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longknocker 10-04-2010 05:56 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 1010961)
Greg!! What's up, bro? Looking forward to seeing you. :tu

I hear ya, Mikey. And this is a realllllly scary thought...could you imagine Saban at Florida? Good lord. I know I wouldn't want to. :tu

Likewise, Bro!:tu

Rocketmann 10-05-2010 03:19 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1010758)
OK, to answer Rocketmann, what do you THINK Les should say in that situation? He KNOWS
he screwed up, but lets not forget, this was a game of Musical Chairs F Ups. Whoever made the
dumbest move LAST lost the seat. Les miles did not substitute all those players, he would have
likely let Ridley win it in the end the way he won it throughout the game, by punishing the Vols.
That was Gary Crowton's doing, "he saw something" he thought he could exploit. So he changed
the personnel for NO GOOD REASON. Granted I am mostly just parrotting the BR paper here.
But LES MILES did not nearly lose the game, the players did that. You had outstanding rushing
and everything else that could go wrong did. Drops, fumbles, ints, you name it, the players did it.
I forgive them, they have issues.

BUT I prefer to look forward. I have more than enough to deal with in this decidedly Bama and
FLa populated thread. LSU has the highest sack total in the SEC. We are 1st in Rush defense.
We are first in total defense. I think LSU has this one. If not, I am already quite comfortable in
the knowledge that LSU is scary bad in penalties, dumb mistakes and poor QB play. I will survive.


PS...Derek Dooley will NOT be getting back his deposit on the headset he broke.

Hope I didn't ruffle feathers as that was not my intent. I have watched Les/Gary make bonehead calls or just no calls at all over the last 2 years. Miles has this "What just happened" look on his face all the time. I guess if you make poor/no decision and still win, it's no big deal. But what about the games that have gone the other way? Nobody wins them all and people do make mistakes cause we are all human, but DAMN! As I said in my earlier post, I just hate to see a great football program/players not reach their potential because of coaching.

Pass 10-05-2010 04:44 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by Rocketmann (Post 1011801)
Hope I didn't ruffle feathers as that was not my intent. I have watched Les/Gary make bonehead calls or just no calls at all over the last 2 years. Miles has this "What just happened" look on his face all the time. I guess if you make poor/no decision and still win, it's no big deal. But what about the games that have gone the other way? Nobody wins them all and people do make mistakes cause we are all human, but DAMN! As I said in my earlier post, I just hate to see a great football program/players not reach their potential because of coaching.

Could be worse.... They could have Houston Nutt screwing up the works for 10yrs.

OLS 10-05-2010 06:21 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Oh, my feathers aren't ruffled. This is one of the toughest threads in CA, it's just a real intense
subject with really deep 'feelings' regarding area teams. I do not take anything anyone says
in a bad light, because I am one of the only LSU fans on the board...I get beat on a lot. And if
I have no alternative but to take it, I do. But when I think I have a reasonable argument,
I argue. I can agree with people who say that we are the worst 5-0 team in the country, but I do
not agree that we should be 0-5, or something rash like that. LSU fought and clawed back from
a raft of mistakes by the players with good coahing and horrible, sloppy coaching mistakes with
player heart. They earned their record, no matter how sloppily they did it.

Let's look at another argument. LSU barely beat bad teams. I think that is untrue. In TN, people
know that this team is talented and scrappy and better than their record indicates. They are
just unorganized and as poorly coached as the Tigers.
UNC I think was depleted, sure, but their second stringers played their hearts out, and not all
the suspeded kids failed to play, in fact some serious hitters played but did not "start". I have
no real knowledge about how the UWV game went or where they stood, but UWV is no perennial
slouch. A lot of teams in the NCAA play cream puffs for 3-5 weeks before getting to the meat
of their schedules. LSU plays top teams right out of the gate. So at this point in the season
I am not embarassed by LSU's standing in the league. They could have played any of those
teams and lost. (And LSU plays some cream puffs, just later.)

Don't pay any mind to me, I just pull doggedly for my team and poke the other team's in
the eye. Sometimes the fans get in the way. And I mean no harm to them. I just analyze
the facts I have, ignore the facts I don't, and pass ruthless judgement, lol.

Pass 10-05-2010 06:26 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
I feel ya, Brad. I think I am the ONLY Arkansas fan on the board.

OLS 10-05-2010 08:20 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
MAN, I was pulling for the Hogs when they played Bama. I have a standard line, I am a Bama
fan as long as the do not play LSU. But I had to move off of my position when the Hogs
were giving them all they wanted. What happened in the second half is anybody's guess,
but like I said, Nick Saban is the king of second half adjustments. You guys never had a chance. :D

But being in Memphis, you tend to sway a little towards Arkansas in a fairly neutral context.
Against LSU though, look out. And for the second year in a row, I am going to be working
the day of the big showdown. Why anyone would hold a game in the early afternoon is
beyond me.

Pass 10-05-2010 08:37 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1012008)
MAN, I was pulling for the Hogs when they played Bama. I have a standard line, I am a Bama
fan as long as the do not play LSU. But I had to move off of my position when the Hogs
were giving them all they wanted. What happened in the second half is anybody's guess,
but like I said, Nick Saban is the king of second half adjustments. You guys never had a chance. :D

But being in Memphis, you tend to sway a little towards Arkansas in a fairly neutral context.
Against LSU though, look out. And for the second year in a row, I am going to be working
the day of the big showdown. Why anyone would hold a game in the early afternoon is
beyond me.

