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Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
[quote=Mister Moo;1822641]That's some kinda long, scary looking list for a newguy. How 'bout a pack of matches, a golf tee and a 100-count bag of pipecleaners.
Have a farmer who does that. His fingers are so calloused he doesn't even feel it. I will say this, if you're going to get a bag of pipe cleaners, you may as well pick up a pipe nail for $1 while you are there. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Shrug.. I guess you're not really a kid anymore, are you? ;) |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
26, married, and own a home. But still feel like a kid. Dont have my motorcycle anymore though.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I may be buying some older tins that have been dried out apparently. Is there a point of no return when trying to rehydrate pipe tobacco?
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Exception. Most aromatics lose a lot of their special something if left to dry out. While even aromatics can be rehydrated and smoked well they may not recover the bulk of the flavor that they once carried. As one who eschews aromatics I say, "For the best, that."
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I've tried a couple OTC and now about 6 other tobaccos from H&H and GL Pease. None of them prepared me for the tin of FVF I just bought.
When I opended the can and picked one up it was as flexible as a sheet of rubber. It showed no tendency at all to flake apart. Even after leaving a flake out to dry for a full day it still was difficult to rub out. It did burn, but not well. Does this tobacco usually come this moist? Should I think about rubbing this out first, then drying for a day or more? I've seen references to smoking flake by just folding it up and stuffing it in the bowl. It's hard to believe that's possible but is it? |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
The 2013 Moo Flake Scale Bend a flake in half and if it: 1. bends - too moist 2. fractures a bit and frays without snapping - probly just right 3. snaps - too dry FVF likes to be around 2.7 on the Moo Scale. Rough it up pretty good and definitely do not cram and jam because, as quickly as it warms up, it will expand quite a bit. Fill easy, tamp easy, rub out hard, light hard. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Great advice Moo. I'm just learning to appreciate flake tobacco and it is definitely moving up on my favorites.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I just ordered a couple Missouri Mearschaum cob pipes from smokingpipes.com. I figured they would serve as my first pipes to try the hobby out and if I don't like it I'm not out very much cash. Question is, do they break or wear out really easily? And what do you recommend for me to try based on enjoying more full bodied cigars and hating flavoured tobacco?
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Welcome Braeden. A lot of guys like to go with a Latakia blend like Frog Morton or Squadron Leader. Blends like these have a smokey flavor and are easy to smoke without overheating. If you are used to strong cigars, pipe tobacco will never match the strength or body of a cigar, so initially you may find the experience a little lacking but you're pallet will adjust.
Your cobs should serve you well for a long time under normal conditions. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Well I placed my first order through smokingpipes.com. For my first tobaccos I ordered Peterson Irish Flake, Gawith Full Virginia Flake, Balkan Sasieni, and Captain Black Dark (I know it probably sucks but it was like 2.50 for the pouch so I figured I would throw it in. I'm looking forward to trying these out.
Thanks a lot for your advice Quan, I'm sure I will have more questions. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-j...ned%2520in.jpg |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
So at this point is the pipe still okay to use or will the pipe (combust) catch fire. Also will the burnt cob change the flavor of the tobacco? |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I'll make sure to break in the cob away from the wind. Thanks for the tip
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-i...IMAG0026-1.jpg The cob in the post above was a fat little Hackert, about Legend size; neither of the pipes tasted ill. I mudded them both and they have been giving perfect service for many years. The General may be the best smoking pipe I ever owned. No more hot spot after smoothing in some mud and a few smokes: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Q...0/P1010312.jpg |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Does mudding actually mean rubbing mud inside? Or am I stupid for thinking that?
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Pipe mud is made with cigar ash and water that is mixed into a paste. It's magic stuff and can be used to raise the heal of a poorly drilled pipe, or fill in a spot that has started to burn out on a cob.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Oh I see, that's cool
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Q...%2520caked.jpg |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
The bricks of Moo's house is actually mortared with pipe mud.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Any special preparations needed for lighting up a virgin pipe Quan? Mine should be arriving any day and i am excited to try them out.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Not so much with a cob. I'd start with the BS, it should give you the most flavor with the least amount of effort. If you're used to cigars thevolume of smoke will be less than what you are used to so avoid the instinct to puff harder.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
This pipe forum has got me very interested in starting smoking pipes. I have been lurking on this side of the forum here for a couple weeks now, picking up info here and there. It has been valuable advice so far and has led me to want to buy a corn cob pipe to start with. My question is does one type of stem (not sure if that's the correct term), whether it's bent or straight make a difference in the taste, draw, or burn? Thanks in advance.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
When I buy cobs that have the orange bits like the Legend. I only buy the straight shape. The orange plastic bits aren't bent as much as they are kinked and a lot of junk builds up in that kink, and a pipe cleaner can't get it out very well.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I've enjoyed pipes since I was 15-16 on and off (about 20 years). I'm no expert but thought I had a pretty decent idea of what was what. That said, I want to thank all the OFs on here as you've opened my eyes to several things I was unaware of. Most importantly, the new-found appreciation for a nice cob.
