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KenS 08-31-2009 06:17 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by McSmokey (Post 530320)
alec bradley
Hoyo de Monterrey Cask Aged


Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 530347)
Off hand:
Augusto Reyes
Carlos toraņo
Diamond Crown
Don Lino
Maxx By AB
Pinar Del Rio
San Cristobal
Sancho Panza

all of these are either nonexistent in the current list or missing depth

Alec Bradley is in a recent update. Be sure to tap the "refresh" icon on the main page of the Reference section. There should be 61 Alec Bradley cigars in the reference. Maybe some older ones are missing?

KenS 08-31-2009 07:06 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 530347)
Off hand:
Augusto Reyes
Carlos toraņo
Diamond Crown
Don Lino
Maxx By AB
Pinar Del Rio
San Cristobal
Sancho Panza

all of these are either nonexistent in the current list or missing depth

21 Arganese cigars added. Those had been sent by a frequent contributor, but I had forgotten to add them :)

massphatness 09-02-2009 07:55 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I've had some bad iPhone karma recently and have needed to restore from back ups several times. Each time I do, I end up with a virgin copy of Mobile Stogie. Not a big deal until tonite when I spent the last hour plus cataloging one of the vinos. Am I doing anything wrong? I KNOW I back up my iPhone correctly, but on the restore the app is there but not the data.
Posted via Mobile Device

KenS 09-03-2009 04:39 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 533340)
I've had some bad iPhone karma recently and have needed to restore from back ups several times. Each time I do, I end up with a virgin copy of Mobile Stogie. Not a big deal until tonite when I spent the last hour plus cataloging one of the vinos. Am I doing anything wrong? I KNOW I back up my iPhone correctly, but on the restore the app is there but not the data.
Posted via Mobile Device

Wow, that is bad iPhone karma, but I don't see any reason that the backup shouldn't restore properly. Nobody else has ever raised this issue, and I have done restores many times without problems. I even changed phones twice in the past couple of months, and each time restored correctly.

I will ask on one of the iPhone dev forums to see if anybody else has seen this. Sorry for the inconvenience Vin. I'm getting ready to release another update that will include the ability to email the inventory data as an excel file. That wouldn't completely solve the issue, but would make it much easier to reload the info if you had it sitting in one place like that.

Lastly, there are several free applications that allow you to extract data from your iPhone backups (I use "iPhone Backup Extractor" on my Mac). You might want to find one of those and verify that you have a good backup of Mobile Stogie. If you go down that path, PM me and I'll help you understand what to look for).

massphatness 09-03-2009 05:16 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Thanks, Ken. To this point it really hasn't been an imposition because I haven't been adding any significant data. Now though, I'm really starting to get serious about cataloging my inventory, so I look forward to the email functionality you're adding. The hour or so I spent with the app last night was actually kinda' fun. It's very functional, and not at all gimmicky. Me likey!

I did have another question though -- I came across a stick not in your database; an 09 ERDM French RE. I added it as a new cigar. Should you ultimately update the database with this cigar, what happens to the info I entered? (Let's assume the info I entered matches your update 100%.) Will my be overwritten? Or will I just end up with two possible selections for the same stick?

KenS 09-03-2009 05:31 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 533755)
Thanks, Ken. To this point it really hasn't been an imposition because I haven't been adding any significant data. Now though, I'm really starting to get serious about cataloging my inventory, so I look forward to the email functionality you're adding. The hour or so I spent with the app last night was actually kinda' fun. It's very functional, and not at all gimmicky. Me likey!

I did have another question though -- I came across a stick not in your database; an 09 ERDM French RE. I added it as a new cigar. Should you ultimately update the database with this cigar, what happens to the info I entered? (Let's assume the info I entered matches your update 100%.) Will my be overwritten? Or will I just end up with two possible selections for the same stick?

You'll end up with two possible selections. Each reference cigar gets a unique 'key' in the database. There is a reserved range of keys for user entered cigars, to ensure that I never overwrite any of your data, so your 09 ERDM will get its key, then when I add it to the main database, it will get a different key. It was the best way I could come up with to be sure I don't overwrite anything. I've been thinking about using a different color, font, italics, etc. to distinguish the user-entered records. Suggestions are welcome :tu

Another thing you could do is to email me the info that you would want to put in, and I could add to the master database. You'd then get that info when you tap the update icon. I have an excel template that a number of folks have been using to help fill in the reference data. Of course, that doesn't give the immediate result of just adding it to your own copy.

massphatness 09-06-2009 02:52 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I'm full of questions ...

