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OLS 01-19-2014 02:32 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I never understood why they called it a 'Land Camera".

Justin, that Sigma Mini-Wide has held it's value well, for a Sigma lens. You can get em used for $60-100.
They are wildly popular, it and the Super-Wide 24mm. The E-series lens is a pretty good E-lens, one of the best
3 out of the whole line of about 8-9 lenses. Maybe top 2. I don't think the tele zoom is going to work out that well,
but it will do in a pinch. And the one I bought andshot with was used and had some issues inside. Their plastic
parts have a certain life before they loosen, warp, snap or otherwise go out of crisp focus. Still worth having in the
way you got it.

0002S 01-19-2014 03:09 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1925247)
I never understood why they called it a 'Land Camera".

It was named after the inventory Edwin Land, co-founder of Polaroid.

emopunker2004 01-19-2014 03:14 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1925247)
I never understood why they called it a 'Land Camera".

Justin, that Sigma Mini-Wide has held it's value well, for a Sigma lens. You can get em used for $60-100.
They are wildly popular, it and the Super-Wide 24mm. The E-series lens is a pretty good E-lens, one of the best
3 out of the whole line of about 8-9 lenses. Maybe top 2. I don't think the tele zoom is going to work out that well,
but it will do in a pinch. And the one I bought andshot with was used and had some issues inside. Their plastic
parts have a certain life before they loosen, warp, snap or otherwise go out of crisp focus. Still worth having in the
way you got it.

I don't think he hardly used any of it. Shot that roll of color today using the 70-300. It had a nice weighted focus throw.

0002S 01-19-2014 04:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Are you into shooting older film cameras?

I have all the major 35mm Nikon/Nikkor/Olympus/Canon/Minolta

Some old Rolleiflex

Some old rangefinders

A mint Olympus XA set

They all work, just add film.

I have quite a few of them and a lot of OEM glass.

I have a few that need rehab too.

emopunker2004 01-20-2014 04:30 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I'm open to whatever honestly. I have a minolta srt 202 that I need worked on, the mirror sticks up until I advance the film. I have a Canon EOS Elan 7n also.

OLS 01-23-2014 10:58 AM

Re: Photography Thread
My God this thread is almost as slow as the board itself. Wake up and shoot, damn you!
(I know its cold...)
OK, I picked up a D7000 as a low-light spare, and a relief for my old D700. I wanted to get
a second D700, but the dang price just will not come down, and if anything, it goes UP and
over the Holidays, DOWN $100, and now back UP $100+. SO F that. When they drop below
$850 I might pick up a spare for posterity. But back to the D7000, I did NOT want another cropped-frame
camera in the bag, but with the low-light performance of this model, and what I have seen to be darn good
Image Quality, I went with a D7000 and was pretty pleased with the results. In a way it is going to replace my D700,
because it is OLD and tired and I want to make it last as long as I can. SO I will take the D7000 out alone many nights
and as a spare on nights when I want that extra pop of sensor size. I killed most of the images on my flash drive to
make room for some other stuff, so I only have one shot for now, but a guy can do a LOT worse than sexy lil Mallory.
This girl is the ultimate BEE. She flies from man-flower to man flower, I never see her with the same guy.
And if I looked as good as she does, I doubt I would be any different.
Mallory and Mark by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

MrClean 01-23-2014 05:17 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I've been thinking about starting a website for awhile now, over the holidays found a decent price on domain registry and website hosting. I'm definitely no web developer, not even close. But they have a good (to me) website builder and it made it pretty easy. Been slowly working on it for a month or so, it's pretty basic and nothing to write home about, but I'm hoping to expand it over time and not break the bank. :D

OLS 01-23-2014 05:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
That's a nice effort! I wish I could make that kind of decision and figure out a way to drive traffic in a way that
befits a lazy man like me.

MrClean 01-23-2014 06:17 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thanks Brad. I'm pretty lazy myself. It took me a month to put that together and it's obviously nothing fancy. I was really just looking for a nicer place to display my stuff, not trying to sell anything yet, might down the road. Looking to buy a photo printer in a few months. Mainly to print stuff for myself, but if someone wanted to buy something, I'd have a way to print it off.
In other words, I really have no idea what I'm doing. :D

OLS 01-24-2014 06:24 AM

Re: Photography Thread
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MrClean (Post 1926897)
Looking to buy a photo printer in a few months. Mainly to print stuff for myself, but if someone wanted to buy something, I'd have a way to print it off.

This is what I use and it kicks butt. You can load 13x19 in there and the quality is excellent.
I force the printer to let Photoshop handle the color and get great results.

Here are a few more from the Midtown Violets at DOuble J Smokehouse and Saloon in Memphis.....
Testing the D7000 in what is traditionally among the worst light I work with.

shark 01-24-2014 10:43 AM

Re: Photography Thread
OK fine, here's a likely repeat of the Sturgeon River up in Northern MI:
DSC_2627 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

OLS 01-24-2014 11:28 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Let's see...if its 11 degrees HERE, I don't want to even GUESS the temperature that is keeping YOU
from shooting new stuff, Ron. Nice summer view here.

This weekend is International Blues Festival here in town, and there are a ton of great shots to get
downtown and around town. I'll be damned it I am gonna try. I am gonna shoot macro views of my
various heater elements.

shark 01-24-2014 04:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Art museum at Cranbrook, a private prep school in a very well to do part of Metro Detroit:
DSC_5105_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 01-24-2014 04:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Europa and the bull:
DSC_5103_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 01-24-2014 04:36 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_5095_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 01-24-2014 04:36 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Another view of the museum:
DSC_5097_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shark 01-24-2014 04:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DSC_5110_1 by sairtapdlanor, on Flickr

shade 01-25-2014 09:12 AM

Re: Photography Thread
4 Attachment(s)
Trying out a new lens. Still can't figure out how to post a full shot. :confused:

OLS 01-25-2014 03:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Shade, you need to copy HTML code from some kind of image hosting site. Flickr and Photobucket are popular places.

Montecristo No.2 - Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 135mm f/3.5 - f/8 at 1/20th of a second.
Montecristo No.2 - Habana by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

OLS 01-25-2014 04:01 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shade (Post 1927443)
Trying out a new lens. Still can't figure out how to post a full shot. :confused:

I think something is wrong with that lens, its all blurry. You'd better send it to me for disposal.
Along with the cigars, they might be tainted by all the blurrieness.

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