May your bowls always be full gentlemen, thank you. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Dearest Old Farts (I use that term endearingly)
I have a couple of questions for you after my first bowl (after giving up on pipes a year ago) 1) How much if at all do you exhale through your nose? 2) I was using Virginia flake and this packing technique, but I found that it didn't burn the sides as much as the center. Is this due to the packing method? Or just something that happens? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9tzmB0JInY |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
1) I hardly exhale through my nose at all. alot of pipe smokers use whats called the breath smoking method of pipe smoking which basically means that you draw the smoke into your mouth and then lightly exhale partially through the pipe and partially through your lips. The idea being that it keeps the pipe lit better nd you get a more even burn.
2) I think the breath smoking method may help slightly with this but it really just takes practice in packing, lighting, and smoking, to get it right also experiment with rubbing the tobacco out partially or fully. I also highly recomend the frank method of filling your pipe, hes got vids on youtube. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
snork -v (snork) Mod. english; 21st century Amer. slang, origin pipe and cigar forums 1. the process of removing recreational pipe or cigar smoke from the mouth through the sinuses and out the nostrils, bypassing the lungs, thereby saturating smell receptors and maximizing taste value while preserving total lung capacity (TLC). Example: "Taste isn't all in your mouth; try a snork to recognize the full taste of cigar or pipe smoke." |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Now that i think more about i do snork a little for better flavor. I just always did it with out noticing.
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Hi there! From one old fart to another, I'm thinking about switching from my old standby pipe tobacco, Gawith's Dark Bird's Eye, to an aromatic. Oddly, I've been searching for hours and can't find anything online about the nicotine content of aromatics.
Does something cheaper, like Admiral's Choice, contain decent nicotine content? Also, is it normally considered reasonable on the lungs to inhale aromatics (I inhale the Dark Bird's Eye perhaps twice per bowl)? I should know these things after smoking a pipe for nearly four years, but I simply don't. Thank you! I appreciate it. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Oh wait, try the Gawith flavored ropes, they would be the only tobacco that I could think of that would come do that. I know the ropes have quite a nic hit, but I've never tried their aromatic ropes before. I will say that the Gawith aromatics are not usually something that American palates truly appreciate. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I just blame Dan though:D;) |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
I blame everything on dan! Haha
About those ropes they are very good. But they are strong! |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Hey, fellas. Happy Monday. You were so helpful before that I thought I'd pose a rather pressing (but hopefully easy) question about nicotine content.
Knowing my occasionally weak self-discipline, I've been smoking Gawith's Dark Bird's Eye for quite a while, as it's high in nicotine content without having to be inhaled, and this will keep me away from cigarettes -- as long as I get that ol' nicotine. Two of my trusted online sellers, including Mars, are out of Dark Bird's Eye for the first time I can remember, due to their shared importer having run out. Can anyone recommend a comparable pipe tobacco, at least in terms of mouth-absorbed nicotine content? Thanks so much. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
http://www.smokingpipes.com/tobacco/by-maker/gawith-hoggarth/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=4014 |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Anyone? (Or am I being impatient, in addition to the above paranoia?) :)
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
SP is one of the most legitimate retailers. Of course their bulk selections come in SP bags, but I highly doubt it would matter.
If you wanted to still get it in the SG boxes you would have to order the 250/500g boxes that SG releases. Everything else is going to be in SPs own bags. I definitely have pounds and pounds of various tobacco from that site though. Definitely my preferred retailer. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
If you're an experienced pipe smoker and you haven't noticed anything lacking in the legitimacy of their tobacco, I admit that that makes me feel a bit better about it. |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Just so you know, Gawith, Hoggarth makes Darks Birdseye not SG. And, it is also available at Pipes & Cigars for 17oz for $53.43. Here's the link. http://www.pipesandcigars.com/ghtobacco.html |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Been doing some roaming on these threads on some research, my buddy and I want to start smoking pipes (we both are cigar smokers) can I store pipe tobacco in an old empty with a boveda pack? I'm assuming the aromatics will affect my cigars like infused cigars would! Also what if I don't open tin can it go in my coolidor?
I think I'm gonna try and sample some stuff I've read on the what's in your bowl thread, I was gonna try first and foremost Christmas cheer, and so to bed, night cap, royal yacht, exhausted rooster and sextant. I'm assuming I will like strong sweet tasty tobacco any other stuff I should try? Price isn't a huge point to factor because I will not leave being a cigar smoker, it's cold out and my girlfriend will let me smoke a pipe on the house and sounds like a fun hobby!! Thanks CA! |
Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Empty humidor*
And unopened tin in a coolidor filled with cigars* |
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