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Mister Moo 02-19-2010 09:23 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 764671)
Yes it did :(

Cheer up! You're always welcome here in the "Old Fart" thread. Oo-PAH!

GreekGodX 02-19-2010 07:34 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 764874)
Cheer up! You're always welcome here in the "Old Fart" thread. Oo-PAH!

I feel at home now :)

Neuromancer 02-19-2010 08:02 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Demented (Post 763731)
I can't think of the brand of that knockoff for the life of me, CRS don't you know. The head broke off the built-in tamper within three days, needed refilling every third or fourth day of use, the striker wheel didn’t work well and it never wanted to light. I bought an eighteen dollar lighter and got what I paid for.

NIBO makes an "Old Boy" knock-off and it's a piece of crap...had one and it crapped out so early I wrote them and complained...they sent me another one...same problem, so I gave up...found the Colibri Morpheus to be a decent's a two-way that lit one way has an angled flame for pipe lighting and lit the other way, a small torch flame for cigars or whatever...I use it mostly for pipe of these days I'll probably break down and get myself a Corona Old Boy, but for now the Morpheus (I actually have two of a great buy on them) is working fine...

spectrrr 02-19-2010 09:52 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Neuromancer (Post 765568)
NIBO makes an "Old Boy" knock-off and it's a piece of crap...had one and it crapped out so early I wrote them and complained...they sent me another one...same problem, so I gave up...found the Colibri Morpheus to be a decent's a two-way that lit one way has an angled flame for pipe lighting and lit the other way, a small torch flame for cigars or whatever...I use it mostly for pipe of these days I'll probably break down and get myself a Corona Old Boy, but for now the Morpheus (I actually have two of a great buy on them) is working fine...

$20 shipped on ebay seems like a good deal, I might just do that......

Neuromancer 02-20-2010 09:29 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 765672)
$20 shipped on ebay seems like a good deal, I might just do that......

Yep...that looks like a great deal, but you also need to know it's a one-way deal as Colibri has gone out of business...if it goes bad or needs repairs that's probably going to be a tough thing to get done, so theoretically you could be looking for another lighter in the I said, when I burn through the Morpheus's, I'll probably pop for a Corona Old Boy in place of a pipe at some point...

Emjaysmash 02-20-2010 09:43 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Neuromancer (Post 765961)
Yep...that looks like a great deal, but you also need to know it's a one-way deal as Colibri has gone out of business...if it goes bad or needs repairs that's probably going to be a tough thing to get done, so theoretically you could be looking for another lighter in the I said, when I burn through the Morpheus's, I'll probably pop for a Corona Old Boy in place of a pipe at some point...

I thought Colibri went back in to business again?

spectrrr 02-20-2010 11:49 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Neuromancer (Post 765961)
Yep...that looks like a great deal, but you also need to know it's a one-way deal as Colibri has gone out of business...if it goes bad or needs repairs that's probably going to be a tough thing to get done, so theoretically you could be looking for another lighter in the I said, when I burn through the Morpheus's, I'll probably pop for a Corona Old Boy in place of a pipe at some point...


Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 765983)
I thought Colibri went back in to business again?

And the answer is: YES, they are back in business, and honoring all old warranties (which were LIFETIME ones by the way). New products carry a 2yr warranty as far as I can tell, which is plenty for me. I'm a-ok with paying $20 every two years for a lighter. Since pipes are currently my wintertime past time, I imagine I won't have to worry about wearing mine out too quickly.......,2791,00.html

boom 02-21-2010 09:50 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
What is the best way to remove the pre-carbon coating on a bowl.... I think this may be the cause of it tasting bitter with this particular pipe.

BigFrank 02-21-2010 10:01 AM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 763171)
ok, next question:

Good and cheap soft flame lighter?
I've been using a couple cheapo refillable Ronson soft flames, but really they HATE being refilled and one is already broken.

I've also gotten quite accurate and adept with using a Ronson Torch... but they don't like being inverted and I have gas flow problems....

soooooo whats a good (but inexpensive) soft flame, or torch that doesn't mind being inverted?

I have 2 of them.

I used a candle lighter for about a year, and matches. Most guys I speak too just something cheap...

Neuromancer 02-21-2010 03:31 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 765983)
I thought Colibri went back in to business again?

Ah, that's great to know...sometimes it takes a while for news to reach us in the far depths of South Florida...:D

BigFrank 02-21-2010 04:28 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Unless it involves the AARP!!! :r

Jimmy PP 02-22-2010 07:48 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Well I went looking for pipes this weekend with a friend... I'm not too familiar with the town, I just go down to Missouri to see my girlfriend on the weekends. Anyways, I asked said friend about places that sell pipes, so we go to this shop that turns out to be more of a headshop. The only wooden bowled 'tobacco pipes' they had, the owner said were made out of cherry wood, and the bowls were quite rough. I've never used a tobacco pipe before, and was wondering... A. would a cherry wood pipe be alright, as I see most pipes are made from briar, and B. are the pipes supposed to have rough bowls like that?... It almost looked like it should be sanded down or something... But then again I've never used/owned a tobacco pipe.

