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mhailey 07-31-2014 01:33 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by TXSmokey (Post 1977664)
cheech &chong, up in smoke

"did everyone see that, because I will not be doing it again"

Was it Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End?

TXSmokey 07-31-2014 02:56 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

TXSmokey 08-01-2014 02:26 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Ok, ill give it to you Matt since you were so close. its Pirates of the Caribbean, on stranger tides

TXSmokey 08-02-2014 08:46 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

icehog3 08-03-2014 08:59 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by TXSmokey (Post 1978235)

Rocky II.

"What's it going to be, Bernard? Drive your car into the lake, or get a dislocated elbow?"

mhailey 08-14-2014 11:35 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1978267)
Rocky II.

"What's it going to be, Bernard? Drive your car into the lake, or get a dislocated elbow?"

After 11 days I cheated and went to Google: Billy Jack

Now, continuing on:

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."

kugie 08-14-2014 05:54 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1980341)
After 11 days I cheated and went to Google: Billy Jack

Now, continuing on:

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."

Ferris Buellers day off

New one

I Gotta go see about a girl

Chainsaw13 08-14-2014 06:06 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Good Will Hunting. RIP RW

"Littering and? Littering and? .... Littering and smoking the reefer."

Porch Dweller 08-15-2014 06:50 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1980415)
Good Will Hunting. RIP RW

"Littering and? Littering and? .... Littering and smoking the reefer."


"Don't you ever try and f*#k me, Tony."

mhailey 08-15-2014 12:09 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1980466)

"Don't you ever try and f*#k me, Tony."


"I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus.

Could you describe the ruckus, sir?"

AdamJoshua 08-15-2014 07:27 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The Breakfast Club


Hey, this is not a test. This is rock and roll. Time to rock it from the delta to the DMZ! Is that me, or does that sound like an Elvis Presley movie? Viva Da Nang. Oh, viva, Da Nang. Da Nang me, Da Nang me. Why don't they get a rope and hang me? Hey, is it a little too early for being that loud? Hey, too late. It's 0600 What's the "0" stand for? Oh, my God, it's early. Speaking of early, how about that Cro-Magnon, Marty Dreiwitz? Thank you, Marty, for "silky-smooth sound." Make me sound like Peggy Lee. Freddy and the Dreamers! Wrong speed. We've got it on the wrong speed. For those of you recovering from a hangover, that's gonna sound just right. Let's put her right back down. Let's try it a little faster, see if that picks it up a little bit. Those pilots are going, "I really like the music. I really like the music. I really like the music." Oh, it's still a bad song. Hey, wait a minute. Let's try something. Let's play this backwards and see if it gets any better. Freddy is a devil. Freddy is a devil. Picture a man going on a journey beyond sight and sound. He's left Crete. He's entered the demilitarized zone. All right. Hey, what is this "demilitarized zone"? What do they mean, "police action"? Sounds like a couple of cops in Brooklyn going, "You know, she looks pretty to me." Hey, whatever it is, I like it because it gets you on your toes better than a strong cup of cappuccino. What is a demilitarized zone? Sounds like something out of The Wizard of Oz, Oh, no, don't go in there. Oh-we-oh Ho Chi'Minh Oh, look, you've landed in Saigon. You're among the little people now. We represent the ARVN Army The ARVN Army Oh, no! Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail. "Oh, I'll get you, my pretty!" Oh, my God. It's the wicked witch of the north. It's Hanoi Hanna! "Now, little GI, you and your little 'tune-ooh' too!" "Oh, Adrian. Adrian. What are you doing, Adrian?" Oh, Hanna, you slut. You've been down on everything but the Titanic. Stop it right now. Hey, uh, hi. Can you help me? What's your name? "My name's Roosevelt E. Roosevelt." Roosevelt, what town are you stationed in?. "I'm stationed in Poontang." Well, thank you, Roosevelt. What's the weather like out there? "It's hot. Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it. A little crotch pot cooking." Well, can you tell me what it feels like. "Fool, it's hot! I told you again! Were you born on the sun? It's damn hot! I saw - It's so damn hot, I saw little guys, their orange robes burst into flames. It's that hot! Do you know what I'm talking about." What do you think it's going to be like tonight? "It's gonna be hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle." Thank you, Roosevelt. Here's a song coming your way right now. "Nowhere To Run To" by Martha and the Vandellas. Yes! Hey, you know what I mean! Too much?

TXSmokey 08-17-2014 08:45 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
good morning Vietnam?

TXSmokey 08-18-2014 05:22 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
if its not good morning Vietnam disregard this.

