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shark 06-26-2013 03:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
That's interesting. Seems like a bunch of whiners who get offended over anything and everything to me.

MrClean 06-26-2013 04:17 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1854554)
That's interesting. Seems like a bunch of whiners who get offended over anything and everything to me.

Whats really strange, is Fluckr allows some pretty explicit photos to be uploaded as long as they are set to their equivalent of 'NSFW'. That prompts any potential viewers to click and agreement box to allow it to be displayed. It's almost like someone complained and they sent out that warning without researching the complaint. Now I never saw Brad's pics on Fluckr, but I'm inclined to agree/believe what he says is true, versus what they are claiming. My thoughts are, in my case, I pay for my account so they better not tell me what I can and can't upload, as long as it doesn't violate any laws. They have an option to set pictures/sets as 'private' so no one can view them but the account holder. I've been happy with the service, and while I'm not fond of the update, I'll continue to pay for it so I don't have see their stupid ads. :2

OLS 06-26-2013 04:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Well, Shark, anyone who knows me from here knows I am an a55hole, so I guess I can't know how or who or what.
All I could possibly recall is telling what I imagine was a high school girl how she could better balance her camera
so her pics had less noise. She said in her comments that she wanted to shoot portraits for money for friends at school
and maybe others. But she was shooting entire series of people in 3200 ISO with a 1/2500 of a second shutter speed
and f/11 on a entry level Canon DSLR. I was giving her (unsolicited) advice on how to set things for cleaner pics and a more
portrait-like effect. MAYBE that was it, maybe she felt like she was being harassed. She certainly never asked for advice.
I did it in the mail function so no one had to see me telling her that stuff. She never commented back so it could
have gone either way for all I know. Maybe she complained of harassment. She never said anything to me, so who knows.
I can say without a doubt that it couldn't have been anyone else. That's the only time I ever came close to saying anything
remotely un-called for. They simply quoted from the user agreement the two sections I had supposedly violated. I sent them
an email telling them that it would be more useful if they tried to be more specific about what I had supposedly done. The
message had as part of the title a 'case number', so it was somebody saying something. But it really doesn't matter. I am not
interested in participating in Flickr going forward. Its a useful tool, but I no longer feel like it was for me.

shark 06-26-2013 06:28 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Brad, you big meanie! You made that girl cry! For SHAME!!! ;)

MrClean 06-28-2013 06:49 PM

Re: Photography Thread
It's times like this one, last night, that I really hate myself for not carrying my camera!!! So I'm stuck with crappy cellphone pics that don't even do this justice. It was an amazing sky last night.

hotreds 06-28-2013 08:32 PM

Re: Photography Thread
The only flying B-29 in existence. Sexy "Fifi!"

OLS 06-29-2013 07:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread
You know Hugh, I need to send you some pics my dad took....they will mean less to you since they are just plane pics,
taken by someone else's dad, but my Dad was meteorologist during the Berlin Airlift, and he flew along on a lot of missions.
he took some really neat pics in flight. I just scanned them for my mom along with the actual family pics. I will load
them up to a sharing site and post em up here tomorrow or tonight. I was thinking B-24, but some of them are of planes
I am not familiar with at all.

OLS 06-29-2013 08:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Sorry about the fungus, these are really old. I wanted to clean em, but I really had to scan em first, in case
I screwed it all up. These are mostly just for Hugh, but if anyone is interested, there you go. NOT SURE the
aircraft, but it sure looks like its set up for refueling. If he wasn't LONG GONE, I would ask him. A little poking
around seems to indicate KC-97s....SAC seems to have taken delivery of their first KC-97s in 1951, and that
makes these planes practically brand new in these photos.

OLS 06-29-2013 08:23 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This is one that is a REAL trip...obviously not taken by my dad, lol, scrounged of the net, but you talk about juxtaposition.
These are Texas ANG A-10s and their KC-97s. End of one era, start of another..

And here is the old man in Goose Bay Labrador....this was a place where the USAF was stationed to
make for the easiest, shortest, landfall in North America from Europe. I guess flying over water is no
fun, they want to get over land ASAP...

How they get around in Goose bay.....

My dad's Team....Nina, Pinta and Santa maria, lol....

MrClean 06-30-2013 12:18 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Ready to eat by Jeff Carroll01, on Flickr
Shoes, total happiness by Jeff Carroll01, on Flickr
I wish I was this excited about anything :r

OLS 06-30-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Dammit, I hate to post something right now, I KNOW that my pics are gonna put Taryn's party pics on a previous page.
So I guess I will do the bulk of this post tomorrow. But what I wanted to do was to show how freaking unbelievable
this Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 lens is. I have never experienced something like this, a big old long lens, but still so fast I can
hand hold it. And used to boot, in scratched up condition on the outside, but perfect where it counts, in the glass,
picked up for a song, basically. I'd spent so much on crap, that I almost cancelled this order, I did not need to spend
money right now. but I couldn't find a single bad thing said about it online. Glad I rode out the worry. Super sharp,
even hand-held. I know there are lots of lenses out there that are fast and long, but I sure never had one, and I damn
sure will never own one new. I hate to admit it, as superbly skilled as I am, :r, I am probably a hobbyist for life.
I have to leave the $2000 lenses for the hoi polloi

OLS 07-01-2013 06:38 AM

Re: Photography Thread
What do you do when you wake up on a day that should be 80 at 7am and find that it is about 66 degrees?
Head for the place where every creature is as surprised and determined to get outside and enjoy it as you are...


