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spectrrr 01-26-2010 05:52 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 730448) guys carry a tripod, small pocket pod, or nothing?

steady hands ;)

Need something for some long night shots tho... I like a gorillapod for limited space traveling. Beanbag will do surprisingly well in a pinch also, and takes up even less space (obviously less flexible, but still good).

spectrrr 01-26-2010 05:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by King James (Post 735525)
40 or 50D with e2n battery grip makes it sorta feel like a Mk (awesome purchase for shooting more comfortably in portrait)

I used to shoot with a 20d+grip and LOVED it (used to shoot with a 1d mk2 next to it also)..... but after a couple years my wrists couldnt take the weight anymore and I went to 5D's with no grip and got used to cocking my arm upwards.... much happier now :tu

spectrrr 01-26-2010 05:59 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 730779)
Snapped this today after I taught my undergrad class. Such a beautiful day ... I'm surprised converting it to B&W was the right move (it really was).

I *LOVE* this picture..... that's the type of picture I'd stick on my wall when decorating the house. :tu :tu :tu

The Professor 01-26-2010 06:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 735948)
I *LOVE* this picture..... that's the type of picture I'd stick on my wall when decorating the house. :tu :tu :tu

Thanks for the high compliment. :D

kenstogie 01-27-2010 08:36 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I have a T1I also and was recently "appointed" my sister's wedding photographer. Which I really look forward to doing but my flash situation is "limited" and would like results.

The more I use the T1I the more I like it but have found that in many situations that "Auto" feature does not get the results I am looking for not only for just depth of feild but also exposure. Also the stock lenses although OK are not where I would like them to be either.

The Professor 01-27-2010 09:17 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 736712)
I have a T1I also and was recently "appointed" my sister's wedding photographer. Which I really look forward to doing but my flash situation is "limited" and would like results.

The more I use the T1I the more I like it but have found that in many situations that "Auto" feature does not get the results I am looking for not only for just depth of feild but also exposure. Also the stock lenses although OK are not where I would like them to be either.

Boy, Ken ... don't take this the wrong way; but we've got a lot to discuss. First, quit using the green box (auto). It will rarely give you good results. Switch to manual and start experimenting. Second, what kind of glass do you have on there? More important than a flash, imho, will be some fast glass -- a fast (f/1.4 or 1.8) prime or a fast-ish (f/2.8) zoom. Churches and ministers often frown on flash photography during the ceremony. Especially if you're using the kit (which has a variable aperture, at best 3.5), you're not going to get the narrow DOF you want for some of the portraits. Third, what software are you using for post? You *need* to be shooting in RAW and using wither DPP (the Canon software) or something like Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw to process the keepers you'll have. I find that the T1i is usable for small prints all the way up to ISO 3200 with post-processing. ISO 1600 should be okay for 5x7s and maybe 8x10s if you're crafty. ISO 800 will probably be key for big prints, though.

Go get on PotN (I provided a link above) and read read read. All that said, I'm assuming that you've never shot a wedding in a professional capacity and that you're newer to DSLR photography. If those are false assumptions, I'm sorry.

Mugen910 01-27-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 735939)
steady hands ;)

Need something for some long night shots tho... I like a gorillapod for limited space traveling. Beanbag will do surprisingly well in a pinch also, and takes up even less space (obviously less flexible, but still good).

I actually take some pics the same way I used to shoot a M16A1....steady breaths and then just fold it while I squeeze. :D a good portion of my shots are steady but a few that don't have VR on the lense are just shakey...

I saw one guy with an extension under the was like he carried around a golf ball retriever and stuck it under the camera for stability.

The Professor 01-27-2010 09:34 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 736753)
I actually take some pics the same way I used to shoot a M16A1....steady breaths and then just fold it while I squeeze. :D a good portion of my shots are steady but a few that don't have VR on the lense are just shakey...

I saw one guy with an extension under the was like he carried around a golf ball retriever and stuck it under the camera for stability.

Are you just talking about a monopod? Those are pretty common ... especially since they're so portable and some can double as walking sticks.

The Professor 01-27-2010 09:39 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I haven't taken a single picture in 3 days. Damn. I need to get on it....

Mugen910 01-27-2010 09:52 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 736767)
Are you just talking about a monopod? Those are pretty common ... especially since they're so portable and some can double as walking sticks.

that's prob the keyword I was searching for, thanks.

I saw a guy with a tiny digital camera and a huge tripod at Angkor Wat..I was dying laughing.

gbum 01-27-2010 10:15 AM

Re: Photography Thread
old pics,sunset behind my grandma's house

Mugen910 01-27-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Any photoshoping Gbum? Great pics btw.

gbum 01-27-2010 10:24 AM

Re: Photography Thread
a minor touch of burn tool and few points of curve...