"nail'em while they're vulnerable, that's my motto"

mhailey 08-19-2014 03:36 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Good Will Hunting

(IN SONG): "Women are irrational, that's all there is to that! Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. They're nothing but exasperating, irritating, vacillating, calculating, agitating, maddening and infuriating hags!"

AdamJoshua 08-20-2014 09:25 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
It's not the same just saying it, you need to hear him say it.

My Fair Lady.

I'll give you two from the same movie.

"If you do that you'll always be poor just like the greasy rat you are.. if I were you I'd keep me alive..."

"God's not on our side because he hates idiots also."

Porch Dweller 08-21-2014 05:55 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1981490)
It's not the same just saying it, you need to hear him say it.

My Fair Lady.

I'll give you two from the same movie.

"If you do that you'll always be poor just like the greasy rat you are.. if I were you I'd keep me alive..."

"God's not on our side because he hates idiots also."

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

"You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste."

nutcracker 08-21-2014 06:53 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
The great Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs.

Here's one:

"Some day, and that day may never come... I may call upon you to do a service for me. But er... until that day, accept this, as a gift."

(You have to watch the scene to fully appreciate this one....)

mhailey 08-25-2014 09:42 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1981528)
The great Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs.

Here's one:

"Some day, and that day may never come... I may call upon you to do a service for me. But er... until that day, accept this, as a gift."

(You have to watch the scene to fully appreciate this one....)

The Godfather

"They all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they've all made themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do. What am I gonna say? "I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How've you been?"

czerbe 08-25-2014 09:45 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1982415)
The Godfather

"They all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they've all made themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do. What am I gonna say? "I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How've you been?"

Gross Point Blank...

"So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."

mhailey 08-25-2014 10:10 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Office Space

"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?"

Porch Dweller 08-25-2014 12:26 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1982423)
Office Space

"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?"

Lord of War

"We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning I'm making waffles!"

mhailey 08-26-2014 09:00 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1982453)
Lord of War

"We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning I'm making waffles!"


"I lost a tooth! I married a whore!"

yourchoice 08-26-2014 09:32 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1982580)

"I lost a tooth! I married a whore!"

The Hangover

"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

357 08-26-2014 09:37 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1982585)
The Hangover

"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

The Matrix

Q: How do you write women so well?
A: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

mhailey 08-26-2014 11:06 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1982586)
The Matrix

Q: How do you write women so well?
A: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

As Good As It Gets

"Come on, buddies! Come and get 'em! Shoot straight for once, you Army pukes."

mhailey 08-27-2014 08:33 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1982608)
As Good As It Gets

"Come on, buddies! Come and get 'em! Shoot straight for once, you Army pukes."

Another one from the same movie:

"All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.

(in reply) It keeps me warm."

Porch Dweller 08-27-2014 09:47 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1982608)
As Good As It Gets

"Come on, buddies! Come and get 'em! Shoot straight for once, you Army pukes."

Another one from the same movie:

"All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid.

(in reply) It keeps me warm."

Red Dawn

"No, no, no, no, there's no problem here. I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies."

nutcracker 08-27-2014 10:58 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Goodwill Hunting.

Speaking of the late great RW:

"Upstairs, my little noseminers! Go! Flee before me! Onward and upward! Go pump some neurons. Expand your craniums!"

TXSmokey 08-27-2014 01:44 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1982809)
Goodwill Hunting.

Speaking of the late great RW:

"Upstairs, my little noseminers! Go! Flee before me! Onward and upward! Go pump some neurons. Expand your craniums!"

"I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch"

icehog3 08-27-2014 02:04 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1982809)

Speaking of the late great RW:

"Upstairs, my little noseminers! Go! Flee before me! Onward and upward! Go pump some neurons. Expand your craniums!"

Current quote. You must answer the current one before you post your own, :rlz

TXSmokey 08-27-2014 08:05 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
oh crap my bad


Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1982809)
Goodwill Hunting.

Speaking of the late great RW:

"Upstairs, my little noseminers! Go! Flee before me! Onward and upward! Go pump some neurons. Expand your craniums!"

miss doubtfire

"I love scotch, scotchy scotch scoth"

icehog3 08-27-2014 08:38 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by TXSmokey (Post 1982911)
oh crap my bad

miss doubtfire

"I love scotch, scotchy scotch scoth"

Anchorman. :D

He used to just put a belt, a stick, and a wrench on the table. Just say, "Choose."

Well I gotta go with the belt there.

I used to go with the wrench.

Why the wrench?

Cause f**k him, that's why

Porch Dweller 08-28-2014 06:40 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1982923)
Anchorman. :D

He used to just put a belt, a stick, and a wrench on the table. Just say, "Choose."

