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shark 07-08-2013 02:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Plenty of waterfalls in this region of the Western Upper Peninsula, too: 70-210mm lens, 1/5 second, f/29

shark 07-08-2013 03:07 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Laughing Whitefish Falls:

Same falls, from down in the gorge:

shark 07-08-2013 06:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Ship parked at an ore dock in Marquette, MI early in the morning. Even at 3200 ISO this is pretty good:

OLS 07-08-2013 07:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I will offer one bit of advice to you, although from what I see, you might not need it.
If you could pick up a $15 neutral density filter, you could use the shutter speeds you
want for waterfalls and still keep a nice healthy aperture opening, likely something approaching
f/11 or even f/8. Lenses stopped down towards the very end of their range tend to have greatly
reduced sharpness and detail due to diffraction. But again, your shots look nice as is.

OLS 07-08-2013 07:16 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Those 18-55s are a REAL surprise to me. I really thought they would be utter crap,
and when I pay attention, I am just so surprised by the acuity they have. They
really pass on the color to the sensor. half a billion years, huh? So about as old as
my johnson.

OLS 07-09-2013 06:42 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I wanted to post this photo just to show how much it sucks when you don't pay attention.
When I get to the zoo, I bolt for the Lions and if they are out, I just start shooting away.
They are SO DAMN photogenic. Same in N.O., I get there and I am so excited to begin
shooting that I always screw something up, leave a setting tweaked wrong, forget to set
auto-focus, I do something EVERY TIME the shot is on the line. I set up the D90 with a
70-300mm lens, a slow one, and started shooting away with it. I didn't check the histogram
on the first shot, I barely even reviewed the results and adjusted from there. It is my best
camera, why would I think it would shoot poorly? So I shot on this all day, not knowing
that I should have dialed in -.07 in exposure compensation. All my shots were washed out
to some degree. So I had to FIX this shot, and still barely escaped with anything I would
want to show somebody. But the subject matter, this was great. You have to hang
around this enclosure for hours to see this bear do this. But I sensed he was gonna do it.
He usually does soon after he sits down on his butt and holds his feet, which he did a few
minutes prior to this shot. I am getting to know these animals so well, lol.

shark 07-09-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Dancing Bear! Didn't the Mamas and Papas record a song along those lines? :r

shark 07-09-2013 09:31 AM

Re: Photography Thread
The Mighty Mac, AKA the Mackinaw Bridge between the two Peninsulas. It connects Mackinaw City to St. Ignace:

shark 07-09-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Mighty Mac from St. Ignace, in the UP. Total bridge length is 5 miles, total length of the suspension part is 8614 feet, and at mid-span your vehicle is 200 feet above the surface of the lakes, and that water is 295 feet deep at that point

shark 07-09-2013 05:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Another of the Sturgeon River:

shark 07-09-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 07-09-2013 05:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 07-09-2013 05:14 PM

Re: Photography Thread

hotreds 07-09-2013 05:58 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Battle Creek fireworks




shark 07-10-2013 05:09 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Nice shots Hotreds! What F stop and shutter speed did you use for those? I've never been able to get very nice fireworks shots.

OLS 07-10-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Photography Thread
For Hugh, and for them what cares, here are some shots I took from the Wilber's Bar-B-Que parking lot at the
end of the runway back in what was likely 1981. I was stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB, and while I was often
at the end of the runway running checks of systems prior to takeoff, there were no cameras allowed there.
So if I was shooting these shots, it was at Wilber's. Just a note to anyone travelling along the interiors of NC
and you are looking for great BBQ, albeit NC style, check out Wilber's GREAT FOOD.

I never will forget the day I was walking in to eat, a F-14 flew over to land, and I had had up to
that point, NO IDEA how large that aircraft was, I thought it was like a F-4 or similar. That sucker
had to be at least twice the size of a F4. I was stunned.

I had an old "Sears" SLR camera made by Mamiya, and likely the slowest lens you could get, lol. It had the
now rare to find screw mount. SORRY to all about the color and contrast...shooting into the
sun never looks good.

Likely just back from the Dare County Range out near the Atlantic, you can tell its landing
because of the drogue chute.

Same aircraft likely

Quick checks prior to takeoff

Landing at Seymour Johnson, AFB

hotreds 07-10-2013 05:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1859462)
Nice shots Hotreds! What F stop and shutter speed did you use for those? I've never been able to get very nice fireworks shots.

f8, bulb, ISO 100. Thanks!

hotreds 07-10-2013 05:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread




OLS 07-11-2013 05:18 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Second round of the Seymour Johnson Slides.....

I guess I should have taken these into Photoshop and altered their odd white balance, but ehh, they were already uploaded to the bucket

B52-G landing at they don't fracture into pieces every time they land is beyond me.

Hell I GUESS they are G models, I am sifting through my memory of 30+ years ago...

Phantom coming in on the downwind leg

shark 07-14-2013 03:47 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Kind of a mix of different time periods going on here...

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