Mugen910 01-27-2010 10:27 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Great photos...I'm assuming you needed a tripod..high F/stop and slow shutter speed?

gbum 01-27-2010 10:31 AM

Re: Photography Thread
not really,
just rise up the iso to 500
set the shutter speed around 1/125 to 1/200...
i only use a tripod if the shutter sped below 1/20... anything above 1/30 i still can handle it...

kenstogie 01-27-2010 11:01 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 736747)
Boy, Ken ... don't take this the wrong way; but we've got a lot to discuss. First, quit using the green box (auto). It will rarely give you good results. Switch to manual and start experimenting. Second, what kind of glass do you have on there? More important than a flash, imho, will be some fast glass -- a fast (f/1.4 or 1.8) prime or a fast-ish (f/2.8) zoom. Churches and ministers often frown on flash photography during the ceremony. Especially if you're using the kit (which has a variable aperture, at best 3.5), you're not going to get the narrow DOF you want for some of the portraits. Third, what software are you using for post? You *need* to be shooting in RAW and using wither DPP (the Canon software) or something like Adobe Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw to process the keepers you'll have. I find that the T1i is usable for small prints all the way up to ISO 3200 with post-processing. ISO 1600 should be okay for 5x7s and maybe 8x10s if you're crafty. ISO 800 will probably be key for big prints, though.

Go get on PotN (I provided a link above) and read read read. All that said, I'm assuming that you've never shot a wedding in a professional capacity and that you're newer to DSLR photography. If those are false assumptions, I'm sorry.

I rarely use the "green box" now. I am using kit glass which I am not in love with. You are right about the aperatures with that stuff. I am not new to SLR's, have taken both college and high school photography. I think I have a good grasp on the basics and even had a Minolta SLR for some time. I have shot a couple of weddings but relied on outdoor light and not shot at the level I want to be at. The Bride/Groom still were very pleased but they really couldn't complain for the price either ;)
My sister wanted to save money and asked. So I said sure. She does not have as dicriminating an eye as photographers I don't think.

kenstogie 01-27-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Well Proffesor I am on PotN (screen name kenstogie, surprise, surprise :) )and there's ALOT of info there.

Any particular threads you might recommend??

The Professor 01-27-2010 12:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 736983)
Well Proffesor I am on PotN (screen name kenstogie, surprise, surprise :) )and there's ALOT of info there.

Any particular threads you might recommend??

There are a TON of wedding threads -- a whole forum, I believe. I'd read through those. I'd also look at the stickied lenses thread if you're thinking of new glass. Read before posting, for sure. I'm "Dokk" over there.

It's a good/fun community. Really helpful comments & criticism when you post pictures. Careful, though ... they have the tendency to push people down their slope just like we push folks down certain slopes here. :D

Oh ... and check out the "for sale" forum. You've gotta be quick; but you can get some nice pickups there if you know what you're looking for. Lenses hold their value a little too well, though, IMHO -- too well for me to not just spend a little extra to buy new with a full warranty.

kenstogie 01-27-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thanks Dokk I was already looking through those. :)

Wolfgang 01-27-2010 08:09 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by LockOut (Post 735134)
level out the horizon (easy to do in ps) Sorry it drives me nuts when landscapes are crooked. Otherwise great shot, love the way the water turned out.


Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 735171)
And I Thought It Was Just My Old Eyes!:r


Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 735224)
I too really like the shot I believe picassa has a straigtening tool.

Any flash recommendations for my T1i?

The horizon is straight. It is the perspective of the island the building is on that throws most people off.
Camera Raw has a wonderful straightening tool.

0002S 01-27-2010 09:30 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Some shots from the botanical garden from a few weeks back

All shot with Canon 5D MKII hand held
105 f2.8 Macro Lens
800 ISO
various shutter
no fill flash
all shot in 25 meg jpeg

gbum 01-27-2010 09:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
urhhh 5d mkII...:dr

MarkinAZ 01-27-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 737683)
Some shots from the botanical garden from a few weeks back

Nice detail and color on the botanical photos Shawn...:tu

0002S 01-27-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 737710)
Nice detail and color on the botanical photos Shawn...:tu

Thank you

The Professor 01-27-2010 10:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I want a 5d so bad -- Mk 1 or Mk 2 ... I don't care which (though the Mk 2 would be nicer, of course). :D
Posted via Mobile Device

0002S 01-28-2010 04:38 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 737760)
I want a 5d so bad -- Mk 1 or Mk 2 ... I don't care which (though the Mk 2 would be nicer, of course). :D
Posted via Mobile Device

It a great FF camera. I'm not a fan of the banding issue (really a Canon camera issuse). Once you understand it, it's easy to work around. With certain lens it can hunt for low light focus. Other than these small issues it a great camera.