I appreciate any help.

-Jimmy PP

Mister Moo 02-22-2010 08:45 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Jimmy PP (Post 768948)
Well I went looking for pipes this weekend with a friend... I'm not too familiar with the town, I just go down to Missouri to see my girlfriend on the weekends. Anyways, I asked said friend about places that sell pipes, so we go to this shop that turns out to be more of a headshop. The only wooden bowled 'tobacco pipes' they had, the owner said were made out of cherry wood, and the bowls were quite rough. I've never used a tobacco pipe before, and was wondering... A. would a cherry wood pipe be alright, as I see most pipes are made from briar, and B. are the pipes supposed to have rough bowls like that?... It almost looked like it should be sanded down or something... But then again I've never used/owned a tobacco pipe.

I appreciate any help.

-Jimmy PP

Yo JimmyPP! A. I think you will do much much better getting a Missouri Meerschaum corncob pipe from an actual tobacconist and, B. all kinds of pipes have all kinds of finishes from smooth to rough to deeply sandblasted and, C. you really want to get a cob and D. a pouch of Carter Hall or Prince Albert.

Jimmy PP 02-22-2010 08:56 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Thanks for the quick reply, but I think I made myself unclear. It was the inside of the bowl I was referring to. It almost looked like it was just drilled out, and left all rough on the inside. The outside was a very nice red finish. But I'll check out a few smoke shops and see what they have. However, this 'headshop' had a small selection of pipe tobacco, including a Black Cavendish which I was eyeballing... at $4 an ounce. Which from what I've seen online is quite a steep price?

-Jimmy PP

Mister Moo 02-23-2010 12:27 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by Jimmy PP (Post 769044)
Thanks for the quick reply, but I think I made myself unclear. It was the inside of the bowl I was referring to. It almost looked like it was just drilled out, and left all rough on the inside... ...Black Cavendish which I was eyeballing... at $4 an ounce.

$4.00/ounce isn't crazy-wild-high; tins are two-ounces and they usually sell for $7-$12/ea. Bulk is usually $2.50-ounce and up, depending.

Rough finish inside the bowl? Maybe it was coated with something a little raggedy to protect the wood from burning - that's not unusual. I never saw a new pipe with a drilled out chamber that was rough raw wood, though.

Black cavendish... it'd go well with a cob. :)

skier171 02-23-2010 12:47 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
Noob Question Here...

I have smoked a estate brior for the last year and a half, and a friend gifted me a Missouri Meerschaum corncob...looking into the bowl, there is a wood tube shaved off going almost most completly across the base of the bowl. Should there be any type of screen or filter there? There is a paper filter in the stem.

And I know I read this before in this thread (great work reading..), but can I smoke a corncob daily? multiple bowls?

lastly, I have some tobacca thats been sitting in my cabinent for far too long (6 monthish) but its my favorite blend from a shop down in there any way to revive that so it can be smoked again?

Thanks for the help guys


Neuromancer 02-23-2010 01:30 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by skier171 (Post 769735)
Noob Question Here...

I have smoked a estate brior for the last year and a half, and a friend gifted me a Missouri Meerschaum corncob...looking into the bowl, there is a wood tube shaved off going almost most completly across the base of the bowl. Should there be any type of screen or filter there? There is a paper filter in the stem.

And I know I read this before in this thread (great work reading..), but can I smoke a corncob daily? multiple bowls?

lastly, I have some tobacca thats been sitting in my cabinent for far too long (6 monthish) but its my favorite blend from a shop down in there any way to revive that so it can be smoked again?

Thanks for the help guys


That's they way they're supposed to be...long tube no screen at bottom...not really into cobs (don't care for them for some reason) but I understand those that use them smoke them daily, and I'm gonna guess sometimes several times a day, and/or multiple bowls....

As for rehydrating the tobacco...get yourself one of those little spray bottles (misters) they usually have in the pharmacy/toiletries section at WalMart...use distilled water only...spread the tobacco on some paper towels and give it a light misting to get it to where you want it hydration-wise...if you over wet it pat it with a dry paper towel or let it sit a bit until it dries a bit should be able to tell by feeling a pinch of it when you have it the way you want it...

skier171 02-23-2010 01:33 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
awesome. thank you very much for the quick response. looks like im stopping by walmart on my way home from work today.

Commander Quan 02-23-2010 01:36 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
All the MM cobs are like that, no you don't need a screen, and you don't even need that paper filter in the stem. Use if if you like but most people just throw them away before they starts smoking the pipe.

Cobs are sorta the workhorses of pipe smoking, you can ride them hard and they don't mind. If you want to smoke multiple bowls go ahead just run a pipe cleaner down through the stem a couple times and then bend in in half and go around the inside of the bowl.

The 6 month old baccy may be perfectly fine to smoke right now, pinch some between your fingers, if it doesn't crumble into pieces I'd smoke it as is, if you think it's too dry put it in a bowl with a wrung out paper towel over top and check on it periodically till it is where you want it.

skier171 02-23-2010 01:42 PM

Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart
What is the paper filter in there to do? I don's understand why cobs have those, while briar's dont?

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