Let's say I edit info on one of the cigars on the MobileStogie server. Do my edits stick (for me) or will they be overwritten when the app is receives updates?
Posted via Mobile Device

KenS 09-06-2009 03:17 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 537854)
I'm full of questions ...

Let's say I edit info on one of the cigars on the MobileStogie server. Do my edits stick (for me) or will they be overwritten when the app is receives updates?
Posted via Mobile Device

If you edit one of the reference cigars that is already in my database, and I subsequently edit the same cigar, it will overwrite your edits :(. Not sure of the best way to avoid that, other than to ask you to let me know what I have wrong in the reference data, so I can fix it for everybody ;)

I could change the code so that it flags the cigars that you edit, and then you would not get edits from the main database for that same cigar. It would create bit of complexity in the code, but it's certainly doable. Unfortunately, I would have to submit a new update to Apple in order to make that change. I can see both sides of it; what do you think?

I imagine you've noticed a LOT of updates recently. Those are mainly significant cleanup that I've been doing to Origin, Binder, Filler and Wrapper data, fixing a lot of inconsistencies, spelling errors, and a bunch of data that was truncated in the iPhone database (had the wrong field length in my online database for a while).

Everyday there's more coding to do... :ss

massphatness 09-06-2009 03:26 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
And you're doing fab, Ken
Posted via Mobile Device

longknocker 09-06-2009 04:17 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 537879)
And you're doing fab, Ken
Posted via Mobile Device


CigarNut 09-08-2009 08:20 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Godofgravity (Post 522557)
There is a notes section in the app. When you add a cigar to your humidor, there is a notes field at the very bottom. Tapping it will expand it to a large text field where notes can be made. You can also get to this field by selecting a cigar you've already added to your humidor, where you can edit it to add likes/dislikes after you've smoked one.

The notes section you refer to is only for cigars in your humidor. If you picked up a cigar at a herf or a B&M and it never made it to your humidor, it would be nice to be able to add notes to it in the reference section.

KenS 09-08-2009 08:30 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 539862)
The notes section you refer to is only for cigars in your humidor. If you picked up a cigar at a herf or a B&M and it never made it to your humidor, it would be nice to be able to add notes to it in the reference section.

True enough, and I'll look into this as I continue to work on a more complete 'smoking notes' section of the app. In the meantime, a reasonable workaround that others are using:

Create a humidor called "Smoked". Anything that you want to maintain notes on can be put in this humidor. In your example, when you are viewing a cigar in the reference section, it's pretty quick to add it to the "Smoked" humidor, and you have immediate access to the notes field when you add it.

Not perfect, but not too bad for the moment.

Hope this helps :tu

brandonfd3s 09-08-2009 11:54 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Just bought it! Very nice app. Now to go input all the data of smoked cigars and sadly the handful left in the humidor. Thanks ken for an awesome app.

CigarNut 09-09-2009 11:00 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 539877)
True enough, and I'll look into this as I continue to work on a more complete 'smoking notes' section of the app. In the meantime, a reasonable workaround that others are using:

Create a humidor called "Smoked". Anything that you want to maintain notes on can be put in this humidor. In your example, when you are viewing a cigar in the reference section, it's pretty quick to add it to the "Smoked" humidor, and you have immediate access to the notes field when you add it.

Not perfect, but not too bad for the moment.

Hope this helps :tu

Thanks for the suggestion -- this is a really great idea!! Keep up the good work -- I love this app!

KenS 09-11-2009 01:46 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
FYI... Version 1.7.0 was just approved. Should be showing up any time now. :tu

sikk50 09-11-2009 01:48 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
What will it contain?

KenS 09-11-2009 02:02 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 545029)
What will it contain?


sikk50 09-11-2009 02:14 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Sweet thanks ken!

GoldnGT 09-11-2009 02:22 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
not on as of 3:20pm CT =(

Edit: bah. Three Twenty PM.

KenS 09-11-2009 02:27 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 545083)
not on as of 3:20pm CT =(

Edit: bah. Three Twenty PM.

I got the email notification at 3:30pm ET; often takes a couple of hours to show up on the app store (sometimes even longer). Just thought I'd let the BOTL's to BOLO for it. :D

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