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Mr B 01-20-2010 05:37 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Very nice shots Mugen910.

Mugen910 01-20-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Thanks Mr. B

I recently read somewhere that when doing a photo with a water reflection that you should focus on the water and it somehow brings out the picture...have you tried/done this?

longknocker 01-20-2010 07:04 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 726316)
Greg Those look much better. Only one comment. Ditch the dates. they are already embedded in the pictures metadata.


I use this. along with the shop lights. Cheap and effective.

This one takes longer but also works well

Thanks, Brother!:) The "Mrs". Likes It, But I Prefer It Off, Myself. Is It Easy To Turn on & Off?

Roland of Gilead 01-20-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Goofin' with the macro lens again...


McSmokey 01-20-2010 08:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Love Macro Shots... Haven't had time to play lately having to get everything ready for the hospital on Tuesday!! :D

Steve 01-20-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Roland of Gilead (Post 727703)

Nice, 2 of my favorite things...maps and compasses

Wolfgang 01-20-2010 08:16 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 727656)
Thanks, Brother!:) The "Mrs". Likes It, But I Prefer It Off, Myself. Is It Easy To Turn on & Off?

Yes. D5000 right?

Menu -> custom settings -> shooting/display -> Date imprint -> off

That should take care of the pesky numbers.

Steve 01-20-2010 08:18 PM

Re: Photography Thread
My daughter is really interested in art and has been looking at some of my old images that I shot when I a shooter (back in the day before digital). Lately she has been grabbing our little DPAS and today she snapped this:

Not as high quality as other images in this thread, but I was impressed with the composition, especially from a 10 year old who is just starting to pick up on this stuff and who didn't have any coaching.

She has an eye, and exposure can be taught!

McSmokey 01-20-2010 08:27 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Definitely some Natural talent shining through at such a young age

longknocker 01-21-2010 04:05 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 727803)
Yes. D5000 right?

Menu -> custom settings -> shooting/display -> Date imprint -> off

That should take care of the pesky numbers.

Thanks, Brother!:tu

longknocker 01-21-2010 04:11 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by steve (Post 727805)
My daughter is really interested in art and has been looking at some of my old images that I shot when I a shooter (back in the day before digital). Lately she has been grabbing our little DPAS and today she snapped this:

Not as high quality as other images in this thread, but I was impressed with the composition, especially from a 10 year old who is just starting to pick up on this stuff and who didn't have any coaching.

She has an eye, and exposure can be taught!

Very Nice, Steve!:tu

Mugen910 01-21-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Def a great eye Steve...very nice photo.

Salvelinus 01-21-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Photography Thread
One of my current favorites.

Wolfgang 01-21-2010 07:41 PM

Re: Photography Thread

B&W for photo class.

McSmokey 01-21-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Very Nice I love the contrast of B&W

Wolfgang 01-21-2010 07:54 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This same picture was taken on film for my class. I am still in the learning phase with film so i get all my settings dialed in digitally then I bracket my film shots. I will have physical negs of these next Tuesday.

kenstogie 01-22-2010 01:36 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Not sure why I like these shots but I do.

McSmokey 01-22-2010 02:19 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 729035)
This same picture was taken on film for my class. I am still in the learning phase with film so i get all my settings dialed in digitally then I bracket my film shots. I will have physical negs of these next Tuesday.

Sweet!! After the kiddo gets here and everything settles down I'm gonna make use of my negative scanner on printer and scan in all my old negatives from school... should be some interesting stuff in there to post

Mugen910 01-22-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread guys carry a tripod, small pocket pod, or nothing?

McSmokey 01-22-2010 03:25 PM

Re: Photography Thread
used to carry a small pocket pod but it broke :( getting ready to purchase full size carbon tripod with pistol grip instead of handle bar :D

Wolfgang 01-22-2010 07:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread
1960's Slik aluminum tripod tribar head. I love it! I am looking into updating so I can return the tripod to its rightful owner (GF's mom)

Here is what ill be going with.

Overdoing it? Maybe. The head adds height to the overall pod which is what I want. I am not afraid to pay extra for something that will last as long as my current pod. 40 years

Mugen910 01-22-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Photography Thread
My thing is more of when there a fine line between sacrificing a really nice picture setup by carrying around just a few accessories and carrying a lot (tripod, extra lenses, and batteries to lug)

Roland of Gilead 01-22-2010 07:45 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 730448) guys carry a tripod, small pocket pod, or nothing?

I don't carry a tri-pod unless I'm going someplace specifically to shoot photos. Usually, the camera and lenses are enough.


