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GWN 03-21-2014 05:11 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thought I'd weigh in on the discussion.
Canon and Nikon each have their pros and cons. I've been a Nikon shooter since I was 16 and bought my first "real" camera, an FG-20. My son is now 16 and we got him a D3100 for Christmas.
If I were starting from scratch, I may very well go with Canon for a few reasons. If you're looking to build a system, it seems there is more Canon gear available second-hand, at least in my area. I also like that their ettl system works with their lower-end stuff, while Nikon restricts CLS to prosumer and up models.
(Having said that, I'm teaching my kid to properly use manual settings with a collection of vintage flashes --- no cheating. Just got some replacement metal bases for my 285s through ebay that I'll be soldering on this weekend).
Yet I still find Nikon gear more comfortable to use. Ergonomically, I think it's better and I find it more intuitive.
What it really comes down to is glass.
Bodies come and go, and should be considered on a replacement cycle more on the level of computers than cameras these days. I shot my F3 for a good 10 years and it still works like a charm (though looks like hell).
You can purchase a top-of-line DSLR today for several thousands (hello F4s) and it will be a paperweight in 10 years. I have a D1s in my bag to prove that.
However, the lens you buy today will still be solid performers a decade from now, provided you treat them well.
Agree with Brad that Sony is the dark horse in all this. I have no experience with the system but it seems competitively priced and feature rich. A solid electronics company with which my only complaint is it lean toward proprietary technology. Then again, I've used Apple pretty much exclusively since 1987 so I'm kinda talking out of my ass on that one.
Like Brad, I'm sticking with Nikon, because I've already build a system (that's totally beat up but still functional) but I'd be hard-pressed to pick Nikon over Canon over Sony if I was starting from scratch. They all make solid products, though I've found Sony's customer service somewhat better than Canon's or Nikon's.
Canon has the sand in mechanism and Nikon had the oil on the sensors of the D700. QC is an issue all around.
I'd say choose the lenses you like, the ergonomics that work with you and build from there.

(PS, look back one post for my Johnny Winter pix :))

OLS 03-22-2014 09:16 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Great shots of JW!

That would be my advice as well. While it will be FINE to buy a body from me which comes with a lens,
you should be prepared to pick up at least one really nice lens. Maybe not the $1500-3500 lenses, but
something you can be proud of in a focal length or range that you really want to shoot in. That could
be anything from a simple fast 50 to a fast 85 to a fast 12-24 or something long for birding or sports or
boobs. A man can have a PILE of cheap lenses, but he ought to be able to impress himself when he has to.

MrClean 03-22-2014 11:10 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I remember when I made the switch from P&S to DSLR, the photo difference was incredible. Then when I bought my first 'L' glass lens (Canon's higher end lens), I thought of the same difference as changing cameras. At the time, I didn't realize the difference a good lens can make.

shark 03-23-2014 04:47 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Even weird, carnivorous plants like pitcher plants bloom:
DSC_6012_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 03-23-2014 04:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_6011_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 03-23-2014 04:51 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_6006_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 03-23-2014 04:55 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Sun shining into the windows, while they mist the tropical plants:
DSC_5996_! by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 03-23-2014 05:06 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_5994_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 03-23-2014 05:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_5993_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

OLS 03-24-2014 06:06 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Glad you got out to shoot, Ron! Makes me happy to see such color and beauty.

This weekend was my humbling party, my intervention. I broke my D700 over MG, so I had to go out and shoot with
a D7000 and a D90 in a dark bar. I never thought in a million years the D90 would save the entire night. Before I left to
go to the bar, I out-thought myself and switched to center-weighted metering on both bodies, because I thought I knew
why I was doing it. Too much black in the bar, then BAM, a musician. I figured I could have a perfectly lit musician with a
fading darker BG. Instead I came home with 318 shots of NOTHING. EVERY SHOT blurred to the point of uselessness. I was
trying to keep the ISO low and I didn't get the shutter speeds up high enough. (shooting with a 105 2.5 AI manual focus lens
on the D7000 and a 50mm1.8-AF on the D90. I got 4 useable shots, all from the D90. Most of this stems from the fact that
I can't SEE for 5hi+. I look at the LCD for exposure, not focus. I need to go back to sitting down and looking through a
dozen or so shots UP CLOSE before I think myself too good to make an error like that. So I ordered another full frame camera
and put the D90 back up for sale. It sure saved me this weekend though.

OLS 03-27-2014 07:54 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I was trying to show a brother some more photos I shot with a D80, but it appears that the only ones on my flash drive
are from the same drizzly day shoot where I had the ISO cranked up. But here are a few more from that day, while
I stall for time and get home to my computer again.

OLS 03-27-2014 08:12 AM

Re: Photography Thread
A couple of D50 photos for reference....

OLS 03-28-2014 06:06 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I wanted to let all of you know that I had some cameras for sale. I have sold both the D90s I had up for sale,
so pickin's is getting kinda old, but I wouldn't sell em if they weren't able-bodied and in good shape. And if you
look at the pics above that I posted, any kind of half-decent lens will create a great photo. I really think that the old
Nikons had a look about the photos taken with that perfect 6MP sensor that is lost with some of the newer super-optimized
CMOS sensors. So if you want an old Nikon as a spare for fun you can check out my link to the WTS forum and check out the
wares. What I don't sell I will likely keep, but for now I am looking towards a world with fewer cameras in my care.

By the way, the bird photos above were taken with a D80 and a 37 year old Nikkor 300mm 4.5 AI lens. The light
was really bad, but I think it is still a thumbs up for the old Nikons.

emopunker2004 03-29-2014 12:23 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Anyone home?

shark 03-29-2014 06:23 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 03-29-2014 06:24 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 03-29-2014 06:29 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 03-30-2014 11:05 AM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 03-30-2014 11:06 AM

Re: Photography Thread

hwgoesit 03-30-2014 01:03 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Got my first full frame yesterday. Looking fwd to improved noise margins in low light.
Ah... now shopping for a new bag of lenses.

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