I ALWAYS take the the day off for the LSU game. Last year I had to patch my walls from all of the bottles I threw as Mallett overthrew receiver after receiver and Tejada missed FG after FG after FG. This year... I won't have that problem. This year I'll be patching holes from the furniture thrown in riotous celebration after we stop a new mudhole in LSU. ;) Lester "Trucker Hat" Miles' luck is bound to run out by Nov 28th.

OLS 10-05-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by Pass (Post 1012027)
year I'll be patching holes from the furniture thrown in riotous celebration after we stop a new mudhole in LSU. ;) Lester "Trucker Hat" Miles' luck is bound to run out by Nov 28th.

Well, this year just make sure to watch my karting webcast at on
Saturday night after the game. That's what I will be doing. It will be free til 5 then PPV only,
but all day and night Friday it is still free. One kart driver in the Senior Pro class will win
$20,000 Saturday night. Should be a brawl. The other races are all either 5000 or 1000 to win.

OLS 10-07-2010 06:39 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Interesting factoids from the Memphis Commercial Appeal:

Georgia and Tennessee have six SEC championship game appearances between them
since 2001, but will play Saturday with losing records for the first time since 1906....ouch

Alabama begins a stretch on Saturday at South Carolina of playing six consecutive SEC games
against teams that enjoy a bye week before meeting the Crimson Tide. "I think everybody
should have an open date before they play Alabama, because they're so good," joked Ole Miss
coach Houston Nutt, whose team is off this week before playing at Alabama on Oct. 16

So for those keeping track at home, Michael and i have a bet for the UF-LSU game this weekend.
God only knows how THAT one's gonna go. But I think he's an LSU fan, so.....

Smokin Gator 10-07-2010 07:00 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Brantley's hurt but did practice Tuesday. Demps held out of practice!!!

Powers 10-07-2010 11:01 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Week 5 Notable Matchups

#1 Alabama at #19 South Carolina

Tennessee at Georgia (pillow fight bowl)

#11 Arkansas at Texas A&M

# 8 Auburn at Kentucky (upset of the week)

#12 LSU at #14 Florida (OLS v Powers Bowl II)

OLS 10-08-2010 09:06 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 1014864)
#12 LSU at #14 Florida (OLS v Powers Bowl II)

Hahaha, this is clever.

Hard to know what to call an upset in this one. Who has to win in order for it to be an upset?
Never thought ther'd be a tough call on that subject, lol.

Gonna be weird seeing the outcome of UA at USC. The media, in order to have something to jibber-
jabber on endlessly, has set up the big upset. Can't see that happening. It is of course, a possibility,
but so is a comet hitting Paramus. Not gonna bother me if UA gets knocked off. I know it WOULD
bother a lot of other folks. I could use the space, to tell you the truth. It's tough being a fan of
the worst 5-0 team in SEC football, maybe NCAA football.
Yes, it's true, I am now a florida fan.........

ahahahahahahahaha....I kid.

Powers 10-08-2010 09:33 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1015897)
Not gonna bother me if UA gets knocked off.


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1012008)
I have a standard line, I am a Bama fan as long as the do not play LSU. But I had to move off of my position when the Hogs
were giving them all they wanted.


OLS 10-08-2010 09:41 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Oh there is no confusion. I am not a BAMA FAN, I just don't hate them like most people.
If there is no football on except Bama, I pull for Bama. If Bama is ahead of LSU in the
standings, I am obviously not a Bama fan. I grew up a Tulane fan, which means I hated
LSU. So my team that was on TV all the time was Bama. I got behind them as a 7 year
old kid, and still have pent up affinity. Confusing, I know, but the point is, if Bama
lost this week, it would not hurt my feelings, i.e. the worst 5-0 team in the SEC would
REALLY catch a nice break, lol. If you are still confused, I think my new avatar says it all.

Powers 10-08-2010 09:45 AM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1015936)
Oh there is no confusion. I am not a BAMA FAN, I just don't hate them like most people.
If there is no football on except Bama, I pull for Bama. If Bama is ahead of LSU in the
standings, I am obviously not a Bama fan. Confusing, I know, but the point is, if Bama
lost this week, it would not hurt my feelings, i.e. the worst 5-0 team in the SEC would
REALLY catch a nice break, lol. If you are still confused, I think my new avatar says it all.

Makes a little more sense. And that avatar is hilarious :r

OLS 10-08-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
I also think I am like Tom with his Gator fetish. Tom is pure northern, and has no real rational reason to like the
Gators. same with me and Alabama. But I am really a sucker for Power, Success and Finesse and Speed in a
football team. Love em or hate em, The Tide RIGHT NOW are a thing of beauty. There is so much also-ran
stuff on the air during football season, and to watch Alabama is just thrilling. They are really getting it done.

Powers 10-09-2010 12:03 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
Looks like the Bulldogs might get their first SEC win

longknocker 10-09-2010 03:10 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
BAMA Is Shooting Themselves In The Foot 1st Half Against SC.:bh
Hopefully Nick Will Straighten Them Out For The 2nd Half.

Pass 10-09-2010 03:12 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
WTH is going on with Arkansas and these penalties?? Killin us. Should be like 35 - 7 right now....

Powers 10-09-2010 03:14 PM

Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
The chickens and the ole ball coach are lookin' pretty good! USC has to at least score 10 pts in the second half to pull it out

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