I use the video feature more than I thought I initially would.

longknocker 01-28-2010 04:59 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by 0002S (Post 737732)
Thank you

Beautiful, Shawn!:tu Maybe Someday I Can Get "Close" To That Quality!:)

longknocker 01-28-2010 05:02 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Shawn, I Realize Those Are Macro Shots, But At What Distance Did You Shoot Those?:)

0002S 01-28-2010 05:06 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 737938)
Shawn, I Realize Those Are Macro Shots, But At What Distance Did You Shoot Those?:)

1 foot and under. The lens in 1:1. There is very little crop in the PP. Mostly I crop out background distractions.

What makes these tough hand held is the DOF. To get f16 this close without blur, you need ISO 800+ with reasonable shutter speeds. This lens has no IS.

Footbag 01-29-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The moon stitched from two shots...

0002S 01-29-2010 06:31 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Great Moon Shot

spectrrr 01-29-2010 07:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Footbag (Post 740285)
The moon stitched from two shots...

DAYUMMM, what the heck did you shoot that with??

kenstogie 01-29-2010 07:34 PM

Re: Photography Thread
wow, I feel like I've been there only this time with out any "help" :D

King James 01-29-2010 09:02 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Darrel, apparently there is some sort of base stand that is made that allows a sync cord to be hooked into a 430 so you can use it off camera.

or there is this, although sort of expensive:

or this, although its not very long:

or this for wireless

The Professor 01-29-2010 09:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by King James (Post 740460)
Darrel, apparently there is some sort of base stand that is made that allows a sync cord to be hooked into a 430 so you can use it off camera.

or there is this, although sort of expensive:

or this, although its not very long:

or this for wireless

Oh yeah ... I've seen that transmitter before. One of these days (like in a year or two :r), I'll start following the Strobist program -- their Lighting 101 and Lighting 102 come HIGHLY recommended. Until then, I'm more interested in getting better at composition, working with available light, playing with DOF, etc.

Went out with friends after teaching, today. Had to shoot at ISO 3200 and f/2.8 because it was so damn dark (bar, indoors, overcast and near dusk outside). As a consequence, I took some liberties in post.

Mugen910 01-29-2010 10:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 737710)
Nice detail and color on the botanical photos Shawn...:tu

:tpd: Amazing shots...

Footbag 01-30-2010 06:11 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 740345)
DAYUMMM, what the heck did you shoot that with??

Thanks. Taken with my Telescope. A Celestron CPC-800 and the new T1i. I have a separate camera for my astro shots, but I wanted to give the new T1i a try. I'm still getting used to the camera, and seeing was terrible last night, but the shot came out OK. I have gotten better, just never a full moon.
Given the temp last night, I wasn't looking to do too much experimenting. Especially after my laptop screen froze over. Went through two batteries in an hour. And the hand control on the scope went screwy due to the temp as well.
Managed to get a couple good ones. I was hoping to also get Mars, but it'll have to wait until the weather breaks. The big moon wouldn't fit in the field of view, this the stitch.
And Spectrrr offered to cleanly stitch it, but I beat him to it. Thanks anyways!

kenstogie 01-30-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Is it true the moon is made out of cheese?

and if so what kind?

Footbag 01-30-2010 04:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 741371)
Is it true the moon is made out of cheese?

and if so what kind?

Yup... "One small step for man, one giant heap of Manchego."

kgraybill 01-31-2010 01:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Playing around with photoshop. A pic of my granddaughter cut and pasted on one of lake Oconee. I'll figure out how to cut with smooth lines one day.

Mugen910 01-31-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kgraybill (Post 742351)
Playing around with photoshop. A pic of my granddaughter cut and pasted on one of lake Oconee. I'll figure out how to cut with smooth lines one day.

There is a "Blur" tool Ken...try using that to soften the edges.

kgraybill 01-31-2010 01:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 742355)
There is a "Blur" tool Ken...try using that to soften the edges.

Thanks. I'll give it a try.

King James 01-31-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
ordering my off-camera flash strobist-esque setup today

The Professor 01-31-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Look at you, Mr. FancyPants. :tu :wo

You gonna do the Strobist 101?

The Professor 01-31-2010 03:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A couple pics from yesterday -- one cigar, one not.

spectrrr 01-31-2010 07:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kgraybill (Post 742351)
Playing around with photoshop. A pic of my granddaughter cut and pasted on one of lake Oconee. I'll figure out how to cut with smooth lines one day.

Select > Modify > Feather

Wolfgang 01-31-2010 07:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
still following here just dont have any digital images to share.

Picked up a FE-2 and a 35-70 F2.8 for $60

Mr.Erskine 01-31-2010 08:30 PM

Re: Photography Thread
1 Attachment(s)
I don't know if any of you will be able to see what this is... And if you can, I don't know if any of you will be able to tell what it is.. This does make me tear up a little....

It is a picture of home from on South Mountain... I miss it.. a TON... as I live in Delaware now.....

McSmokey 01-31-2010 09:36 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Couple O Pics of the Kiddo

Wolfgang 02-01-2010 12:02 AM

Re: Photography Thread
See Justin arent you glad you went with the D90 :-)

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