Well I gotta go with the belt there.

I used to go with the wrench.

Why the wrench?

Cause f**k him, that's why

Good Will Hunting

"Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another."

icehog3 08-28-2014 08:22 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1982980)

"Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another."

Apocolypse Now.

"You have my respect. Whatever that means to you, you got it. But, know this sh1t hard. If ever there comes a time when it gets down to the marrow, and it's you and me. Kid, I will lay you the f**k out."

Porch Dweller 08-28-2014 09:05 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1983019)
Apocolypse Now.

"You have my respect. Whatever that means to you, you got it. But, know this sh1t hard. If ever there comes a time when it gets down to the marrow, and it's you and me. Kid, I will lay you the f**k out."


"Oh this young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him, well, I guess that's more than most 21-year-olds can handle."

icehog3 08-28-2014 11:34 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1983029)

"Oh this young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him, well, I guess that's more than most 21-year-olds can handle."

Slapshot :r

"No, I'm not okay! Do I look okay? The f*cker shot me! What the f*ck-ass f*ck of a bum-f*ck shithole town is this? I make a business call. I give him my card. And the hick-ass f*cker shoots my foot off! C*ck-f*cking sh*t! "

Porch Dweller 08-28-2014 05:33 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1983089)
Slapshot :r

"No, I'm not okay! Do I look okay? The f*cker shot me! What the f*ck-ass f*ck of a bum-f*ck shithole town is this? I make a business call. I give him my card. And the hick-ass f*cker shoots my foot off! C*ck-f*cking sh*t! "

Mystery, Alaska

"Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here tonight, boys."

icehog3 08-28-2014 11:33 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1983210)

"Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here tonight, boys."

Miracle. :ih

"Hey, go hump your Saint Bernard, scum-nuts."

AdamJoshua 08-29-2014 05:57 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

"I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just "Crewman Number Six." I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is. I've gotta get outta here."

TXSmokey 08-29-2014 07:30 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Galaxy Quest

"an elegant weapon for a more civilized age"

Porch Dweller 08-29-2014 08:04 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Star Wars

"You write "Born to Kill" on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?"

icehog3 08-29-2014 08:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1983450)
"You write "Born to Kill" on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?"

Full Metal Jacket.

"I came to kick-ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum".

Porch Dweller 08-29-2014 09:13 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1983459)
Full Metal Jacket.

"I came to kick-ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum".

They Live

"It's the same thing your whole life: 'Clean up your room. Stand up straight. Pick up your feet. Take it like a man. Be nice to your sister. Don't mix beer and wine, ever.' Oh yeah: 'Don't drive on the railroad track.'"

AdamJoshua 08-29-2014 10:45 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1983466)
"It's the same thing your whole life: 'Clean up your room. Stand up straight. Pick up your feet. Take it like a man. Be nice to your sister. Don't mix beer and wine, ever.' Oh yeah: 'Don't drive on the railroad track.'"

Groundhog Day

"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."

Bonus points if you can name Jack's truck.

mhailey 09-02-2014 04:40 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1983483)
Groundhog Day

"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."

Bonus points if you can name Jack's truck.

Big trouble in little china (I don't remember the name of the truck but remember it was an 18 wheeler).

"Now Katherine, are you going to believe what you see, or what I tell you?"

Porch Dweller 09-03-2014 06:02 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1984168)
Big trouble in little china (I don't remember the name of the truck but remember it was an 18 wheeler).

"Now Katherine, are you going to believe what you see, or what I tell you?"


"'Slow ahead.' I can go slow ahead. Come on down here and chum some of this s--t."

mhailey 09-03-2014 08:13 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1984243)

"'Slow ahead.' I can go slow ahead. Come on down here and chum some of this s--t."


"They drew first blood, not me."

icehog3 09-03-2014 08:50 AM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1984258)
"They drew first blood, not me."

First Blood.

"Except for my kid bein' born, this is the greatest night in the history of my life."

AdamJoshua 09-03-2014 09:27 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
Rockey II


You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it's all about. A deer's gotta be taken with one shot.

The truck was the "Porkchop Express"

icehog3 09-03-2014 11:43 PM

Re: Famous Movie Quotes - Guess A Movie/Quote It Forward
THe Deerhunter.

"Got yourself a game leg, hey kid? You should have jumped off! That would have been the smart thing to do. You should have jumped Kid! I got to hand it to you kid, you're smart. You play both sides against the middle. Have your self a high old time. But now it's lasted long enough. Oh, you can keep running kid, but you're running out of train!"

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