Mugen910 01-22-2010 07:47 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Roland of Gilead (Post 730768)
I don't carry a tri-pod unless I'm going someplace specifically to shoot photos. Usually, the camera and lenses are enough.


There was a few times I wish I had a tripod with me during my last trip but then I forget how much I enjoy traveling as light as possible. Though I didn't know about bean bags..that might have helped with a few shots that needed longer exposures.

Wolfgang 01-22-2010 07:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Wherever I go I bring my bag.

18-55 Kit
55-200 vr
50 1.8
Sb 600
0.18X fisheye

2 rolls each of 100, 400, 3200 34mm film

Sensor swabs & E2
lens cloths
R2 filter
8pt cross
Circular polarizer

2 CR123 batteries
4 AA's

And I carry my pod like a club.....

So Im a mule. I never find myself wishing I had something.

Roland of Gilead 01-22-2010 07:53 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 730772)
Wherever I go I bring my bag.

18-55 Kit
55-200 vr
50 1.8
Sb 600
0.18X fisheye

2 rolls each of 100, 400, 3200 34mm film

Sensor swabs & E2
lens cloths
R2 filter
8pt cross
Circular polarizer

2 CR123 batteries
4 AA's

And I carry my pod like a club.....

So Im a mule. I never find myself wishing I had something.

What are these "rolls" of "film" you speak of?


The Professor 01-22-2010 07:55 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Snapped this today after I taught my undergrad class. Such a beautiful day ... I'm surprised converting it to B&W was the right move (it really was).

Wolfgang 01-22-2010 07:56 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Im taking a darkroom class Shooting in B&W going back to the roots of photography to better understand the art. I also use a Nikon FG-20 and an EM.

Wolfgang 01-22-2010 07:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 730779)
Snapped this today after I taught my undergrad class. Such a beautiful day ... I'm surprised converting it to B&W was the right move (it really was).

Awesome tonal range. :tu

Definitely a keeper

Wolfgang 01-24-2010 10:55 PM

Re: Photography Thread
everyone must be out shooting this thread has died :-(

kgoings 01-25-2010 05:44 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 733488)
everyone must be out shooting this thread has died :-(

Nope just playing with new toys! I got a new AB800, a couple umbrellas, and a High Output Beauty Dish (White). Been toying with studio lighting. I couldnt afford two lights so I have been doing single light and reflector stuff. Still not getting the results I am shooting for, but some nice lighting :tu

Wolfgang 01-25-2010 09:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Night photo of the Ritz.

McSmokey 01-25-2010 09:41 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Nice :tu

After tomorrow I should have pictures of Baby McSmokey to Post WOOT going in for induction at 5 AM wish us luck

Wolfgang 01-25-2010 09:46 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Good luck Justin. With the baby too ;)

pennjones 01-25-2010 11:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread
That's a beautiful shot of the Ritz! Are you shooting from the park right by the fountain?

I have had a Canon Elan 7ne that has been sitting in my closet for months now. I used ot love shooting with that thing, but film seems like it's so hard to get and develop now. Up north I had a dark room to work with, but down here, nada.

Wolfgang 01-25-2010 11:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Yep just past the fountain. Took the same picture in BW 100speed film Im developing it tomorrow. Lets hope I dont screw it up. :-/

Do you still have your darkroom equipment?

pennjones 01-25-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Nope, never had my own darkroom. I lived in Morgantown, WV and used WVU's photography school's darkroom. I knew the professor from when I went there and he let me use the room as long as I kicked in for supplies and wasn't there during class hours. Summers were always nice, no students.

LockOut 01-26-2010 12:48 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 734991)

level out the horizon (easy to do in ps) Sorry it drives me nuts when landscapes are crooked. Otherwise great shot, love the way the water turned out.

longknocker 01-26-2010 04:17 AM

Re: Photography Thread
And I Thought It Was Just My Old Eyes!:r

kenstogie 01-26-2010 06:27 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I too really like the shot I believe picassa has a straigtening tool.

Any flash recommendations for my T1i?

The Professor 01-26-2010 06:50 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 735224)
I too really like the shot I believe picassa has a straigtening tool.

Any flash recommendations for my T1i?

Yes: Canon Speedlight 430EX II or 580EX II. You're buying about a week late, though -- they just ended a decent instant rebate on those flashes. Still ... you can get them from Amazon, B&H, Adorama, or used over at PotN or FM.

