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Chingas 12-15-2010 07:56 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Lumpold (Post 1093740)
How did you get on with Dead Snow? Still one of my favourite movies!

Watched Transmophers: The Rise of Man (I think that's what it's called) last night. Terrible in an amazing way.

Dead Snow was awesome!

Rewatched Predator and Christmas Vacation.

Lumpold 12-15-2010 09:35 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
And Norwegian girls are hot :tu

Tron. Not the new one. The proper one.

Chingas 12-15-2010 09:45 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Lumpold (Post 1095840)
And Norwegian girls are hot :tu

Tron. Not the new one. The proper one.

Classic Tron is Awesome!

Lumpold 12-15-2010 10:34 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Yeah, Tron is awesome. It's the film that means, now I have an HD TV, if I've got £80 ($120) after Xmas, I'm getting a blu-ray player. And if I have anything left after that, HD Tron here we come.

kugie 12-16-2010 07:07 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Centurion :tu
Valhalla rising

hscmit 12-16-2010 09:07 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
went to the new harry potter last night
pretty good actually

Dux 12-16-2010 12:43 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1096067)


I was very happy with this film

kugie 12-16-2010 04:39 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1096158)
went to the new harry potter last night
pretty good actually

I liked it.
I thought it was much beeter than the last one.

DocLogic77 12-16-2010 04:45 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Charlie St. Cloud. Very good movie.

akakirby 12-17-2010 12:36 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Been sick this week so I watched a few..... Apocolypse now Redux and Blackhawk Down.

Starscream 12-18-2010 10:49 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Harry and the Hendersons:tu:tu

icehog3 12-18-2010 03:44 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Whip It.

hscmit 12-18-2010 04:40 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1096613)
I liked it.
I thought it was much better than the last one.


OLS 12-18-2010 07:59 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I need to finally watch Whip It. I watched some Planet Earth today after hooking up my surround sound. Tombstone, Hot Fuzz, some others.

OLS 12-18-2010 08:01 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 1095696)
Dead Snow was awesome!

Rewatched Predator and Christmas Vacation.

Dead snow is really cool, as is Let the Right One In. I also watched Predators for the first time the other day. Kind of cool.

Bill86 12-18-2010 08:03 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I was pretty disappointed with predators. Seemed like a downgrade for sure based on predator 1 and 2. The "game" seemed very....weak. They had the right weapons and $hit but eh. I also think if 1 predator could do the kind of damage in 1 and 2 that several predators should have made quick work of those guys.

kaisersozei 12-19-2010 07:21 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
August Rush

Chingas 12-19-2010 07:58 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 1098370)
Harry and the Hendersons:tu:tu


Re-Watched Christmas Vacation again and Four Christmases

Jbailey 12-19-2010 08:39 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I had some time to watch some movies while feeling like sh!t.

The Other Guys
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 remake)

Lumpold 12-19-2010 11:59 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Big Jake. Just what a film should be.

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