth, I dealt with Adoroma quite a bit back in my days as a working photographer and was generally pleased by their support at that time. Knowing now that they may be out there stalking me, I'm not sure if I would give them much of my business or money now.

I'm sorry you feel that way; our policy is always to respond publically to posts in an open forum. When we mess up, we believe it's important to acknowledge that in public, and to show that we will always do everything possible to put right our mistakes - and learn from them.

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