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hotreds 11-17-2013 04:18 PM

Re: Photography Thread
1 Attachment(s)

shark 11-22-2013 03:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Artist's rendition, you know the movie:

shark 11-22-2013 03:23 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I love the sweeping contour of the fender, running board, and back fender of this Bugatti. What can I say, I'm in love with this car! Anybody got 20 million that I can borrow?

shark 11-22-2013 03:41 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A German doctor owned this car back around WWII. Hitler knew of this car, and wanted it so the doctor had it shipped off to China for safekeeping. That didn't work out so well either so he had it transported from there to the USA. Lucky that it made it, what with German and Japanese subs picking off any kind of shipping on the open oceans at the time

shark 11-22-2013 03:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This is reputed to be the first Mustang produced. NOT the first one sold, that one is still privately owned:

OLS 12-04-2013 08:37 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Here is another from The Pistol and The Queen from another with great light.
PistolnQueen-Hadleys-D90 167x-FLKR by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

Dave128 12-04-2013 11:04 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1901931)
This is reputed to be the first Mustang produced. NOT the first one sold, that one is still privately owned:


shark 12-04-2013 04:26 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1905815)
Here is another from The Pistol and The Queen from another with great light.
PistolnQueen-Hadleys-D90 167x-FLKR by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

Hey, stranger!!!! how's it going? Good, I hope.

OLS 12-05-2013 12:55 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1906031)
Hey, stranger!!!! how's it going? Good, I hope.

Yeah, its good, now that the giant Go-Kart race is over. I swear, we had someone from every
state this side of the Rockies it seemed. hundreds from Michigan, Iowa, South and North Dakota,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas, just everywhere imaginable. All in lil ole Mississippi for Thanksgiving.

Took a few shots of karts on the track, but I just formatted the card the other day to take shots of
a guy's Eleanor the other day. Took one pic and the 2 GB card said it was full. I only had about
8 karting shots on the card, so it must have been some movies on there.

These were shot with a little compact 'pro' Nikon P6000, picked it up for $40 the other day at Ado.
Not too great, but good in a pinch...he is trying to sell this, his third straight 'identical' car. He seems
to love re-building this particular model. From the pics you can navigate to the rest of the pics
pretty easily, if you want to buy the car, lol.

shark 12-06-2013 07:02 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Blasphemy! Why anyone would customize a rare classic is beyond me

shark 12-06-2013 07:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I saw a bone stock original blue GT500 at a car show once, all the way down to the original paint. Sure it looked a little worn, the paint wasn't shiny and all, but everything original except for normal rubber items that deteriorate over time like hoses, belts, tires, brake lines at the wheels, etc., but I'd buy that one over something that has been modified any day

emopunker2004 12-13-2013 01:29 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Anyone need a Canon G1X? :D

OLS 12-14-2013 05:19 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Ah-haha...I mean Ho, Ho, Ho.....I do NOT know you, but I KNOW YOU too well.

LONG night last night, steady rain, cold temps, and three gigs in two different parts of town to shoot.
Granted, no one is paying me, I do it for fun and to get better at this. But I owed my friend Nick Black,
so I put on the long johns and the leather jacket and went out to face the shuttle...

Man THIS CAT could PLAY THE BLUES! What a sound. Good REAL blues, not that modern crap.
Terrible night, GREAT results/
Jason Bailey of the Larry Waters Duo by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

MrClean 12-15-2013 02:15 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A couple of shots of my daughter. The first one is a really high ISO (8000), without the flash so it looks really soft.
Taryn.jpg by Jeff Carroll01, on Flickr
Taryn by Jeff Carroll01, on Flickr

OLS 12-16-2013 12:31 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I guess I have shot SO MUCH flashless stuff over the short year I have been taking photos that I just can't
get into flash shots. I like the one without the flash best, no matter how you describe it's faults I can't see.
When I shoot bands, invariably there is someone there with a speedlight, popping off shots in the band's eyes.
None have ever told me that my shots would be better, or I would have a better shot to 5hit ratio if I would use a
flash, but I think they must feel like they want to. I like the quality a natural light shot has so much more than
whatever I might get with a flash. Sometimes my colors suffer greatly, but I don't think I will ever use my speedlight
until I HAVE TO, like at a wedding or somewhere. ALthough your shots DID make me consider painting eye
'catchlight' in in Photoshop when necessary. That is the only part of shot 2 I wish could be a part of shot 1.
The first shot captures your daughter's beauty SO much better.

I have never had anyone say it, but I think bands and audiences much appreciate it when I do not use my
flash. Bands have to be used to it if they want to play gigs, but I think audiences are much distracted by it.
Nick Black by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr

MrClean 12-16-2013 05:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thanks Brad, and I agree with you about flash use. I haven't had mine long and I just can't seem to get the hang of it. The reason I made the first into a B&W is because it was so yellow from the crappy light in the hallway that I had no choice. Well, to my knowledge and effectiveness with LR. But I think she looks good in B&W.

OLS 12-18-2013 12:22 PM

Re: Photography Thread
One thing for sure, I have had mine for a few months and ONLY ever tested it. Not sure how much of a fight
its going to put up, and I wish I had a better way to test it. I only bought it because I thought it could also
operate as a slave off to the side somewhere that I could trigger with my pop-up. Turns out it ONLY functions
as a on-camera speedlight, since it is a knockoff Bower. But at least I am only out 45 bucks and IT IS a large,
shoe-mount flash. But I sure wasn't trying to criticize your TECHNIQUE, and I think that's what I read back.
I just wanted to express my love for natural light. But since you are lucky enough to have a captive model,
keep on practicing. I might do that at Christmas.

stearns 12-18-2013 12:29 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1910276)

I like this one a lot Brad, keep em coming :tu

MrClean 12-18-2013 02:06 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1911276)
One thing for sure, I have had mine for a few months and ONLY ever tested it. Not sure how much of a fight
its going to put up, and I wish I had a better way to test it. I only bought it because I thought it could also
operate as a slave off to the side somewhere that I could trigger with my pop-up. Turns out it ONLY functions
as a on-camera speedlight, since it is a knockoff Bower. But at least I am only out 45 bucks and IT IS a large,
shoe-mount flash. But I sure wasn't trying to criticize your TECHNIQUE, and I think that's what I read back.
I just wanted to express my love for natural light. But since you are lucky enough to have a captive model,
keep on practicing. I might do that at Christmas.

I didn't take it as criticism at all Brad, if anything I need a lot of it. This speedlite just puts off SO much light and I'm still trying to get the settings on it figured out. Between the camera flash settings and settings on the speedlite itself, I'm kinda just testing and finding my way as I go. I need to just take some time, and shoot with it over and over again until I start to figure it out. I shy away from using it since it seems to be too much most of the time.

Feel free to lend any advice you have ANY time. I love your photos and always welcome input from good photogs. :tu

OLS 12-18-2013 04:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Not sure if you have a camera brand or an also ran brand, but I know that there are some brands of knockoffs that
allow the camera to regulate it's power based on the initial metering, but I do not know how well it works since my own
cheapie has not been well tested. I DO KNOW that you might want to look into popping a styrofoam cup onto it or
some other form of cheapie diffusion, and of course bouncing it under the conditions you seemed to be working with
would be best, whether vertical or sideways. I wish I could be more helpful and also that there were REGULAR posters
here that could steer you. But of course, our old place seems to be a bit of a ghost town, eh? I am taking mine
on the road this weekend to see if I can make some nieces and nephews sit patiently while I blunder my way
through it. We'll see how it goes.

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