If you can afford it, there are a lot of reasons to get the 580. If you want something slightly more portable, get the 430. They're both good flashes; but the 580 is more feature-rich.

kenstogie 01-26-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 735241)
Yes: Canon Speedlight 430EX II or 580EX II. You're buying about a week late, though -- they just ended a decent instant rebate on those flashes. Still ... you can get them from Amazon, B&H, Adorama, or used over at PotN or FM.

If you can afford it, there are a lot of reasons to get the 580. If you want something slightly more portable, get the 430. They're both good flashes; but the 580 is more feature-rich.

Is the 580 worth the extra scratch??

Mugen910 01-26-2010 09:44 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 733488)
everyone must be out shooting this thread has died :-(


The Professor 01-26-2010 09:53 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 735388)
Is the 580 worth the extra scratch??

It is if you want something more future-proof. It has a longer range/is more powerful. It has more features in terms of angles and such. It can be used as a master in a multi-flash situation ... and it can be used off camera by itself.

"Worth the extra scratch" is relative ... and totally dependent on your intended usage.

King James 01-26-2010 10:06 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 735456)
It is if you want something more future-proof. It has a longer range/is more powerful. It has more features in terms of angles and such. It can be used as a master in a multi-flash situation ... and it can be used off camera by itself.

"Worth the extra scratch" is relative ... and totally dependent on your intended usage.

580 is a great flash, It is especially useful at work for me because if I ever have to use a full dump on it, the recharge is much better than the older 430 or 550 flashes. However, if I'm not mistaken the new 430 can sync with other flashes as well as be used off camera as the 580 is capable of.

I don't know that you will encounter too many situations in which the 430 would be incapable of something and you would absolutely need the 580 (not knowing what you do) but if it is in the right price range, the 580 does have some benefits and perks as Darrel pointed out

The Professor 01-26-2010 10:15 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by King James (Post 735472)
580 is a great flash, It is especially useful at work for me because if I ever have to use a full dump on it, the recharge is much better than the older 430 or 550 flashes. However, if I'm not mistaken the new 430 can sync with other flashes as well as be used off camera as the 580 is capable of.

I don't know that you will encounter too many situations in which the 430 would be incapable of something and you would absolutely need the 580 (not knowing what you do) but if it is in the right price range, the 580 does have some benefits and perks as Darrel pointed out

I think the 430EX II can be used as a "slave" in a 2+ off-camera configuration; but the 580 is needed as the master. I like the 430; but I sometimes wish I had the 580 for the further reach, ease of use, and improved focus assist.

Either way, be sure you get the updated models (EX II) because they have improved recharge speeds, better build quality, and other general cool improvements over the old models.

Oh ... and go over to :D

King James 01-26-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Photography Thread
I'm there... its like a chore to read everything (although in a good way) because there is so much posted each day that you cannot keep up with it.

I use an older 550 at work which holds up pretty well, but they also have some 430s that suck ass for recharge time and just don't have the chops to give you the light needed in some situations.

However, we are switching over to new 50Ds which are sweeeeeet. The live view feature is pretty awesome

The Professor 01-26-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by King James (Post 735478)
I'm there... its like a chore to read everything (although in a good way) because there is so much posted each day that you cannot keep up with it.

I use an older 550 at work which holds up pretty well, but they also have some 430s that suck ass for recharge time and just don't have the chops to give you the light needed in some situations.

However, we are switching over to new 50Ds which are sweeeeeet. The live view feature is pretty awesome


Sorry, Jim ... I was telling kenstogie to go over there. I knew you were there from a conversation we had a loooooong time ago. I'm "Dokk" over there, btw.

I've never used the old 430s; but the new one I have has *awesome* recharge time. With good batteries, I can do a 7 shot burst and it flashes every time. :tu

Mmmmm ... 50Ds. I wouldn't mind one of those. Higher on my list, though: 5D or 5D MkII. :dr

King James 01-26-2010 11:02 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by The Professor (Post 735495)

Sorry, Jim ... I was telling kenstogie to go over there. I knew you were there from a conversation we had a loooooong time ago. I'm "Dokk" over there, btw.

I've never used the old 430s; but the new one I have has *awesome* recharge time. With good batteries, I can do a 7 shot burst and it flashes every time. :tu

Mmmmm ... 50Ds. I wouldn't mind one of those. Higher on my list, though: 5D or 5D MkII. :dr

40 or 50D with e2n battery grip makes it sorta feel like a Mk (awesome purchase for shooting more comfortably in portrait)

The Professor 01-26-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by King James (Post 735525)
40 or 50D with e2n battery grip makes it sorta feel like a Mk (awesome purchase for shooting more comfortably in portrait)

Word. I've got a grip on my T1i, which helps *a lot* ... especially when there's heavy glass on it. :D

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