OLS 07-01-2013 06:40 AM

Re: Photography Thread

MrClean 07-01-2013 07:45 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Brad, that lens is a keeper for sure! No worries about bumping her pics back a page, she's been the center of attention for far too long anyway. :r

OLS 07-01-2013 07:51 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by MrClean (Post 1856154)
No worries about bumping her pics back a page, she's been the center of attention for far too long anyway. :r

Its out of respect for my fellow posters...MANY times on these large image-heavy threads,
I have posted a comment and had relevant stuff be bumped to a has-been page while my single
smart-a55 comment is the first thing on a new page. It takes the viewing of items intended for the
enjoyment of others to second-class status in one shot. Only the people intent on seeing what
they missed usually ever go back several pages and see that stuff. The majority of people look at
the last page and move on. Watch, I bet this comment ends up being the first one on a new page, lol....

As far as the lens is concerned, I know photographers of skill and means would look at the pics and
say, "you call THAT sharp?...its KINDA sharp, but nothing like you can get with XYZ lens." I have to
keep stressing that I began this DSLR journey intending to only buy the cheapest body I could get,
and only taking used lenses that were basically being given away. And the main reason I am so knocked
out is the price, yes, but the fact that I had to focus it manually, WITH MY OLD EYES, and against all
odds, hand held, I could still get a shot that looks as good as those do. THAT is why I can't stop talking
about it, lol. You can take a great photo with any camera or lens, obviously, but as much as I did not
want to ever admit it, there IS a difference with a well-designed, no compromises lens. I am just happy to
have at least one, and now two, that I can be proud of, and mostly stole em, lol.

This is my favorite thread. There are only a few of us here, but we keep it interesting. I appreciate
all the sharing everyone does. It's "what's in your smoker" without the meat.

emopunker2004 07-02-2013 05:31 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Love that tiger picture brad

OLS 07-02-2013 06:10 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1856547)
Love that tiger picture brad

The bass terds NEVER get up during business hours, they lie in one spot all day.
When this cool morning came, I knew I had to go to the zoo, but it was an extra bonus
when I came to the enclosure first and saw all three walking around. The White
Tiger quickly took it's spot, then the Melanistic cross tiger took it's spot, and only
the Big Bengal stayed up, and he swam, and he paced, and he swam and he shook and
he paced and he swam some more. It was a treat. Another treat was the friction between
the Bengal and the Melanistic cross-bred, everytime the bengal passed the other, the
MC-B tiger got low, flattened his ears and ROARED at the Bengal...this happened 10
times while I was there, and it was easy to warn the kids standing there, "Watch what is
about to happen in the corner over there, the Tiger is gonna roar." When it happened,
all the kids squealed with delight, especially for having been warned to see it happen
as it happened, not to look over after the fact. That was cool.

Congratulations on the sweeping Canon victory today, with the specs on the new Canon 70D.
If y ou don't know the specs, here is the long version. ALL CROSS-TYPE AF sensor array,
that's impressive, as are the rest of the specs, and the price is right, too.

I have a great photo of the cross-bred tiger, but it is not on my flash drive.
I'll pop it up later.

Blak Smyth 07-02-2013 06:54 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Brad all those moldy airforce pictures are amazing, I prefer them dirty.
Thank you for sharing them.

OLS 07-02-2013 07:09 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1856564)
Brad all those moldy airforce pictures are amazing, I prefer them dirty.
Thank you for sharing them.

I have some that I took back in the early 80s, F-4s, B-52s and KC-135s that I will post later in the month.
Kinda boring though, End of Runway kind of shots, but I was quite surprised to see them in my family's
slide collection. I do not recall shooting slide film back then. My mother must have stored them for me
without my knowledge. When I scanned the entire box of slides for her last month, I was all :confused: :sh :)

Blak Smyth 07-02-2013 07:13 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1856569)
I have some that I took back in the early 80s, F-4s, B-52s and KC-135s that I will post later in the month.
Kinda boring though, End of Runway kind of shots, but I was quite surprised to see them in my family's
slide collection. I do not recall shooting slide film back then. My mother must have stored them for me
without my knowledge. When I scanned the entire box of slides for her last month, I was all :confused: :sh :)

Nice surprise :tu

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