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hotreds 02-25-2010 10:06 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
So your machine gives you that number? I would be most interested in that if I could find it- kinda proof positive that a difference is being made, even if I don't really feel it.

BigCat 02-25-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 772315)
So your machine gives you that number? I would be most interested in that if I could find it- kinda proof positive that a difference is being made, even if I don't really feel it.

Yes, a lot of machines have a digital readout that gives you usage statistics and your AHI. I know some don't - my father's, for example. But I think even his has a card that reads the data so that his doctor can review it. Yours should as well. If there isn't any way to track your stats, you should talk to your doctor about getting one. As you say, you don't have any way of knowing if its working otherwise. I'd press hard on that if I were you.

McSmokey 02-25-2010 10:54 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I'm scheduled to have a sleep study done in a couple of weeks and my wife is concerned if I need one of these machines that it will be too loud for her to be able to sleep in the same room any thing I can tell her good or bad would be appreciated

Emjaysmash 02-25-2010 11:02 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by McSmokey (Post 772356)
I'm scheduled to have a sleep study done in a couple of weeks and my wife is concerned if I need one of these machines that it will be too loud for her to be able to sleep in the same room any thing I can tell her good or bad would be appreciated

M fathers old machine used to be loud, however machine these days are very quiet. A fan on it's lowest setting is louder.

hotreds 02-25-2010 11:14 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by BigCat (Post 772353)
Yes, a lot of machines have a digital readout that gives you usage statistics and your AHI. I know some don't - my father's, for example. But I think even his has a card that reads the data so that his doctor can review it. Yours should as well. If there isn't any way to track your stats, you should talk to your doctor about getting one. As you say, you don't have any way of knowing if its working otherwise. I'd press hard on that if I were you.

I will, thanks! And, machines are quite quiet.

BigCat 02-25-2010 11:17 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 772376)
I will, thanks! And, machines are quite quiet.

You're welcome :tu


Originally Posted by McSmokey (Post 772356)
I'm scheduled to have a sleep study done in a couple of weeks and my wife is concerned if I need one of these machines that it will be too loud for her to be able to sleep in the same room any thing I can tell her good or bad would be appreciated

As others have said, its pretty quite. My wife describes it as white noise.

Cyclone 02-25-2010 11:28 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
Just saw this thread for the 1st time...

My name is Rudy and I have sleep apnea as well...

I was diagnosed about 5 years... Classic symptoms of snoring excessively, stopping breathing while sleeping, etc.

I was working on a large project where we had weekly update meetings @ 2pm... I would always fall asleep in those meetings... To the point that the other guys would be betting on how long it would take before I fell asleep.

My wife appreciates the fact that I can no longer snore and the sound of the CPAP is just white noise.

My Dad has sleep apnea as well... Before he was diagnosed, he would fall asleep playing cards! He also rolled a car and hit a couple of deer as well.

Emjaysmash 02-27-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
Does anyone have any issues with their face being chapped since using the mask? I've just noticed that the corner/side of my mouth is very dry and chapped and I dont really know what else to do about it. Any one else suffering?

pnoon 02-27-2010 03:35 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 775719)
Does anyone have any issues with their face being chapped since using the mask? I've just noticed that the corner/side of my mouth is very dry and chapped and I dont really know what else to do about it. Any one else suffering?

I get that a bit. Using the humidifier helps.

Emjaysmash 02-27-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 775730)
I get that a bit. Using the humidifier helps.

I use the humidifier every night, on its highest setting. Am I over humidfied?

eber 02-27-2010 03:46 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 775733)
I use the humidifier every night, on its highest setting. Am I over humidfied?

I have similar issues however I tend to sleep with my mouth open and even with the humidifier on high I still wake up with an extremely dry mouth, anyone else have this problem?

BigCat 02-27-2010 03:57 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 775719)
Does anyone have any issues with their face being chapped since using the mask? I've just noticed that the corner/side of my mouth is very dry and chapped and I dont really know what else to do about it. Any one else suffering?

I get a little ring around my mouth where the mask sits sometimes and it seems to be more prevalent during the winter months. I've considered growing a goatee just to deal with it, but have heard that facial hair will hurt the seal. I don't know another solution really, sorry.

ahc4353 03-26-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
Would love to read some updates. :)

Commander Quan 03-26-2010 09:04 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I had a follow up with the Neurologist a couple weeks ago and she said that I don't have sleep apnea, and that I just snore a lot. Ironically she also said that I could possibly be narcoleptic because I hit REM in 3 minutes.

kelmac07 03-26-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I tried sleeping without my CPAP for one night on my trip to Alaska...I couldn't fall alseep without it. It works like a champ!! :D

pnoon 09-12-2010 10:46 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
How's everybody doing?

icehog3 09-12-2010 11:05 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 986764)
How's everybody doing?

Apparently I still snore pretty badly when I drink a quart of tequila, despite the two somnoplasty surgeries. :r

pnoon 09-12-2010 11:11 PM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
CPAP is working for me. It's a a pain but it beats the alternative.

Smokin Gator 09-13-2010 04:58 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I can't imagine sleeping without a CPAP. I feel so good in the morning and hardly ever feel like I need an afternoon nap. A few years ago I almost fell asleep at the wheel several times in the mid-afternoon.

A few weeks ago the power went out during the night... I was awake is seconds of the CPAP going off.

Eleven 09-13-2010 06:15 AM

Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
My wife is going for a sleep study soon. All of the classic symptoms of sleep apnea are there, and I can't tell you how glad I am that she is finally going to get checked out.

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